- Chapter 12 -

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"Taking pictures of me now? Are you obsessed?"


We finished the day of filming, and I was exhausted. I could probably drop dead right in my trailer.

I changed back into the clothing I arrived in, and got ready to leave. I tiredly said goodbye to everyone on my way out. I wasn't able to find Iñaki, but I'll see him tomorro-

Lost in my thoughts, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Iñaki smiling wide at me.

"What? Leaving without saying goodbye to me?" He questions, still smiling.

I can't help but smile back. What can I say? His smile makes you want to smile.

"I was planning on it, yes," I respond.

"I'm offended," he tells me, seeming disappointed. I shake my head at his ridiculousness.

"It will never happen again, cross my heart." I make a cross on my heart as I say it, making it look real. I mean, it was real, but I had to make it look that way, too. I'm not sure if it's working, though because it feels like I'm dead and I'm living in my memories.

"Great," he says with a half-smile. "I'm leaving now, too, so let's walk."

I nod my head and we start walking. We make regular conversation, probably for the first time since we met.

"So how was your first day on set?" He asks, turning his head to the side to look at me.

"Tiring, for sure," I begin. "But of course it was also super fun. I've never experienced anything like this."

He nods in agreement, as he can equally relate to the feeling when he first started. I'm genuinely surprised that he can last as much as a minute acting normal.

"I can relate," he chuckles and looks forward. Now it was my turn to look at him. "My first day on set last year was crazy, too. Lots of fun, and it was tiring," he smiles, looking back at me.

It occurs to me now, that I'm walking with my former celebrity crush. What is he now?

A friend of course. Fucking idiot.

I snap out of my thoughts. We reach our cars.

"See you tomorrow, Y/N," Iñaki says, waving at me as he walks away.

"See you, Kiki."

About an hour later.

I plop down in bed. I could seriously go to sleep right here, right now.

That's exactly what I did.

I wake up a few hours later, still groggy. I get up to shower and get ready for bed. I check my phone quick for any new messages. I have a few: from my mom, dad, step-sister, and a group with Kate and Cali. (AN: in case you forgot who Kate and Cali were, they were the friends there when Y/N first found out she got the role of Nico Robin. They were teasing her about Iñaki 🤭)

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