Chapter 5

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After school Spot went to football practice but was surprised when he noticed Race wasn't on the bleachers. Truth be told he hadn't seen the blonde boy since after lunch.

"Mush!" Spot yelled running across the field to where his friends were all at, "Where's Race? It's too hot for him to be in the car."

"He said he had to do something after school," Mush said.

"Did he get detention?" Jack asked.

"He better not have or else mom with slaughter him," Mush said.

The conversation was ended by the sound of coaches whistle. It was clearly evident that Spot's focus wasn't on practice, and it only got worse when Race didn't appear on the bleachers. By the end of practice, the whole group had begun to worry. They raced back inside the school and spread out.

Spot automatically ran to the auditorium but was surprised when he walked inside and the lights were all off. But his attention soon switched to his phone as it buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a text from Romeo in their group chat: Found him. Meet me in the commons.

Spot took off to the commons and met the rest of the group. "Romeo where is he?" Spot questioned.

"Follow me," Romeo said before leading the group out of the commons. They headed down the hallway until they heard the sound of singing. Eventually, they ended up at the door of the choir room and looked through the glass to see a group of kids huddled around a piano singing as Race was sat playing the piano. The bench Race was sat at was being shared with a boy as a crutch leaned against the wall beside him.

Race was trying not to laugh as Davey made face at him from the other side of the piano. Jojo lightly hit Dave's head causing the whole group to break into giggles.

"David!" Medda yelled walking out of her office and into the main room. "That is it for practice tonight."

Race and Crutchie sat at the piano as everyone around the room grabbed their bags. "So how do you do it?" Crutchie asked.

"Do what?" Race replied perplexed.

Crutchie started to push a few of the keys in random order. "How do you play the piano?"

"Here do what I do," Race said while playing a chord. Crutchie played the same chord an octave or few higher. The two continued as Race switch chords and Crutchie copied them.

"Race," Medda called causing the boys to look up at the woman at the other end of the piano. "I would just like to thank you for playing for us today. I didn't know you played until I saw you playing during lunch today. You are more than welcome to come and play with us any day."

"I can come most days. My foster brother is on the football team, usually I read a book, but this is way more fun than reading books," Race said while standing up.

"Oh, the football team," Medda said surprised.

"Is there a problem with that?" Race questioned.

"It's just that the arts programs and sports don't get along very well. If you ever need to escape them just come here, someone is usually in the room if not well you are more than welcome to the room," Medda said while picking up Crutchie's backpack, "Crutch head to the car I'll be there in a minute."

"Crutchie lives with you?" Race asked as soon as Crutchie was out the door.

"Yes, Race. Crutchie is my adopted son. You said you're a foster child, right?" Medda asked as Race nodded his head yes. "If you ever need somewhere to go my house is always open." Medda handed Race a piece of paper. "On there you will find my address and phone number along with Crutchie's. If you need anything call, ok?"

"Ok, and thanks for letting me play today," Race said while picking up his backpack.

"I look forward to having you do it again," Medda said before Race stepped out into the hallway.

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