Chapter 13

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Race sat in Crutchie's room on his bed staring at his hands as Medda walked into the room, "Race, you need to go back to Mush's house."

"I don't want to face them," Race mudders to himself not looking at Medda.

"Face who, Race?" She asks pulling a chair over to sit in front of the young boy.

"Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. Medda it's that time of being a foster kid when the family decides that 'Yep this was a fun experience and we learned a lot about you, but now we don't want you around anymore.' It's always the hardest part of being a foster kid," Race explains looking up at Medda.

"Race, I have a proposition for you," Medda said, "You know I adopted Crutchie out of the system right?"

Race looks at her confused not knowing where this conversation is headed, "Yes."

"How would you feel if I asked to adopt you as well?" She said watching the emotions flow over Race.

"You want to adopt me?" Race asks confused, "Why would you want to adopt me?"

"Race you need a sense of home and stability. What you have now with switching homes, families, schools every month. That is not stability at all. I want to help give you that, we have an extra bedroom that could be yours. Crutchie would become your step-brother," Medda explains.

"I've never had anything like that," Race says looking at Medda with hope in his eye, "Would you really do that for me?"

"Race, I'd do that for anyone of you kids," She says, "So is it ok for me to adopt you?"

"Ya, it is," He answers, "But all my stuff is at Mush's house."

"Is there a time when we can go get it tomorrow?" Medda asks causing Race to try to remember the schedule that Mush and the rest of the boys run on. It should be the weekend that they spend at Spot's house if he remembers correctly.

"We should be able to go tomorrow morning," He answers.

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