chapter 30

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Abuja, Nigeria.

Nadra gazed up at the sleeping figure. She can't believe her eyes. Did she just Tee outside hugging a man?? Not just any man, but Abdul Kareem!

The problem here is that she doesn't even know how to talk to her about it. She's beyond heartbroken that her friend has gone down this path.

Suddenly, a noise pierced through the silence in the room, her phone lighting up the darkness.

She picked up without checking the caller id. "Hello?"

"Assalamualaikum to you too Lezin."

"Oh, hi. Waalaikumussalam. I genuinely thought it was my mom calling, considering I've not talked to her throughout the day."

"Why haven't you?"

"I've just been so overwhelmed."

"Overwhelmed? By what exactly?"

"Your revelation of course, what else."

"I have no idea how it came off as a shock. I thought Taheera would have hinted at it or something. How else did you think Taheera knows me so well? And my parents too."

"I feel so dumb." Nadra let out a humorless laugh.  "One time we went to drop your sister, what was her name again, Amrish! And Taheera and your mom were on first name basis and I didn't even bother asking about it. I'll make such an awful lawyer because I have zero observing skills."

"Hey! Shhh. Just because you didn't observe that doesn't mean you'll make a bad lawyer. It just meant you were minding your business. And concerning Zara, she doesn't even want to be related to us. She takes herself out from family event, and derives joy in bullying some of our cousins like Taheera."

"Wow. It feels so weird to hear her being called Zara. All everyone calls her is Xahra'u and her minions call her Sara, so do the boys that want to impress her. At this point I think her name is going to go extinct." Nadra laughed.

"Yeahh. Might as well do. How are you doing N? You got so nervous and ran off."

"I did not! I just value my alone time." Nadra flat out denied.

"You value alone time over time with friends?"



An awkward silence settled in. She noticed that she had been talking to him for over 2 minutes now, that's breaking her record, she didn't want to do anything that'll put her in a tight spot with Aasim. "I have to go now." She sighed.

"Okay, one last thing. Where are you spending your holiday? My mom keeps talking about your sister's wedding."

"I'm not quite sure. I have to ask Mamana na."

"Mamana? You call your mom that?"

"Yeah, it stemmed from when Adda Ameena was younger, she would always say she wants Mamana instead of Mama na. And then that's how it became her name." Nadra abruptly stopped laughing when she realized she had just rambled.

"That's nice. At least it's different from the usual Mama."




"See you tomorrow?"

"We'll see."

"We'll see."

Hey guys. I hope y'all are praying for my Goggo. Allah ya jikanki Goggo. School naso ya kashe ni. I have so many upcoming tests.  They don't seem like they're gonna be easy, but with your prayers and Allah's guidance in Sha Allah they will be. Kumini addua.🖤

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