- Chapter 1 -

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"I got Nico Robin!"

Let's take a moment and enjoy the beautiful picture ^^^ (credits: M1kasa1 on Pinterest)

Now let's start the story, shall we?

I shut off my blaring alarm and rub my eyes, waking up from a full night's sleep. I lay staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before I sit up on my bed and look at my phone. I quickly check my email to see if there's anything interesting...which there isn't. I put my phone down and groan, standing up to get ready for the day.

The day goes by pretty quickly. It's a normal Monday, so I have a few assignments for my college classes, but that's about it. I'm almost 19, and it's my first year in college. (Sorry, this is new lol.)

I finish my assignments and become bored. I decide to text my friends and ask if they would like to come over. They respond back with "sure" and say they're on their way. In a few minutes they arrive at my house. We catch up and laugh a lot.

"So, Y/N. Have you auditioned for anything recently?" My friend, Cali, asks.

"Uh...actually yes. I auditioned for Nico Robin in One Piece...you know how obsessed I am with that show," I smile.

"YES! Knew you would audition if you could," Cali responds.

"When are you supposed to hear about the results?" Kate, my other friend, asks.

I think for a moment. "I think I'm supposed to hear about it really soon if I get it. I'm not expecting much, though. One Piece is crazy popular."

"Yeah...you're probably delusional to think you'll be able to meet Iñakiii," Cali teases, absolutely butchering his name. Kate starts playing along.

"Oh, rightttt. Iñakiii," Kate teases along.

I roll my eyes at them and shake my head. "That phase has passed, thank you very much," while putting emphasis on the "passed."

"We're just playing," Cali says.

"What!? I'm not!" Kate says. Cali and I laugh.

"Moving on...what do you guys wanna do?" I ask.

"Let's watch One Piece so we can see Y/N's crush in action," Kate teases once again and laughs.

"Kill yourself."

When we finally find a movie to watch...

The three of us relax on the couch while we watch the movie. Kate and Cali have very different movie tastes then I do, so I get bored and pull out my phone. I look at Snapchat quick then look at my email. I notice a certain one that pops out at me. I open it and what I see causes me to say this...

"HOLY F*CKING SH*T!" I scream, causing Kate and Cali to look at me as if I should be in a mental hospital.


"I'M NICO ROBIN!" I exclaim excitedly with a huge smile spreading across my face as I look at the email with bright eyes.

"HOLY F*CKING SH*T!" Cali and Kate say. They come up to my side to look at the email.

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