- Chapter 4 -

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^^ picture from lavenxx on Pinterest

After an excruciating amount of hours, I finally arrived in South Africa. It's midnight now, and after a long flight of sleeping, I'm still tired. I meet the cast in person tomorrow, when we go out to lunch together.

I grab a cart for all my bags, and roll them out to where the taxis are. I get one and sit in the back seat, telling the driver which hotel I'm going to is. I look at my phone.


Hey, Y/N! This is Isaac. Hopefully by the time you see this you're in South Africa!
Just wanted you to know that I thought you were really beautiful...and I hope we can meet again soon!
sent at 8:24pm

I look at the message, wondering what I should reply with. Before I do, I change the contact name to Isaac. Then I reply.

Made it to South Africa! Also, I know I'm beautiful 💁‍♀️
But thank you lol :)
sent at 12:58am

I look at my message proudly. Then I see another text message.

kiki <3

kiki <3
did you make it here yetttt
sent at 10:17pm

I'm surprised that he didn't send that in the group chat, but I reply to the text anyway.

Just made it! Also I'm surprised you didn't send that in the group chat-
sent at 1:00am

I put down my phone and admire the scenery, since there is no chance Iñaki is still awake to respond to my message anyway. South Africa is BEAUTIFUL. I'm certainly going to love being here for a while.

I take a selfie quick on Instagram, adding text saying "finally made it to South Africa!!" And posted it on my story.

Not long later, I arrive at my hotel. The driver helps me with my bags, and I grab a cart from inside. We stack the bags on the cart. I thank the driver and drag the cart along with me into the hotel. I check in at the front desk and head up the elevator to my room. Now it's 1:20am, and I'm excited to go to sleep.

I quickly get ready for bed and lay down. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light. I didn't even bother checking my phone.

In the morning...

I wake up at 6am...stupid jet lag. I'm extremely tired, but my body won't let me go back to sleep. I lay in bed for a while.

After about an hour I finally get up. I check my phone to see a text from Kiki.

kiki <3

kiki <3
I didn't want Taz to bully me again 😭
sent at 6:59am

oh 😭
sent at 7:08am

I laugh at the messages. I get up and shower.

I put on a cute outfit for the lunch. It's super hot here right now, so I made sure to dress appropriately.

 It's super hot here right now, so I made sure to dress appropriately

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(kinda what I'm imagining, but whatever you want)

I do my hair and my makeup. I put on very little makeup, keeping it natural. Just some mascara, highlighter, blush, and lipgloss. It's only 9am. Lunch isn't until 12pm so I unpack my things and get comfortable.

By the time I'm done with that, it's 9:45am, and I feel like I need to get out. I grab my bag and leave my room, heading downstairs. I got lucky and have a Starbucks near my hotel, so I decide to treat myself to some coffee for some much needed caffeine.

I walk the short distance to the Starbucks. I'm supposed to get my rental car later today, some time after lunch.

I order a (favorite starbies drink) and pay for it. I leave for a walk right after getting my drink, taking a quick selfie.

After my walk it's 11am. I know there's a few stores around the place we're having lunch, so I decide to go early. I call a taxi and head to the restaurant.

I arrive at the restaurant and immediately notice someone. It's Emily. I get out of the car and head over to her.

"Emily?" I say. She turns around.

"Y/N!" She says excitedly and hugs me. I hug her back. "The camera does absolutely nothing for you. You're so pretty!"

"Thank you! So are you!" I compliment back.

She smiles at me. "Why are you here so early?" She asks.

"I heard there was a few stores around here...and I was bored, honestly," I answer.

"Well bored no longer! Let's go shop while we wait for the boys." She leads me to the stores.

We shop around for a bit, laughing a lot at the funny outfits we try on. Emily is SUPPERR cool.

"You know, I'm glad we both came early. Gives us some girl time before you meet the others," Emily says.

"I'm glad, too. I'm sure it will be really crazy once there here," I say and Emily giggles.

"Oh, for sure. They're fun to hang around, though. You'll see once they're here," she says. She checks the time. "We should get back now. It's almost 12 already!"

"Oh, wow! Time went by real fast." We talk as we walk back to the restaurant.

We get to the front and wait outside for everyone. Not long later, we see Taz come walking, smiling big at Emily and I. We both smile back as he walks faster. He hugs Emily and then hugs me.

"Awesome to see you in person, Y/N!" He says.

"Great to see you, too!" I say. We talk for about a minute before Jacob rolls up. He runs up to us and lunges at Taz for a hug, almost knocking him completely over. Emily and I laugh.

"Great to see you too, Jacob," Taz says sarcastically.

"What can I say. I'm great at making a scene," Jacob says. Taz rolls his eyes but then smiles. Jacob hugs Emily and I. "How was the flight?" He asks me.

"Well...long, I suppose," I say and he nods.

"That's usually how it is." He smiles and I smile back.

"Why am I not surprised that Kiki is the last one," Emily says.

"Watch him roll up while blasting the John Cena theme song," Jacob jokes. All of us laugh.

And that's when I see him. He sees me.

I'm proofreading this at midnight but WHATEVERRR.

Next chapter we get to see Iñaki in PERSON.

I'm excited, hope you're excited.

Anyways...here's your reminder to check out my TikTok @lillians.edits for One Piece/Iñaki Godoy edits!!

Have a great dayyyy or nightttt or whateverrrr

-lillian <3

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