- Chapter 13 -

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About the last part, I still haven't fully decided which choice I'm going with, yet. Either way, it won't happen for a while.

"Seems like he's a pretty special guy to have someone like you interested in him."


Shooting is almost over for the day, and I'm talking with Emily. After a bit, Taz, Mackenyu, Jacob, and Iñaki join us.

"I'm hungry," Iñaki mentions out of nowhere.

"Of course you are," Mackenyu responds, in his monotone, "Zoro" voice. This causes giggles between the group.

"Actually, I'm kind of hungry, too," I say.

"Then maybe..." Emily starts, her lips turning into a smirk. "...you guys should go get something to eat...together."

I roll my eyes and see Iñaki's face light up. I shake my head.

"Hey, I'm starving, too. Let's go!" Jacob exclaims, clueless of what Emily was trying to do. Emily, Mackenyu, and Taz slowly turn to look over at him annoyingly.

Jacob notices the death stares, and I practically see a light bulb turn on above his head.

"OHH," he realizes. Emily face slaps herself (🤦‍♀️).

"Why don't we make it a group thing?" I suggest. "Isn't there a café walking distance from here?" The group nods.

"Dang it," Iñaki mumbles. The group chuckles and Taz slaps him on the back in a brotherly way.

"Alright, let's go," Emily says in defeat. "I hate you with a burning passion," I hear Emily whisper to Taz.

"Sorry, I was hungry," he responds. "Still am."

I take Jacob's spot to talk to Emily. "What're you getting at, Emily?" I confront her.

"Sorry...that's for me to know," she answers. "You'll thank me later."

"Will I?" I say with a sarcastic tone in my voice.

"You will," Iñaki says from behind us. He speeds up to walk beside me.

"What he said," Emily says.

"So what're we even talking about?" Iñaki asks.

"Your mom," I say. (I'm sorry I had to).

"Really good joke," he says sarcastically.

"Well, I'll leave you two," Emily says, starting to walk faster to catch up with the others.

"Really? You'd rather hang out with them than me?" I ask her, grabbing her wrist to stop her from walking faster.

"That's for me to know," she responds, shaking my hand off of her and continuing to catch up to the boys.

"We might as well just walk faster, too," I say to Iñaki. Now it's his turn to grab my wrist.

"Wait," is the only word he says. I slow down again and look at him. "If they're trying to set us up, let's let them. We can always get them back."

My face turns into a concerned look. "You mean by setting two of them up? Like Jacob and Taz? Heh, that would be funny," I joke.

Iñaki just blinks at me. "Not exactly what I was going for...but anyways, Taz is my husband, so Jacob can back off."

"Oh, really? When was the ceremony?" I join along in the joke.

"We don't need a ceremony," he says.

"Are you sure about him, though? He doesn't seem like your type," I question. He gives up.

"Alright, alright, maybe not....You wanna know what my type is, though?"

"Go on."

"Ok...well my type is pretty girls who play hard to get, and who have a great sense of humor. Girls who can light up a room by simply walking into it, and who I could find easily in a room full of 10 thousand people, just because of how beautiful she is. Ones that can always go along with a joke, and make sure that everybody is happy and having fun," he confesses.

"And do you know any girls like this?" I ask him. He looks over at me.

"Only one," he looks forward again. "She's really kind, and I haven't known her forever, but I already know that she's a wonderful person."

I nod and smile, mostly to myself. It's been a while since I've had butterflies, and I'm pretty sure I'm having a million in my stomach right now.

"What about you? What's your type?" He wonders.

"Hmm...I like guys who are very energetic, and are super unpredictable. The kind of people who keep you on your toes, and you never really know what they're going to do next." Iñaki nods and I keep going. "Guys who care a lot for their friends and family and would always be there for them no matter what. I don't care about looks a lot, but there's a bonus if they have curly hair."

He chuckles. "And do you know any guys like this?"

"There is this one guy....I haven't known him for that long, but something tells me that he fits my list perfectly. This guy is also really persistent and is a super hard worker. He has an amazing smile, too." I look over at him to see his reaction to that.

And he's smiling to himself like I was.

"Seems like he's a pretty special guy to have someone like you interested in him." He looks over to me, reaching eye contact.

"I think I'm the lucky one," I say, and smile. He smiles back.


I need to sit down.

I get lucky because we reach the café.

"Okay, you guys can be done flirting now," Taz jokes.

"Oh we weren't flirting," Y/N says almost sarcastically.

"I'm not into younger girls," I say, very proud of myself. Heheh, and the roles have changed.

Y/N immediately looks over to me. "Did you just steal a line from your own show? 'The Imperfects?'" She says. I'm surprised.

"So you are a stalker," I say, getting closer to her.

"Actually, I watched it when it first came out," she defends herself.

"So you were obsessed with me before we even met! I see." She rolls her eyes. I bring my lips to her ear and whisper to her as we're walking in the café. "I was just joking about me not being into younger girls," I flirt. (That wasn't supposed to sound wrong...just like...don't take it in a pedophile sorta way...)

"Good," she responds flatly, walking into the café, leaving me shocked.


This chapter has a place in my heart now.

This is random, but ask me questions that I should ask Iñaki Godoy. I'm already asking him what his favorite color is 😭 cause that's one really obvious thing I don't know abt him.

I made an instagram account...@inaki.inspired if you're inspired and want to take a peek at it. I'm literally so funny (no I'm not)

Alright well thanks for reading...AND THANK YOU FOR 7K READS THATS CRAZY WHATTT!!

-lillian ༞ᰔ༞

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