- Chapter 3 -

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"Sorry this might be a long shot, but could I get your number?"

^^ picture from M1kasa1 on Pinterest

Another Time Skip

Over the course of a few months, the cast and I have been FaceTiming and talking.

It's February 15th, and tomorrow is the day I fly to South Africa. (Also we're 19 now hehe)

I am beyond excited and anxious at the same time. I fly to South Africa TOMORROW. I'm going to die. I'm literally dying.

Well, hopefully not. That would be a short story, wouldn't it?

I've packed over these last 3 days, making sure I'm not forgetting anything. After all, I'm going to be in South Africa for many months. I'm going to keep trying to do online college, however I know it's going to be very difficult. I'm only taking 2 classes, though, so hopefully it won't be too hard.

I've gone shopping with Bella multiple times. She's a little obsessed, and I'm just a perfectionist. I think it's a Virgo thing, though. I'll blame it on the day I was born.

I have to leave early in the morning, so I finish my packing tonight. I've made sure to say my goodbyes to my friends and family before I go.

Now it's 9pm, and I'm going to go to bed.

In the morning...

My alarm goes off and I get up. I didn't get a whole bunch of sleep last night, but I'm ready for the day anyway. I get ready, have breakfast, zip up my suitcases and get ready to leave. My mom told me that she would drive me to the airport, so I don't have to worry about my car being there for months on end.

I place my bags in her car and get in the passenger seat. We talk about filming until we're at the airport. She helps with my bags, and we go inside. Then she and I say our goodbyes to each other. I hug her and watch her go out the door.

I'm alone now.

I take a deep breath and head into the line to check my bags and get my ticket. That goes quickly since the airport isn't that busy this early in the morning.

I walk through the airport looking for my gate. I find it and look around for a shop to get snacks and a drink. I see one not far away from my gate and start walking to it.

I have a short flight this morning, then I have a 2 hour layover before my flight to South Africa, which obviously will be a long ass flight. I did buy a front class ticket for it because I know I'll be absolutely miserable otherwise. You best believe I'll be sleeping on that damn flight.

I buy my drink and snacks. I just bought water to pour into my water bottle, and also got (favorite snack/s).

I wait for a while until my flight starts boarding. My group gets calls and I get up to scan my ticket and get on the plane.

I find my seat and sit down. I have a window seat...lucky me! Love the window seat. Always better than the middle.

I pull out my phone, but before putting it in airplane mode I see a text from Iñaki in the strawhats group chat.

The Strawhats

kiki <3
Have you gotten on your plane yet, Y/N?
sent at 6:37am

I just got on! About to take off.
sent at 6:38am

taz :)
You're up early for a day off, kiks
sent at 6:38am

kiki <3
I was just wondering if Y/N got on her plane yet!
sent at 6:39am

I'm honored
sent at 6:39am

kiki <3
Now I'm going back to sleep 💤
sent at 6:40am

I smile as I read the messages. It makes me happy that Iñaki woke up early just to ask if I was on my plane. I put my phone in airplane mode and lay back, looking out the window.

A few moments later a guy about my age sits down next to me. I look over quickly before turning my head back. I can feel his gaze on me, though. I just ignore it.

The plane ride is about 1 1/2 hours long. I relax since it's still early.

The plane lands and we're waiting to get off. People start getting off and I get ready to leave. The guy in front of me gets up and goes out to the aisle before turning back at me.

"Sorry this might be a long shot, but could I get your number?" The guy asks. I look in shock for a second.

"Uh, yeah sure," I say casually as he pulls out his phone. He hands it to me and I put in my number and my name.

"Y/N. That's a pretty name. I'm Isaac," he smiles. He's honestly really good looking. He has dirty blonde, curly hair with dark blue eyes. He's pretty tall and also visibly athletic.

"Nice to meet you," I say, also smiling at him. We make small talk as we get out of the plane, just learning things about each other. I learn that he's 21 and on his 3rd year of college. I tell him that I'm on my 1st year of college and I did tell him that I'm heading to South Africa to film something...however I didn't exactly tell him what that "something" is yet.

We go into the airport and say goodbye, heading our separate ways. I look for my gate, and get ready to wait for 2 hours.

I make sure to buy more drinks and snacks because I know that this will be a long flight and I'm going to want it.

The 2 hours go by, and first class is called to board. I board the plane and get ready for a long, LONG 15 hour flight (oh god). I sit down and get ready for take-off, and a long nap.


Imagine having a 15 hour flight...I would die.

ANYWAYS hope you all are having a great day and had a wonderful Thanksgiving if you celebrate! :)

Reminder to check out my TikTok @lillians.edits for my Iñaki/One Piece edits!

-lillian <3

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