- Chapter 14 -

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"Oh, just blinded by your beauty."


"Good," I say flatly to Iñaki as we walk into the cafe. I walk ahead of him so I don't see his expression, but I do know he had to stand in place for a second or two. I smirk, very proud of myself.

Mackenyu talks to the host to get us seated. He leads us to a booth. Jacob, Emily, and Taz sit on one side while Mackenyu, Iñaki, and I sit on the other. (Stop I literally know at least ONE of you is gonna say something abt this). I'm all the way in, Iñaki is in the middle, and Mackenyu is on the edge.

"May I take drink orders?" Our waitress says once she comes over. We order our drinks and she comes back a few minutes later with them.

"So what interesting conversation did we miss?" Iñaki asks the table. He takes a drink out of his straw as he waits for an answer.

"Not much. I'm sure your conversation was much more interesting," Mackenyu says from beside Iñaki. He smirks and raises his eyebrows slightly in curiosity. (I know you guys also thirst over Mackenyu, so I did this for you 😉).

"Probably. You seem like a pretty boring person," I tease Mackenyu. He blinks at me.

"Damn," Mackenyu says before taking a drink.

"I'm just kidding," I say. "No I'm not," I mouth to the rest of the table, causing giggles. Mackenyu shakes his head in disappointment, but he's smiling so I think we're good.

We all look over our menus and a few moments later the waitress comes back for food orders. We all order and she goes away.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, move," I say to Iñaki, nudging him.

"Wow, so polite," he says, waiting for Mackenyu to get up.

"Sorry. Please move." Iñaki rolls his eyes as he moves.

"I gotta go, too. Move," Emily says to Jacob, doing the same thing as I did.

"Women," Jacob says under his breath as he gets up. Mackenyu and Taz chuckle.

Emily and I walk to the bathroom. Once we're there she starts talking to me. There isn't anyone else in the bathroom.

"So now I'm curious...what did you guys actually talk about? It seemed pretty serious," Emily asks. I immediately know that she's talking about Iñaki.

"Oh, you know...just a normal conversation that two friends have," I answer while I fix my hair in the mirror.

"Yeah...I'm pretty sure friends don't look at each other that way, OR talk to each other the way you two do," she says, smirking. I sigh.

"How do we look and talk to each other, then?" I ask.

"Like you both are in love with each other and want to be more than friends," she says quickly and flatly, being totally serious.

I raise my eyebrows, kind of surprised. "I'm pretty sure I look at him the same way I look at everyone else."

"Well you aren't able to see your eyes when you look at him. But I can."

She had me there for a second.

For a second. "I see his eyes, and they aren't any different," I say.

"Sure they are. You just convince yourself that they aren't different...but they totally are," she responds.

"Okay, okay I'm done with the Iñaki talk now," I say, starting to walk out of the bathroom.

"That's just because you have nothing else to defend your case," she says as she walks out of the bathroom behind me. We walk back to our booth.

Mackenyu and Iñaki both get up to let me in, along with Jacob to let Emily in. I slide into the booth, avoiding catching Emily's eye.

The conversation continues, and we get our food.


We get our food and start eating. In the corner of my eye, I see Y/N looking at me, as if she's inspecting my eyes. I turn to her.

"What?" I ask, smiling at her.

"Oh, just blinded by your beauty," she plays off, smirking. I chuckle, but then I look at Taz and he looks angry.

"Hey, that's my line!" he says, giving Y/N the death stare.

"Actually, it's Sanji's line," she says sassily. I shrug at Taz and fist bump Y/N nonchalantly.

We all finish eating and we split the bill 6 ways, so we all pay for ourselves. We walk back to set and all go our separate ways from there. I drive to my hotel, and I decide to look up Y/N.

I'm not sure why, but I wanted to watch a movie she acted in about a year ago. So I did. If she's gonna be a stalker, so am I.

After the movie, I go on TikTok for a short amount of time. A lot of the videos on my for you page is about #(couple name). I chuckle at all the people who ship us. I even comment on a few videos, knowing that they're probably going to go crazy, which will lead to more videos and edits. Who doesn't want more, though?

I put my phone down and go to sleep, thinking about Y/N...and other people of course.

But without the other people.


Anyways, I'm going to start by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 9K READS THATS CRAZY!!!!

I also changed my Instagram user so it's now @lillians.editss . And of course my TikTok user is still @lillians.edits !!

I've been given a couple of messages regarding a Mackenyu x reader book...and I'm definitely giving it some serious thought. I just really hope you guys know he is a happily married man 😭

Love you allll

-lillian <3

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