Chapter 8

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The football boys were sat outside the Choir room waiting for Race like they had been doing for a while now but were surprised when Ms. Medda walked out of the room with Crutchie following her. She stopped in the hallway for the first time getting a good look at the football players that took care of Race.

Spot stood up slowly looking between Medda and the Choir room where the lights were now off. "Where's Race?" Mush slowly push himself off the floor and stood beside Spot as Jack set his hands on Spot's shoulders.

"He wasn't here today for practice," Medda said carefully choosing her words.

"Race said he forgot something in his locker on the way here. He went back to get it and never showed up for practice. I thought he went with you," Crutchie said softly from behind Medda.

"I haven't seen him since this morning when I told him to have a good day. That was after I kissed him outside his science class like every day," Spot sputtered, "I don't usually see him until after school because our schedules conflict so much."

"Would he walk home?" Medda asked.

"Usually I take him home or he goes to Spot's house for a while and then Spot brings him home. It's too far for him to walk," Mush said.

"Should we check his locker? Maybe he left a note?" Crutchie questioned already hobbling down the hallway. The group headed to Race's locker but was surprised to find there was a piece of paper attached to the front.

Spot pulled the paper from the locker and read the note inside


Sean Conlon, Marshall Meyers, Jack Kelly, Samuel Hills, Rowan Shore, Blaize Ross & Spencer Joe

By now you may have noticed that a certain blonde haired and blue eyed boy is missing. For the time being, he is with us.


Quincy Park

Quincy Park, that was a name Spot knew. Quincy was the quarterback for their rival high school that they were playing this week for homecoming. Quincy had him, he had Spot's ball of sunshine, in this cruel world. Quincy had Race.

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