- Chapter 10 -

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We've reached 10 chapters YAYYYYY
3k reads pls help me I'm falling

We've reached 10 chapters YAYYYYY3k reads pls help me I'm falling

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^^ Teehee I made this

"You sure you don't want to see the live version?"

I get ready for the first day of shooting, SUPER excited. I walk out of my trailer and head to Taz's, about to knock. Instead I listen to the voices I hear inside.

"How much you wanna bet?" I hear Jacob challenge to someone.

"Solid thousand bucks," Emily responds, sounding confident.

"A thousand!? You're that confident that they'll be together by the end of shooting?" Mackenyu says surprisingly.

Ohhh. I see what they're talking about. I listen closer.

"Absolutely," she says.

"Nah, I think Kiki's too shy for that," Jacob says.

"I honestly can't imagine him dating anyone. Seems...odd," Mackenyu says. I hear Jacob and Emily agree. Taz laughs.

"You guys obviously haven't seen 'No Abras La Puerta,'" Taz says matter-of-factly. (Iykyk lol)

Of course he's fucking watched that.

I hear a voice behind me.

"You plan on going inside, maybe?" Y/N says. I turn around and put my index finger to my lips.

"Shh, come here," I tell her. I turn back to the door while she walks over.

"What am I listening for-" she starts before I put my finger to her lips.

"Just listen."

We listen to the voices.

"He what?" Emily says, shocked.

Taz responds, "Yup. The whole movie is basically him making out with this girl the whole time."

I face palm myself. Y/N looks over to me raising an eyebrow and giggling. I'm guessing other people in the trailer are surprised, too.

"Yup. Shirt comes off and everything," Taz continues. I sigh dramatically. Y/N is fully laughing now.

"Fucking Taz..." I mumble.

"I'm sorry, this is too funny," Y/N says as she opens the door. She walks inside, dragging me with her.

"Oh, hey. How much did you hear?" Taz says, causing Emily to giggle in the corner.

"Nothing-" I start before getting interrupted.

"All of it," Y/N says. She smirks. I blink at her. "Now...you have a video of this?"

"Oh, definitely." Taz pulls out his phone and starts searching something up.

I take this golden opportunity for payback. I lean to Y/N's ear.

"You sure you don't want to see the live version?" I whisper, smirking to myself. I can see from behind her that she's slightly flustered.

Hah. Now that's payback.

Jacob obviously notices Y/N. He turns to look at Emily. "You know...I'm on Emily's side of the bet." I chuckle.

"What bet?" Y/N asks once she gets a hold of herself. Taz laughs and puts his phone down.

"I'm pretty sure Kiki knows," Jacob says, looking at me trying to control my laugh. Y/N turns around to look at me. I put my hands up.

"I plead the 5th!" I exclaim while everyone giggles.

"What's the bet, Kiki..." she says, more as a demand than a question. She walks slowly toward me. She backs me up into a wall.

"Umm...I'm not sure," I say, acting nervous. Then I point over to where Jacob and Emily are standing. "But I'm on Emily and Jacob's side." Everyone laughs except Y/N. She grabs the wrist of the hand I'm pointing with and slams it against the wall beside my head. I look at my hand and back to her.

"So...you going to tell me?" She says threateningly. I can't tell if I'm acting scared or if I'm actually scared at this point.

"That's hot," Taz mumbles while everyone else tries not to laugh. Y/N turns her head, keeping my hand firmly on the wall. Once she looks back I flip us around so she's on the wall. I stare into her eyes while smirking. "That's hotter," Taz mumbles again. This time the others can't hold in their laughter and instead burst out in a fit of giggles.

I let Y/N go and we cross our arms, watching them laugh hysterically. Eventually they look at us and stop. I lean to whisper to Y/N.

"You never answered my question, you know," I whisper casually. I stand straight up again, waiting for her response.

"What quest- OH" she realizes. I smirk at her. She looks at me.

"You can be my co-star if you want," I say without whispering. I look over to Emily, Taz and Mackenyu, who are listening intently. I look back and see Y/N roll her eyes.

"There's no way I'm betting against you guys," Mackenyu says to Jacob and Emily. They chuckle.

"Who's supposed to bet against us, then?" Jacob questions. Emily has an idea.

"Come on, boys. Let's go con Jeff (actor who plays Buggy, if you didn't know) into betting against us," Emily says, walking out of the trailer. Mackenyu and Taz follow her out. Y/N and I stand watching. Once they're out, Y/N turns to me.

"You know what we should do?" Y/N says quietly, in case they might still be listening.

"Follow them and see what Jeff says?" I guess. She nods.

"You got it. Come on." She grabs my hand and leads me out of the trailer.



I swear the chapters just keep getting better.

Blasting Slut Me Out while writing this. It's a great song to write to.

Anywaysss...@lillians.edits on TikTok for the beautiful Iñaki Godoy. I know you want to see some fantastic edits

Thanks again for 3k reads!! That's WILDDD

-lillian <3

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