- Chapter 11 -

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^^^ Here's a beautiful wallpaper I made (yes it's the wallpaper I have on my phone now)

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^^^ Here's a beautiful wallpaper I made (yes it's the wallpaper I have on my phone now)

"Were you guys making out behind there or something?"


I grab Iñaki's hand as we quietly follow Emily and the others out of the trailer. We go to set and Jeff is there. Iñaki and I hide behind a nearby trailer. Everybody is on the other side of it. We can hear them perfectly.

"Hey, Jeff?" Emily starts. Jeff turns around to her, his face full with clown makeup.

"Yeah?" Jeff wonders, curious about what Emily is going to ask.

"You know Y/N and Iñaki?" I hear her say. I can almost sense the eyebrow raise.

Jeff chuckles. "Well...I have yet to meet Y/N."

"Have you heard of #(couple name)?" Jacob questions. I hear Jeff laugh.

"Hasn't everyone on set?" He says, still laughing.

"Do you ship it?" Emily asks him.

"I have to see them together first. Then I can decide," he responds.

"Okay. Guys, come out from behind the fucking trailer," Mackenyu says in his monotone voice. I turn my head to Iñaki with a confused face.

How the hell did he know we were here? I whisper to him. He shrugs.

He gently pushes me out from behind the trailer. He follows so we're both standing in front of everyone.

"How did you know?" I ask Mackenyu.

"Had a feeling," he responds. I roll my eyes.

"Were you guys making out behind there or something?" Emily says cockily.

"I wish," Iñaki says. I elbow his arm and he grabs it. "Ow."

"She doesn't seem interested," Jeff says to Emily, examining Iñaki and I.

"She's an actress," Emily replies to Jeff.

"So is Iñaki...?" He says.

"He's a different breed."

Jeff nods slowly. "Alright...."

"Hey, are mistletoes only allowed in December?" Iñaki asks the group. All of us knows what he means.

"No," most people answer.

"Yes," I answer. He looks at me.

"Sorry, majority wins," he says. "I'm gonna put one in my trailer! Let me know if you're ever coming over, Y/N." He nudges me softly.

"Dang. Kiki's down bad," Jacob says. Everyone laughs except Iñaki and I. I cross my arms and Iñaki nods and smiles.

"He isn't denying it, that's for sure," Jeff says.

"Of course not," Iñaki says and smirks.

We look over and see the director waving at us.

"Ready to start filming?" Jeff asks everyone.

"Let's go," Mackenyu says and we start walking.

(Quick authors note: There is going to be some mention of filming events. I have, however, never watched the anime, so I obviously do not know how the storyline goes. I apologize for the people who have watched the anime and that knows how it goes.)

About 2 hours later...


(Sorry for the POV change mid-chapter, but I pre-wrote this in his POV.)

We start filming the next scene. Mackenyu has the first line.

"She's out, Luffy," Mackenyu says, acting kind of annoyed but also nervous at the same time.

I act guilty and worried as I look at Y/N, eyes closed and on the ground. Cameras are on me and I reach down and pick her up bridal-style. This was surprisingly easy.

I walk with her in my arms, eyes still closed and her body limp.

"Cut!" The director yells.

Y/N opens her eyes and immediately looks at me. I smirk as I look down at her.

"This will be us in the future," I say cockily, still smirking. She rolls her eyes.

"In your dreams, Godoy," she says as I put her down gently.

"One day I'll be calling you that," I yell as she starts walking away. She stops walking and turns around to face me again.

"Oh, please. I'll be calling you Y/L/N," she says confidently. I chuckle and walk slowly towards her.

"So you admit we'll be married?" I say, smirking at her again.

"Actually, I'm taken. Emily's my wife. Sorry to disappoint you," she says, staying in her spot as I continue walking to her. I stop right in front of her and bring her hands up. I look down at them.

"I don't see a ring on your finger," I say, moving my eyes back to hers.

"It's not always about material things, Godoy." She takes her hands out of mine and walks away once again, reaching the door.

"I'll keep that in mind," I say confidently. She turns the corner, out of sight.

"I'm taken!" I hear her yell. I laugh as I stand there for a few seconds before walking the opposite way back to set.

Jeff shows up out of nowhere. "Don't worry, man...there's plenty of other fish in the sea," he says, patting my back. I act disappointed.

"Not like her..." I say sadly, putting my head down. Jeff thinks for a moment.

"You know...I see why people ship you two now," he says. I shake my head slightly.

"If only she weren't already married...."

"Maybe she'll get divorced?"

"Who would get divorced with her?" I say. "You would think the age gap would be a problem..."

Jeff thinks until he realizes. "Oh, right. Maybe it won't last, then?"

I sigh. "I hope."

Jeff laughs before heading in a different direction while I get ready to film my next scene.


This chapter was full of emotions, wasn't it?

Hope you guys are still loving it!

I was getting my hopes up to meet Iñaki at MegaCon Orlando...unfortunately it's slightly too expensive for my middle-class ass...I'll meet him one day though lol.🤞

Don't forget about my TikTok @lillians.edits 🤭

Thank you so much for reading!!

-lillian <3

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