Chapter 12

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"Did they get him?" Spot asks as soon as the final horn of the game buzzes.

"Spot, we will go look in a minute ok?" Mush says as the team heads for the locker room.

Spot sat in the locker room with his leg bouncing in anticipation of seeing if Race's friends had got him out. Jack put his hand on top Spot's knee to try and contain some of the bouncings. As soon as coach broke the meeting that whole gang was heading toward the music wing of the school.

"Race!" Spot yelled opening the doors to the choir room, "Race?"

Spot was confused to find that the whole choir room was deserted. It looked as if no had been in at all the night. Which Spot knew was a lie because the marching band hang out in here, after games, but not tonight. Tonight there was no one in the one room, the room where Race was supposed to be.

"Where is he?" Spot asked turning around to look at Mush, who looked just as confused as Spot.

"They were supposed to get him and then come here and wait for us," Mush said, "That's what the kid with the crutches said anyways."

"Then where is he then!" Spot yelled getting angry.

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