- Chapter 5 -

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^^ picture by siccarrria on Pinterest

(btw...Mackenyu will be mentioned I didn't forget about him!)


I pull into the parking lot, and see the group talking and laughing. Then I see her. I see Y/N.

She's beautiful.

I get out of my car, smiling at everyone. I go over to Y/N first and embrace her. She's shorter then Emily, probably about 5'2. "It's great to see you!" I say as we're hugging.

"Great to see you too!" Y/N says as we pull away.

"You're a lot shorter than I imagined," I say.

"I told you I was short?" She says, smiling.

"Yeah, but you're like....short."

"Kiki's probably only saying that because he doesn't meet a lot of people that are shorter than him," Taz jokes. I slowly turn my head to Taz dramatically, making an expressionless face. Then it turns into a smile.

"Well..." I say and everyone laughs. "Anyways, let's go eat I'm starving."

"Same here!" Y/N says. We walk into the restaurant. Taz walks up to the desk to say that we have a reservation. Then we follow the waiter to our table.

We get to our booth and Taz and Jacob get on one side. I let Emily and Y/N go in first before sitting next to Y/N on the edge.

"So sad Mackenyu couldn't make it," I say.

"Yeah, it is sad," Jacob says.

"He is excited to meet you, though Y/N," I say, turning to her.

"He did text me saying that he was sorry he couldn't make it. I was excited to see him, but I'll see him for filming," she says. She's very optimistic. That's cool.

"You excited for filming, Y/N?" Taz asks her.

"Yes, I'm so excited! I'm sure it will be a lot of fun," she answers.

"You're right about that," Emily says.

"How old are you again?" Jacob asks, directing the question to Y/N.

"19," she answers.

"Look who's not the youngest anymore," Taz says while looking at me. I look at Y/N.

"Ha-ha. Now it's your turn to be the 'baby' of the group," I say to her. She rolls her eyes.

"What are you? A year older than me?" She says, looking at me.

"Over a year older, actually." I say.

"Ok, Mr. Practical."

"I'm just so smart, aren't I?" I say sarcastically.

"What's my birthday then, smart guy?"

I act nervous at the question. "It's um...uh...it's um-" I stammer. I pull out my phone, but I don't turn it on. I put it away quickly. Y/N looks intrigued while everyone else is giggling. "I'm just joking. It's September 18."

"Good job. Took you long enough, though," she says, playfully hitting me on the shoulder.

Just then, her phone makes the text sound, and she looks at it. Emily peeks over.

"Ooh, who's that?" Emily says teasingly. "Isaac?" Y/N looks at her.

"It's this guy that asked for my number on the plane," Y/N says. I become curious.

"Your plane here?" I ask. She turns her head to me and nods.

"Yeah," she answers.

"He seriously asked you on a plane?" Taz says.

"He asked after the plane landed."

"And you said yes?" I ask stupidly.

"I thought you were the smart guy," she says, looking at me and raising her eyebrows. I look away for second before turning back to her.

"You said yes, awesome," I say casually.

At that moment our waiter comes and asks for drink orders. We all order and he leaves to grab them. I notice Y/N pick up her phone. It seems like she might be replying to that guys' text message.

She doesn't have a silly smile on her face or anything...that's a good thing.

Wait...why is that a good thing?

Someone catching feelings??

Sorry for the semi-short chapter, I didn't want to switch POVs in the middle.

I have some fun things in play for the next chapter...

Make sure to check out my TikTok, @lillians.edits if you haven't yet! Just reached 1k followers and couldn't be more grateful 🥹
- if you check it out comment on one of my videos saying that you're from this story and I'll follow you!!

-lillian <3

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