Chapter 9

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Race woke up trying to reach for his bedside table for his hearing aids, only to realize that his hands were tied behind himself, his hearing aids were still in his ears, and he was sat upright in a chair.

"So this is Sean's boy," an unknown voice called as the lights in the room were flipped on blinding Race. After Race vision cleared he noticed there was more than just himself in the room. Quincy was squatted down in front of Race looking at the blonde boy.

"Who are you?" Race asked looking at the dark haired boy with green eyes that was in front of him.

Quincy slowly walked around Race running his hands through the blonde curls and then was surprised to find the small blue devices that were hidden under the curls. "What do we have here?"Quincy traces the devices that wrap around Race's ears and the small part that enters the ear.

"Don't touch those," Race said turning his head away from Quincy's hands.

Quincy walks back in front of Race and squats once again so the two are eye level. "Are you deaf?"

"Yes, now can I go home. Mush has to be worried sick," Race said.

"Mush? You mean Marshal. Now, why would Marshal be worried about you? Your Sean's boy," Quincy asked. Maybe there was more to this blonde boy then they knew.

"Mush is my foster brother and Spot is my boyfriend. Now I have to get home," Race said struggling against the ropes that held him in place.

Quincy's face was soon covered with surprised. "Oh, Marshal is your brother."

"Foster brother," Race said. At this time Quincy's phone rang. Quincy smirked when looking at who was calling him, Sean Conlon.

"Hello Sean," Quincy said standing up as Race's filled with hope and surprise.

"Quincy, give me Race back," Spot yelled into the phone.

"Race, that's a weird name. What's his full name," Quincy questioned while running a hand through Race's curls.

"Don't touch me!" Race yelled ducking his head out of Quincy's grasp.

"Race!" Spot yelled causing Quincy to pull the phone away from his ear and place it next to Race's.

"Spot," Race said slowly hoping it was his boyfriend on the other side.

"Anthony," Spots said happy to just hear the voice of his boyfriend, "Babe, I'm coming to get you, ok. Do you know where you're at?"

"No. Spot I'm tied to a chair and there's this guy," Race said.

"Race that's Quincy. I know you're scared but I need you to keep calm. I'll be there as soon as I can," Spot said into the phone trying to keep Race calm. "I love you Anth, don't forget that, ok. I need you to be strong for me."

"I'm gonna try, and I love you too, please hurry," Race cried before Quincy pulled the phone away from Race's ear and ending the call.

"Race, Anthony, Anth, am I missing any other ones," Quincy asked now back in front of Race.

"Two actually. Racetrack and Higgins," Race said smirking at Quincy.

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