chapter 4

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Abuja, Nigeria.
It felt like an eternity when she last saw her room, she looked around and noticed nothing had been altered or tampered with, no one wants to be on the receiving end of her anger. She immediately entered the bathroom, took ample time in taking her bath, brushed her teeth, and performed ablution as it was already time for zuhr prayer. it didn't take long for the doctors to consider her stable enough to discharge her from the hospital and sitting in the confines of her room has never felt better.

She laid the prayer mat, kept her Qur'an by the side, wore her hijab and initiated the iqamah. After concluding her prayer, she raises her hand as per Sunnah of the prophet. "Ya Allah, you alone know what I'm going through, you alone know the turmoil I'm in, you alone can help me pass the test you've bestowed upon me, you alone can help me out of this self destructive life I'm living, Ya Allah, give me the ability to pass this test, and move on from the past, ya Rabb bestow on me the ability to be happy again, Ameen ya Rahman." She finished up, bearing in mind that Allah can never burden a soul more than it can bear.

She decides to rest her eyes for a bit, shut the entire world for a while, since it seems that's what she's best at, the only thing she has been doing throughout this week.

"Adda Nadra! Get up, Daddy is back! Get up, get up!"

"What do you want Shukee?"

"Daddy is back!"

"Alright I'm coming, let me just make myself look presentable at least."

Shukrallah is the last kid of the house, 7 years old, the only little girl that has Nadra wrapped around her little finger__maybe it's because they are alike in more ways than one.
Shukrallah was born a premature kid, six months and 2 weeks to be precise, a very dangerous time to have a baby. No one had survival in hopes for her, not even her mother, but as Allah would have it, she's here, Hale, hearty and happy. Hence the name Shukrallah (thanks to Allah).
And doesn't mind that she has just three fingers on her right hand. She is the apple of everyone's eyes in the Luqman Hakimi household, even the emotionless politician, Luqman Hakimi. Shukrallah has the ability to make anyone she meets become her friend within a short period of time, no matter how hard of a nut you are to crack.

Nadra meets her sitting at the edge of her bed with a wide grin, looking like she wants to be anywhere but there. Before Nadra could finish toweling her face, Shukee picked up the hijab that she took off after praying, and threw it at her face.

The glare she gave her was enough message. She looked up sheepishly. "Adda Nadra I'm sorry! I know you don't like it when someone throws something at you, yeah yeah you're not a dog but didn't you hear when I said daddy is home?! C'mon, maybe he has more gifts than that of last time."

On their arrival at the parlor, they meet Hajiya Kubra unpacking gift boxes that were neatly wrapped.
She carefully gave one to shukee, and gave another to Nadra. Nadra's own looked slightly smaller, she wondered why, normally it's not that way, Nadra's gift bag would be filled with stuff which she didn't deem necessary, which is why hitherto, she's grateful for the appearance of her gift box.

Shukee dragged Nadra to her room, and made her sit.
"Okay Adda Nadra, open my gift for me!" She said in a very high pitched voice, she should be lucky her room is far from that of Hajiya kubra's, Because if there's anything she loathes in the world it'll be a female child screaming, and Nadra did not want to be present when she was giving the "my friend was divorced due to her loud voice" story again.

She unwrapped the box and saw that it was filled with toys and chocolates, as usual.

"Oh my God! I love daddy so much!" Shukee said.

"Shukee, you're shouting." Nadra said, wondering how one can be excited over getting the same gifts every single time, it doesn't matter if it's a birthday gift, a monthly gift, an Eid gift, any gift whatsoever for shukee always ends up being chocolates and toys, fancy Barbie dolls or "I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world, life it's plastic, it's fantastic.." phone.

She's still wondering if she should go and welcome their dad, as it is he just came back from a business trip. Luqman Hakimi is the minister of information, knowing fully well that once the tenure of the present president is over, the cabinet would be null, void and changed, he decided to use his position to his advantage, by expanding his business.
Luqman Hakimi is a well known business man that hails from Gombe, he owns two branches of fuel stations, one located in A Y A, Abuja, and the other located in Dawaki, Gombe.

Luqman Hakimi also owns his own gold jewelry shop, which is clearly bringing him a fortune. Luqman Hakimi is quite prosperous in his business. But last 8 years something piqued his interest, that something being politics. He decided to involve himself in politics and became a full fledged member of the pdp party. And being a Famous business man, it took him no time to get himself appointed as the minister of information.

Nadra is one that hates politics quite a lot, she doesn't like acknowledging the fact that her father is a politician. Even though she's proud to be from the Hakimi household, she's well aware that He who gave them the wealth they flourish in, can also take that wealth within seconds.

How are y'all?
Allah ya barmin ku.🖤🖤

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