- Chapter 7 -

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^^ picture from lovelyseeingyouhere on Pinterest (can you guys even see the pictures??)

"You getting jealous over there, Kiki?"


Well, shit.

I look at Y/N in absolute shock, as she looks up into the sky.

"Oops," Taz leans over and whispers to me. I can't even comprehend what's going on around me.

"You know Spanish?" I walk up to Y/N and ask her.

"It's my college minor," Y/N says and shrugs. I continue to look at her in shock. She knows Spanish? Fluently?

Damn it. Now Taz and I can't secretly speak to each other anymore...and I had a feeling a lot of our secret conversations would be about Y/N.

...for no reason at all.

"You never told me that? I just asked about college in the car?" Emily says to Y/N confused.

"You asked about my major. What can I say?" She says and smiles.

"What did they say?" Jacob asks Y/N. She smirks slightly and looks at me. She raises an eyebrow.

"Ask him," she says, signaling to me by nodding her head. I stand there for a second while everyone looks at me.

"Uh...ask him," I say, pointing to Taz, expecting him not to say anything.

Yup...I was wrong.

"Well..." he starts, putting a smirk on his face. He looks at me. "I was just telling Kiks here..." he looks back at the group, "...that him and Y/N would make a great couple." I blink at Taz, his smirk stays plastered on his face.

He's proud of himself.

Stupid little-

I look at Y/N for a split second, seeing that she's already staring at me with her eyebrows raised. I look away quickly.

"In my defense...I didn't say anything," I say, putting my hands up. Behind me I hear Jacob whispering to Taz.

"I mean...they would make a good couple, honestly..." I hear Jacob whisper.

"Would you stop that!?" I turn around, breaking up the whispering.

"Just sayin'" Jacob tells me, walking over to Y/N and Emily.

Y/N looks at her watch. "Shit, I forgot I have to pick up my rental car," she thinks for a moment. "Does anyone mind driving me, by chance?"

"Kiki will," Emily says smirking. I swear everyone's against me today. I look at Emily for a few seconds before calming my gaze. I take a deep breath and look over at Y/N.

"Sure, I'll drive you," I say to her. She smiles warmly at me.

I love when she smiles.

I mean-


Fuck, Iñaki.

"Awesome," she starts walking to me. She stops at my side, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, Kiki." She then continues walking to the car. I look back at her as she walks away. I look at the group quickly, seeing that all 3 of them have silly smirks on their face.

"Stop it," I say before turning around. I can almost still see their faces, and can almost hear their whispering.

I catch up to Y/N, and see her leaning on the passenger side of my car, waiting for me to unlock it. I take out my key and unlock it, and she gets in. I get in after her.

"Well this was an eventful afternoon, huh?" She says, buckling her seatbelt and looking at me. I start the car and get ready to back up.

"I swear I didn't say anything or-" I start, before she puts a finger on her lips, signaling for me to be quiet.

When I become quiet, she says, "I know. Emily did the exact same thing to me on the way here."

"They really have nothing better to do, do they?" I say.

"Guess they don't," she laughs.

"What's the name of the place?" I ask.

"Here, I'll pull it up on google maps," she says, taking a second to type it in. She puts it on my dash.

I start backing up the car and driving. "So how long have you been learning Spanish?" I say, bringing up a new topic.

"Well...my interest to learn it started in 6th grade. I took Spanish every year of middle school, then I also took Spanish 1 and 2 in high school. I got A's every year. I really liked it so I made it my minor in college," she informs me. I nod. "I hope I won't have to drop it."

"Why would you have to drop it?" I ask. She looks at me.

"Well, we're here in South Africa for months. College is going to be hard to do along with filming."

"I think that if anyone can do it, it's you." I look over at her for a second and she smiles at me. I smile back and look at the road.

"Thanks. Hopefully."

I bring up a topic I've been wondering about....

"So...that guy..." I say, she laughs a bit.

"You getting jealous over there, Kiki?" She teases.

"Not yet," I joke back. We both laugh for a second before calming down. "What's he like?"

"He seems like a nice guy. I talked to him for like, 5 minutes...so I guess I don't know a lot, but yeah."

I reach a stop light so I put my head down dramatically...acting disappointed. "He's taller than me...isn't he?"

She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Buddy...he's like 6 foot 2," she says comfortingly.

"Dang...I can't compete with that..." I say sadly, but then the light turns green and I put my head up again.

"Eh, it's kinda scary, not gonna lie," she says, taking her hand off my shoulder. My face brightens.

"So I have a chance!?" I say excitedly and dramatically.

She puts her teeth together and breathes in (😬). "Never said that...but we'll see," she jokes. I chuckle and nod my head.

"Good enough for me," I say as we pull up to the rental car place. She checks the time.

"Right on time! Thanks again!" She unbuckles and opens the door, about to get up before I grab her arm gently.

"Wait...come here..." I say. She sits back down and brings her face closer to mine. I let go of her arm and I look into her eyes. I lean over, and look at her lips and back to her eyes.

"You have something in your teeth," I say then smirk. She quickly gets out of the car.

"Hate you!" She yells and slams the door. I laugh as she storms away towards the building, putting up her middle finger at me.

Anybody fall for it?

Probably should've warned you guys this will be a slow burn...lots of flirting though, just for you guys.

Another reminder to check out my TikTok...@lillians.edits (pls I beg).

I'm just kidding 😭


-lillian <3

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