Chapter 4

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The group spread out all over the school in search of the boy who could not hear them yelling his name.

Spot and Jack ran by the auditorium doors, to hear the sound of a piano being played, which was unusual for this time of the day. "Do you think?" Jack asked.

"It might be," Spot mumbled. The two slowly snuck into the auditorium and were surprised to see that Race was indeed sitting at the grand piano that sat in the middle of the stage. The two watched as his fingers practical flew over the keys and struck them in an order that filled the room with a bright tune.

"How can he do that?" Spot pointed out, "He can't hear what he is playing?"

"I don't know? I'm going to go get the rest of the group," Jack decreed before running out of the room. Slowly Spot walked down the side of the room and up onto the stage as Race finished a song. Spot tapped him lightly on the shoulder which caused him to tip his head back to look at Spot, and when he saw him a smile erupted on his face.

He scooted over on the bench and patted the seat beside him, telling Spot to sit. Spot sat beside Race and made the motion of playing the piano with his own fingers and then pointed to Race. Race smiled while nodding his head yes. Spot tapped his ear where Race's hearing aids would sit. Shaking his head no Race pointed to his temple meaning he could play by memorization.

Spot sat and watched as Race's fingers moved over the keys and played another song. When Race had finished Spot took the opportunity. Spot turned Race's face towards his before softly place his lips on Race's. Spot could feel that Race was smiling and not trying to laugh. Eventually, Race's hands found the back of Spot's neck at the bottom of his hairline, as Race's fingers messed with his hair.

Spot swung his leg over to the other side of the piano bench and lifted Race up as Race locked his legs around Spot's abdomen. Spot ended up with his legs crossed and arms around Race's waist, as Race sat on his lap.

Their moment was ruined by Jack flying back into the auditorium, "Spot! I found the- Oh god... I left you for five minutes... no, stay in the hallway... I'll let you finish." By now Race was turned around by Spot's attention being pulled from their kiss and onto Jack. Spot lifted Race off of his lap and stood him on the ground, as Spot stood up Race picked up his backpack from beside the piano.

The two walked out into the hallway to find their friends all sitting against the wall.

"Have fun?" Jack teased, causing Race to turn red and hide his face in Spot's arm.

"As a matter of the fact, yes Jack I did have fun," Spot responded as Mush stood up and handed Spot Race's hearing aids. Spot moved Race's head to his chest as he placed the hearing aids in and over Race's ears. Race's hands quickly flew to his ears and turned down the dials for the volume.

"Don't want to go deaf," Race laughed, which caused the rest of the group who was now on their feet to laugh as well.

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