chapter 7

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Abuja, Nigeria.
Feeling the heat of the sun on her skin, she immediately sits upright. Ya Salaam! She missed subhi prayer.
Well, it's something she shouldn't even be shocked about, yesterday night her and Adda Ameema stayed up until the wee hours of the night, all in the name of catching up.

She looked beside her and saw that Adda Ameema was sleeping next to her.  Yup, we definitely slept off.

She performed ablution and set the prayer mat. She took her Hijab and observed subhi prayer. There was no point in rakaatanul fajr anymore, the time for it was already gone.

She took her bathe, and creamed her entire body. Took out her Clothes___which consisted of a jeans, a shirt, an Abaya and a big black veil.


Arriving at Baze university, she made her way to the first lecture hall knowing that Tahira will most likely be there. She hasn't forgotten the last incident, no, but she is going to be the mature one and let it go, as usual.

On arriving there, she saw that she was 30 minutes early.
Well I should be given an award for most early student of the week.

She progressed into the lecture hall and Tahira was no where to be soon.  Oh well, guess I'll have to be lonely for some minutes then.

She sat down and found her way to tiktok, she hasn't even been active for a while.
She checked on her followers and saw that they had increased by 100.
Making it 50k followers.
She's still not verified though, she wonders what content they need to verify her.

She was watching videos, saving them, and making mental notes on making others like them herself when she felt a presence.

"Hey babe." She looked up instantly, her brows raising automatically.

Ewwwwwww! Who is he calling that, definitely not me.

"Hey Nadra, I saw you here and was just wondering why you're alone, Tahira isn't here with you, hope she's fine." It seems he noticed his slip up.

"Uhm yeah, she should be fine, she probably overslept or something along those lines." She said in a barely audible voice.

"Oh alright, but I can keep you company before she comes right?"

"I don't want to be a burden, please you can go do your own stuff, if you don't mind....."

"Hey N, what seems to be the problem?" She was interrupted before she could politely ask the strange guy to go.

"It's nothing."

"What is it man, you can see that I was here first, why did you have to interrupt me, life is turn by turn Mana, Baba kagane."

Nadra was very surprised at the sudden nerve the guy showed, from being a partial gentleman, all of a sudden he's acting like a trained tout.

"Abdul get out of here before I lose it."  Aasim said, his usual playful demeanor gone.

"Baba zo muyi magana."(guy come let's talk)

Nadra could finally sit comfortably, that guy gave her the chills honestly speaking. She doesn't even know how he knows her and Tahira. Well watching both of them from a distance would be fine. She doesn't want to go near the creep again.

What she doesn't expect is the exchange of fists that starts between Aasim and the Abdul guy. She's frozen at the spot, when did things get so heated

I can't just watch them beat up each other.

She quickly walked to Aasim.

"Please stop, please stop it, if the authorities get a whiff of this it won't be good, and we both know you're not at fault, please stop it." Aasim didn't seem to be listening to her at all, he just kept on throwing punches at Abdul, who on the other hand tried retaliating, but Aasim had him in a tight spot, pressed to the wall with a hand to his neck and both legs trapping him.

"Aasim! Please pull yourself together! You're better than this! He's not worth it! Pull yourself together, for my sake, please." His resolve weakened at her last words, he released Abdul, then pushed him to the floor.

Abdul laid there like a heap of clothes ready to be washed, not moving a limp, obviously worn out and wound up.

Without even realizing she had done that, Nadra pulled him by the arm and all but dragged him to a secluded spot at the garden right behind the hall

"Care to explain?" She said, with a hand akimbo.

"Well I would, but your fingers perfectly laced in mine has taken my senses elsewhere, if only it wasn't Haram, I would never have let you go."

She looked at their interlaced hands in confusion, how in the world of flying monkeys did that happen! She doesn't remember holding his hand or something. She must have done it without even realizing. It's in this type of situations she remembers how her mom would always scold her about being rash when she was younger. She quickly let go of his hand and chose to keep her hands folded on her chest instead.

"Awwn N, you're as red as a tomato! You're blushing!" He said with a chuckle, clearly mocking her.

"Uhm, I'll see you around." She said walking away, she couldn't trust herself around him anymore, no, from today onwards she has decided to keep her distance, because Aasim is testing her resistance, and that's something she does not play with.

Hey Night owls! How are you? Once again I love Aasim, everyone back off, he's mine! Please vote, comment and share, thanks. I love y'all!  Juma'at Mubarak!

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