- Chapter 6 -

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^^ picture from M1kasa1 on Pinterest

"I've never seen him look at someone like that before."


I put my phone on silent and place it down. The 5 of us chatting throughout the lunch. We order our food. I ordered my favorite food, obviously.

When we finish eating we split up the bill and pay for it. Then we go outside.

"Does anyone have anything else to do today?" Emily asks the group.

"I have to get my rental car, but that's not for another couple of hours. Why?" I ask.

"I was wondering if we would want to go anywhere else all together?" She says, kind of like a question.

"Sounds like fun to me," Iñaki says.

"Yeah. I have nothing else to do today," Jacob says.

"Me neither," Taz says.

"Then let's do it!" I say. "Where should we go? I've been here less than a day."

"Do you guys want to walk by the beach?" Emily suggests. Everyone nods in agreement.

"Amazing. I can drive you, Y/N?" Iñaki offers. I almost say 'thanks' before Emily speaks.

"Nuh-uh, Kiki. I'm taking her," Emily says grabbing my arm. I put my hands up in defense.

"Whoever takes me is awesome," I say, still holding my hands up.

"Great, let's go," Emily says, dragging me along with her to her car.

"See you there!" Taz yells. I put a thumbs up.

"Thanks for driving me," I say, giggling a little bit.

"I wanted to talk with you about this guy..." she says, in her higher, girly voice. I get in the passenger seat while she gets in the driver's seat.

I roll my eyes. "Ok, ok, ask your questions."

She starts the car and starts backing up. "Well...how old is he?" She asks.

"He's 21," I answer.

"Is he in college?"

"Yes, 3rd year."

"For what?"

"I think it was for journalism."

"That's pretty cool!" She says excitedly.

"Yeah, it is."

"What does he look like?"

"He has short, curly, dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. He's also a pretty tall and athletic guy by the looks of it." Emily smiles at this.

"He seems pretty hot."

"He is. I don't know when I'm going to see him next, though. I mean...how long can he like me until he gets bored?"

"With you? Probably pretty long."

"Thanks," I say laughing.

"Do you like him? You know...beyond his looks?"

"He has potential. He seems like a really nice and outgoing guy," I say, looking over at her.

"But...?" She says curiously.

"But...I don't know enough about him. I've barely talked to him. And I kind of prefer to be able to see my guys in person, you know?"

"I understand that. But you know if you're 'shopping' for men..." she says, stopping and waiting for me to guess.

"Then...what?" I say, wondering what she's about to say.

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