- Chapter 9 -

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^^ picture from siccarrria (he's looking so cute back there)



kiki <3

kiki <3
Wish something would've happened 😔
sent at 8:21pm

Well that's an interesting text. I feel my face go bright red.

I get up and go to the bathroom, washing my face with ice cold water. It doesn't help.

I go back to the bed and text him back.

Getting confident, are you?
sent at 8:24pm

kiki <3
Oh, please
I've BEEN confident
sent at 8:25pm

sent at 8:25pm

kiki <3
Sooo...since I posted on my story...
does this mean you don't hate me anymore?
sent at 8:26pm

I suppose 🙄
sent at 8:26pm

kiki <3
See you tomorrow!
sent at 8:26pm

See ya
sent at 8:27pm

Why's he gotta be so Iñaki.

I get to bed early today since I have to wake up EARLY to start filming tomorrow. I'm so excited but so nervous, too. More excited, though.

In the morning...

I get up very early and take a quick shower. I have a snack before I grab everything I need and leave.

I get in my car and leave, on my way to our filming location. I feel very excited for the fun that's about to come.

I arrive and see Emily, Taz, and Mackenyu. Mackenyu looks excited to see me so I park and go up to hug him.

"Finally get to see you, Y/N!" He says excitedly.

"Yes, finally!" I say as we pull away from the hug. We smile at each other.

"Good thing you got here before Kiki, Y/N. You'll be able to see him drive up for the first time," Taz says, putting a smirk on his face. I know very well that he's talking about the certain music that he plays.

"Speaking of Kiki..." Mackenyu starts, turning my way. I roll my eyes. "I saw some certain...instagram posts and comments...?" Taz and Emily giggle.

I answer his question shortly. "Oh just Kiki being Kiki."

"#(couple name) forever," Emily says and smirks. Mackenyu looks at her curiously.

"Yup, saw that, too," he says before turning back to me. "How'd that start, exactly?"

"I'm sure Kiki will tell you the whole story," I say, stifling a laugh. "Hint: it involves him finding out that I can speak Spanish."

Emily and Taz chuckle. He looks at us confusingly.

"Oh, whatever." He says, giving up on the topic.

Just then we see Jacob drive in, waving at him. He parks and comes up to us, joining the conversation.

"Instagram went crazy last night," he says, bringing up the topic again. "#(couple name) is something else." He looks at me as he says this.

I roll my eyes. "That's Kiki's doing, not mine."

"Trust me...I know," he says. Everyone laughs until we hear music. We turn to the music, which just happens to be the John Cena theme song, and see Iñaki rolling up.

He parks quickly and runs up to us.

"Slow down. You almost killed Taz the last time you tackled him," I say, putting up my hands. Iñaki comes to a stop.

"Your turn, then?" He says, smiling.

"Absolutely not," I say sternly, but also teasingly. He puts his head down in defeat.

"You just ruined my day...but also made it better cause I get to see your beautiful face." I stare at him blankly. Taz, Emily, and Jacob are giggling while Mackenyu seems deep in thought.

"Wish I could say the same," I tease. He puts his hand on his heart.

"My feelings! Jacob catch me." He turns around and falls backward dramatically. Jacob catches him and lifts him back up. Mackenyu continues to stare in deep thought.

Mackenyu comes out of whatever trance he was in and says, "You know...I kinda see it."

"See what?" Iñaki asks, looking at Mackenyu.

"#(couple name)," he says. Iñaki looks at me and slowly walks over to me.

"You're not the only one," he says, continuing to walk towards me.

"I swear. The only thing Kiki has been doing since yesterday is flirting with her," Emily says, directed at Mackenyu.

Iñaki stops in front of me, and I look up a bit to see his eyes.

"Wow. She's a decent height for him, too," Mackenyu says. Taz, Emily, and Jacob laugh. Iñaki turns his head slightly to side-eye him.

"I know I'm short, thanks," he says before turning back to face me. "You guys can leave now," he says while waving the others off, not taking his eyes off of mine.

I roll my eyes and smile. I follow as the others leave, Iñaki staying in his spot for a second before starting to follow me.

I wouldn't call this a great ending for a chapter...but I've had you guys waiting for the next one for long enough.

SORRY this one isn't proofread, so I apologize for mistakes.

I just posted the most *AHHH* Iñaki edit so you should def check it out @lillians.edits


-lillian <3

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