Chapter 10

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Race had no idea how long he had been here, they'd moved him next to pipe on the wall and handcuffed his ankle to the pipe.

"What does Spot see in you?" Quincy asked sitting in front of Race.

"What do you mean?" Race questioned back messing with the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

"He's the star quarterback. He could have any girl or boy that he wanted, and yet he chose you, why?" Quincy asked.

"Because I didn't want him in the beginning?" Race said quietly.

"Why, not," Quincy encouraged.

"I don't feel like I deserve to be loved," Race mumbled pulling his hood over his head.

"And why is that," Quincy pressed.

"Because I don't Quincy. I'm a foster kid. I move from house to house almost monthly. I've been with Mush's family for four weeks, that means I have about one to two left before I move away and have to start over. A new family, new school, new friends. No one really loves me," Race said, "Spot says he loves me but I know he doesn't. He loves the thought of saving someone. If he really loved me I would be out of here by now."


Race woke up on the floor to find his hands being tied together with rope.

"Good afternoon Racer," Quincy chuckled tying the knot.

"It's afternoon? What day is it?" Race asked as Quincy uncuffed his ankle and began to tie his legs together with a different piece of rope.

"It's Friday, Race," Quincy answered finishing tying the knot.

"How long have I been here?" Race questioned before Quincy slipped a rolled up bandana between his teeth.

"Three days," Quincy said tying another bandana over Race's eyes. Quincy then turned off Race's hearing aids leaving him blind in more than one ways to the world.

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