- Chapter 16 -

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"Well...I guess because I like you."


I walk over to him. I haven't been on a date in a while...if that's even what this is. I guess I'm not completely sure. I really only ever dated in high school, and when I reached college, dating was the last thing I was focusing on. I wanted to focus on my studies and acting before any of that. What I'm saying is, I might be rusty.

"You look gorgeous, Y/N," Isaac compliments me.

"You're not so bad yourself," I compliment him back. I can see him blush a little as he smiles.

"Thank you," he says. He's cute for sure. He hasn't changed much from the first time I saw him in the plane. He's a little tanner but otherwise nothing changed. He still has the soft, deep blue eyes with the curly dirty blonde hair. He gives me golden retriever vibes in a guy, and I find it really attractive.

We walk into the coffee shop, making small talk. We sit down at a cute, small table by one of the large windows. The light shining through the window lights up his face perfectly.

Not long after we sit down, a waitress comes over and asks us if we want anything to drink. I order a (coffee/tea/other beverage) and Isaac orders a caramel macchiato. She comes back a few minutes later with our drinks.

"So, what brings you to South Africa?" I ask. He must have a reason for being here.

He takes a sip of his drink. "A school trip." He says looking at me. "My college was looking for a volunteer to come here and study different things. I applied and was one of the few chosen for the trip. I figured it would be a great opportunity."

"Well that's lucky then, isn't it?" I take a sip of my drink. "What do you study?"

"Art. It's a lot of fun," he tells me. I nod, impressed. (Sorry if I already mentioned his major in earlier chapters, please just forget about that).

"That's cool. Do you sketch or what kind of art do you like?" I ask.

"I love all of it. Sketching, painting, you name it."

"Do you have anything that I can see, by chance?" I really want to see his art and what he does.

"I actually did draw something...I don't know if you'll like it or..." I shush him. He seems unsure.

"I'd love to see it," I assure him. He smiles cutely and pulls out a small notepad. He flips to one of the pages in the middle. His cheeks turn slightly pink before turning the notepad around to show me.

I can't help but smile. It's a sketch of me. "On the plane, I thought you were really beautiful so I decided to draw you. I hope you don't think I'm weird or anything," he says shyly.

"This is really sweet. It's really great, too. I'm impressed. You really managed to draw my hair perfectly." He smiles at me.

"I'm glad you like it. You can keep it if you want," he says as a statement, but it seems like a question, too.

"I would love that, actually," I say. He gently takes the notepad back and rips out the page with the sketch of me. He hands it to me and puts away his notepad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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