chapter 12

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Abuja, Nigeria.
"Nadra I'm really very sorry, I overreacted, I know but please, it was a reflex action, you know I love you, I'll never just throw your past in your face, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay chatterbox, my ears are hurting."

"I'll call you later, be sure to pick."

"You're lucky I love you, that's why I pick your calls."

"Talk to you later boss!"


She called the driver and he told her he was on his way already. She decided to keep herself busy on her mobile.

Few minutes into that, she felt eyes on her, she looked up immediately feeling the chills that came with it.

"Nadra, I wanted to apologise for what transpired between Aasim and I in your presence last time, I'm not usually like that, he just got on my nerves."

"Look, what's your name again? Leave it, if you fight with everyone that gets on your nerves there won't actually be anything left of you, you would have a very bad reputation, try to keep your calm, and it's not me you should apologize to, it's him."

"I'll try to do that."  He said with reluctance. He gave a her a look that lasted a while, making her uncomfortable for a while before finally waving and walking away.

She sat for few more minutes before her driver finally arrived. Immediately he got there, she hopped into the car. It has been a long dayyy!

Arriving home, she went into her room, she saw Adda Ameema's clothes on the bed. Adda Ameema had literally turned the room into hers, she sleeps there, eats there, takes her bath there, prays there, literally does all of her activities there despite having her own room, but Nadra wouldn't have it any other way.

She assumed she might be taking her second bath, even though it was just 5 in the evening.  Sometimes she believes Adda Ameema has OCD. Her obsession with being clean and spotless is just something else.

She went to Adda Ameema's room so she could use the bathroom to perform ablution and pray there. Since Adda Ameema has practically moved into her room and had taken ownership of it.

After praying, she freshened up and went back to her room. She decided to check her messages from earlier which she had purposely ignored.

She saw a message from he whose name shall not be called.

"But N
I thought I was better than everything on your schedule combined
Anyway I'm sure you haven't unwrapped the present I sent to you
Go do it now"

Oh God! How could she forget about that, she just hopes there's nothing edible there, just so it doesn't go to waste because she's sure it must have gone bad by now.

"Shukee! Come here!" She said from the room, hoping with her all that shukee would hear her. She was so exhausted, too exhausted to move a limb, in her current situation she can't even make it to the parlor without passing out, talk more of going to her car.

Shukee came in just as she was about to get up from the bed.

"Adda Nadra! Mamana said you should get up and get something to eat, you didn't eat this morning, and now you're here too. Get up else you'll get flogged.

"Chocolates if you don't say anything about my eating schedule to her?"


"Now take this, go to my car and check if there's a wrapped present there, if you see any, bring it here." Nadra said handing her the keys to the car.

"Double chocolate?"


Few minutes later, shukee came back holding the wrapped box tightly to her, as if it would hurt her to let it go. She handed it to Nadra with suspicious glances.

"Adda Nadra?"

"Hmm?" Nadra said absentmindedly, trying so hard to unwrap the gift without tearing it apart. It looked to pretty for that.

"Is that from your boyfriend?" As if blessed with a mind of their own, Nadra's hands immediately stopped.

"No, uhm, an acquaintance gave it to me." Thank God for the existence of the word, she most certainly won't call him her friend, they've not even passed the name zone.

She finished unwrapping the gifts, and threw it's content on the bed. She saw packs and packs of Chocolate. Ewwwwwww! And pins, she also saw another wrapped item, and written notes.

She took out the first one.
I noticed that you always have issues in maneuvering your veils so I got you pins, you would just have to pin it in place and you're good to go

Despite noticing his lack of punctuations, she almost got teary eyed at how considerate it was of him.  She went on to the next note.

For the chocolate, I heard girls love it  but you're different and I didn't know what you'd like so I got white dark and brown chocolates

And the other wrapped item
Open it
I thought you would need a change of some sort
That's it

She quickly tore the wrap, not having enough patience in her to do it like the last one.

Before her was a breathtaking sight. A blue gown, simple yet elegant. She was very sure this dress wasn't easy to get, both financially and strength wise. Next to it was a bracelet, with the letter N customized boldly in the middle. All she could think was, wow!

Hey guys! So y'all thought the present was forgotten? Nope, it wasn't. Juma'at Mubarak, ily! Chapter dedicated to sumayyafarouq! I love you sumy!! 🖤🖤

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