- Chapter 8 -

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^^ picture from its_saikichi on Pinterest (he's looking at me btw)

"Not many people even meet their celebrity crushes...then there's you almost kissing yours."


"Right on time! Thanks again!" I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door. I almost get up before I feel Iñaki gently grab my arm.

"Wait...come here..." he says in a soft, deep voice. I sit fully back down and go closer to him. He lets go of my arm and looks deeply into my eyes.

Hey, butterflies. Nice to meet ya.

Now go away.

He leans closer to me and flicks his eyes down to my lips.

I said go away.

He looks back to my eyes.

"You have something in your teeth," he says with a smirk. I pull myself away from him and I quickly get out of the car.

"Hate you!" I yell back at him. I slam the door and put my middle finger up in his direction while I walked off.

After getting the rental car...

I sit down in the car I'll have for the coming months. I like it. It's similar to the one I have back home.

Then suddenly, as if my brain was trying to play a trick on me...

I started to think about what happened in the car with Iñaki.

Why did I want him to-


I push the thought out of my brain, and start driving. I'm glad to have a car now; I'll actually be able to go places more efficiently.

It's about 4pm now...so I look up what time it is at home right now. It's pretty early in the morning, about 8am, so I don't expect Bella to be awake yet.

But I really want to call her.

I FaceTime her just to see if she is awake, and she picks up. It's dark and she's in her bed.

"Whatsup..." she says tiredly.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" I ask her, feeling a bit guilty.

"No, I woke up right before you called me," she says, making me feel better.

"I've got news," I say excitedly.

"Iñaki news!?" She sits up.

"How'd you know?"

"Your smiling." She smirks at me. I've seen enough silly smirks today. I've made enough, also.

I cover my mouth. "Shut up."

"Just telling the truth. What's the drama?"

"I thought he was going to...I don't know...kiss me?" This perks up Bella and she becomes visibly curious and excited to hear more.

"WHAT! Really!?" She smiles big. "Spill, please!"

I tell her the story, starting at when we went to the beach to after I left the car. Her jaw was practically on the ground multiple times throughout telling the story.

"Not many people even meet their celebrity crushes...then there's you almost kissing yours," she teases. I roll my eyes at her.

"I just had to tell this story to someone," I tell her.

"I'm glad you chose me," she says with a small laugh.

"So...how's your dating life going at the moment...?" I ask her. We talk for a little longer and then we hang up. I drive back to my hotel after a long afternoon. I get back and throw myself on my bed. I pull out my phone to see a text....

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