Chapter 3

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"Where is Race?" Spot asked sitting down at the lunch table between Jack and Mush.

"I don't know. He goes wherever he wants to," Mush answered while pushing his peas around on his plate.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching him," questioned Spot.

"Why should I," Mush said.

"Because he is your brother," Jack said from the other side of Spot.

"Correction he's my foster brother, no blood relation," Mush explained, "There for I am not responsible for him."

"Race was right," Spot said before dumping his tray and walking out into the courtyard scanning the groups of kids in search of the boy who he had kissed earlier. Spot jumped as a hand was laid on his shoulder.

"Find him yet?" Jack asked.

"No, not yet. Let's spread out," Spot said before he went one way and Jack went the other making a circle around the courtyard.

"Spot, look!" Jack said running over to Spot with something in his hand. Jack opened his hand to reveal two small devices that Spot would recognize anywhere, Race's hearing-aids. "We have to tell Mush. He's the only other one who knows sign language."

"Ya, let's find him," Spot said. The boy ran back into the cafeteria to their normal table. "Mush! Race is missing!"

"What do you mean?" Mush question.

"These," Jack proclaimed setting the hearing aids in front of Mush.

"These are Race's, you can tell because of the oval drawn here on the back," Mush explained, "It's a racetrack."

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