chapter 14

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Abuja, Nigeria.
Awakening from her visit to lala land, she glanced outside at the opened curtains. Yup, I definitely slept for so long! It should be time for Isha, which means I've missed maghrib. Sigh, sleep to get rid of your problems and wake up to be graced with another.

She went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and performed ablution. She cane outside, laid the prayer mat,and brought out her Hijab and counter. She proceeded to pray, stopping at sujood to say the usual "rabbana hablana min azwajina wa zurriyatina qurrata a'ayunin wa ja'alna lil muttakina imama."  No human would want a nuisance as their child. And prayers said in sujood have been reported to be accepted by Allah faster than when you've finished praying already.

She concluded her prayers and decided to pack up and go to her room for the night. She packed all the chocolates and other stuff that she left on the bed due to exhaustion and made her way to her room.

Immediately she entered, she heard sniffing. Don't tell me my room is haunted! She looked around. If there's something about Nadra that a person can fancy then it would be her courage. Nadra is very courageous, any one in her shoes would have been frightened at what was before them. Lights turned off, sounds of sniffing but no one seemed to be there. It wasn't adding up, but Nadra has seen worse, she has been through worse, she has been with demons in form of humans, so she has nothing to be scared of. She switched on the light with difficulty due to the things on her hands and kept all of it on the bed.

She glanced at the room in it's entirety but didn't see anything out of place, but still that sniffing.

She peeked at the closet, then after a loud Bismillah she threw it open, quite dramatically.

The sight before her wasn't something she liked seeing. A crying Adda Ameema. She had curled herself into a ball at the extreme corner of the closet, probably too self absorbed to notice that someone walked in.

Nadra gently tapped her. She looked up with red rimmed eyes. It was as if seeing Nadra unleashed a dam, one bigger than that of earlier. She started crying all over again.

Nadra hugged her to herself and kept drawing soothing circles over her back, she didn't even utter a word, knowing if she was in that situation and someone spoke a word to her, her tears would increase.

When Adda Ameema finally got herself together, Nadra walked out. Not up to a second later, Nadra walked in with chocolates in her hand.


"Goodness you're a life saver." Adda Ameema was munching on the chocolates.

"Eww you look like a starved goat." Nadra said in tease.

"Inalillahi wainna ilaihir rajiun! N!" Adda Ameema shrieked.

"Oh now you sound exactllyyyyyy like one!" Nadra said laughing.

Adda Ameema laughed. She knows that it's Nadra's attempt to make her smile after her breakdown, and she was successful. She's very thankful to Allah for giving her such a loving family, especially Nadra, she doesn't know how she'll start her life anew once she gets married but she knows it's going to be very hard without them. She's just grateful for the fact that Adeel plans on staying in Abuja even after the wedding.

"I don't even know what got into me, I'm just so tired, I needed a break, I'm sorry for disturbing you..." Nadra cut her off.

"Adda Ameema, it's fine! What are sisters for?  Now go and clean yourself up, you look like a piggggg!" Nadra said laughing.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Adda Ameema said looking at her in amusement.

"Yup, but it's just you that has seen my crazy side!" Nadra said smiling.

"I'm sure the world would love to see "the Nadra Hakimi" acting so casual." Adda Ameema said, talking about her social media accounts.

"Yup, but they won't, now shoo, go! And yes, once you're out there are more chocolates on the bed, take them, don't touch the white ones though."

Adda Ameema looked at her in concern, after a minute of looking, she brought her palm to her forehead, Nadra swatted her hand away.

"What?!" Nadra said with a frown.

"I wanted to check if you're fine, when did you start taking chocolates?!"

"I don't like it, I just feel obligated to taking it."

"Why? Because your boyfriend got it for you?" Adda Ameema said wiggling her brows. Nadra wondered how someone's emotions can switch so fast.

"No shut up! I don't have a boyfriend, an acquaintance got it for my birthday!" Once again she's thanking God for the existence of that word.

"Sure sure." Adda Ameema walked out.

"Oh my God!!! Nadra imba karyabane in mutu!!! How would you tell me an acquaintance got you all this! Even the gold earrings?!"

"No stupid! The gold earrings and pink dress is from Babana, the others are from the acquaintance."

"Dad got you a pink dress, I'm sure you'll never wear that. Anyway, I'm off to go do my business, go to bed, you have school tomorrow." She said tapping her head to emphasize who's taller and older, Nadra swatted her hand. Adda Ameema laughed and walked to the bathroom.

At this moment she is more than content with her relationship with her sister, she won't trade it for the world.

Guysssss!!! How are you all doing?! I know I only update on Fridays but it's my birthday! Yes, I have a birthday, didn't just fall from heaven. 😹
So Maryam Alkali Kwairanga Amra, this chapter is dedicated to you and you alone! I'm proud of how far you've come, how steadfast you are, continue being you. More ink to your pen and more business ideas. I hope life treats you as you have treated others because I know from the bottom of your heart you won't do something bad to someone knowingly. Ily! 

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