Chapter 14

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Saturday night Mush came home with the rest of his friends trailing him. "You just missed, Race," Mrs. Meyers said from the kitchen.

"What?" Spot said quickly walking to the kitchen with everyone following him, "Race was here?"

"Yes, he left about an hour ago after he collected his things from his room," She said while drying a dish.

"His things from his room? Why would he do that, he's not leaving is he?" Mush said confused on why Race would have emptied out his room.

"You'll still see him at school silly. Anthony is getting adopted," she said.

"Adopted? By who?" Jack asked.

"By this nice Medda, lady. Apparently, she has another adopted son Race's age, Charlie. Turns out they met in choir. Marshall, you didn't tell me Anthony sang," Mr. Meyers chastized.

"He doesn't he plays piano for the choir during their afternoon practice while we're all at football practice," Mush explains.

"Well at least he's making friends," She laughed, "Now you boys behave I don't want to have to clean the whole house, like last time."

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