Chapter 7

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Race was sitting on the piano bench in the choir room reading a book, while Smalls and Davey were messing around on their phones while lying under the piano. Crutchie was highlighting music when Jojo ran in the room, "David!"

David groaned sticking his head out from under the piano looking at Jojo. "Not again." Race looked at Jojo confused.

"You know what week it is!" Jojo screamed causing Race to quickly put his hands over his hearing aids to silence the sounds.

"I don't care. I went through this last year and the year before," David said running to one of the soundproof practice rooms locking the door behind himself.

Race looked at Jojo as the boy messed up Crutchie's hair. "I'm confused what week is it?"

"It's Homecoming week!" Jojo yelled running over to Race.

Race shut his book and set it on the covered piano keys. "Home what?"

"Homecoming," Smalls said as she crawled out from under the piano. "It's a weird school tradition where we celebrate all week by dressing up, and then on Friday after the football game we have a dance in the gym."

"Why?" Race asks.

"I don't know," Smalls answers while sitting beside Crutchie on the risers.


Race laughed while walking down the hallway with Crutchie after school on the Wednesday of Homecoming week heading to the choir room. Race stopped suddenly, "Hang on I forgot something I will meet you there."

"Ok," Crutchie said continuing down the hall as Race ran back to his locker. Race ran around a corner and was stopped as a rag was pressed against his mouth and nose. Race trying to get out of the grip of whoever was holding him but soon failed as his eyes started to close without his control.

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