chapter 31

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Abuja, Nigeria.

This is it. The moment of truth. Her last day in the hostel has come. Going back home seemed like a faraway dream that has now been tainted into a horrible nightmare she can feel so close. She dialed Mamana's number.

"Assalamualaikum. Nadra." Hajiya kubra kept silent. Nadra didn't know where to start from.

"Mamana mungama exam."

"Ah Masha Allah, sai gida kenan koh? Yaushe Zaki dawo gida?"

"About that..." She closed her eyes and took in a deep breathe. "I really really want to spend this holiday at Tee's place. Kinsan Ummi nata complain banazuwa. Dan Allah can you ask him for me?"

"You mean your dad? Why do I feel that him sounds disrespectful?" Hajiya kubra laughed then hummed.

Because it is. Nadra wanted to say .

"There is no problem then. I promise to talk to him and convince him. But Nadra. It's been so long, your home is right here. You lack absolutely nothing, so why would you decide to go elsewhere when your family is right here?" Hajiya kubra asked solemnly.

"I just miss Tee's house, that's all. There's no reason." Oh mamana, if only you knew.

"Okay, but we miss you too Nadra, so much." She could hear and depict the emotion in every word Mamana uttered.

"I miss you too." She closed her eyes. Frustration threatening to choke her. She was stuck between a hard rock and a deep blue sea. What was she to do? Face her fears and go back home, confess what might happen to be just a hunch to her family and find herself to blame for the consequences? Or go to Tee's house, live in momentary Bliss, procrastinate the inevitable and ignore her own family? Gosh. This is the hardest situation she has found herself in. Not even the incident matches this.

"Okay. It seems I can't change your mind. Dare yayi. Sai gobe. In Sha Allah I'll convince him for you, because for you to strongly stand your ground there must be something shady. Trust me to figure it out."

"Okay Mamana." She whispered.

"If ever, you have something to tell me, please do not hesitate for even a minute. I am right here and I love you so so much. Okay baby?" Nadra swallowed the tears were right there.

"Yes Mamana, I love you too, so much." She closed her eyes as the tears succeeded in overpowering her strong will.

That night while tee was out doing God knows what. She sat there crying about her grief. And how her life decided to go down the hill once again while she was trying to set things straight. Drenching her pillow, who has always been her closest and non opposing companion.

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