- Chapter 15 -

435 14 19

Guess who's backkkkkk

"I'm in South Africa."


Today, I finally got a full night of sleep. I don't have to film early this morning, and it feels like it's been ages since I've had a morning to myself. I'm not complaining, though. I really do love filming.

I take out my phone and immediately see that my social media is blowing up. Instagram, TikTok...hell, even people are finding my Snapchat account. I knew that having a role in One Piece would earn myself attention, but this is slightly overwhelming. I mean, I don't exactly want a stalker or anything, right?

Those aren't the only notifications I'm getting, however. Hidden deep in all the social media notifications, I find a message from Isaac. I feel like it's been a while since I've heard from him, but really, it hasn't been that long.


You know, you could've told me you were
famous or something.
sent at 5:12am

I mean I wouldn't say THAT
I guess part of me didn't want you to know
sent at 9:56am

I didn't know exactly what time it was where he was at, but I wasn't assuming a quick answer.

I didn't lie when I said I didn't really want him to know I was...well, known. It's not exactly what a person leads with when they're talking about themselves. Of course I didn't tell him, but I don't know why I expected him to never know...especially since he can see my social media accounts and all the hype for One Piece season 2.

I was lost in my thoughts before I heard my phone text tone. I look down at my phone to see a text back from Isaac. That was fast.


That's understandable.
It's probably not something you lead with.
sent at 9:59am

Glad you get it.
Sorry I didn't tell you.
sent at 10:00am

See what I said?

I figured that I could get ready for the day while I wait for a message back. I ponder on an outfit. I think about going for a run in this beautiful environment that South Africa provides. I pick out a sports bra and some athletic shorts. I also make sure to put on my fitness tracker.

Before I leave, I take a look at my phone to see if Isaac messaged me back, which he did.


No need to apologize!
Btw...I have a surprise for you.
sent at 10:02am

A surprise? I think for a second about what this mystery could be, and nothing comes to mind.

A surprise? Mysterious.
well...what is it?
sent at 10:35am

I put my hair up while I wait for the next text. What could the surprise be? I mean, it can't be physical...he's not near me. The only thing I can think of is-

Just then, I receive a text.


I'm in South Africa.
sent at 10:37am

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