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Surrounded by other students, Danika walked down the main corridor to her locker. Ignoring all of those around her which was normal for Danika, she stopped at her locker and exchanged her books. To others, Danika is feared. To Danika, she doesn't want to deal with their lives. Hearing conversation after conversation, it was no interest to her. Danika hasn't always been this way. Five years ago, Danika was lively and loved being around her friends but when her brothers life was taken due to a car accident, Danika shut everyone out. She was always close with her brother Damon. One stormy night he was sent out to do a job for their father and got in a car with a drunk driver only for it to end tragically. Her brother was thrown out of the car and hit by another car passing by as the other car crashed into the back of a truck. Technically Danika should've finished school last year but not wanting to be in her father's business, Danika made sure she failed so her father would make her repeat. Her plan worked but she knows she can't do it again. 'three more months left and then I'm stuck. He got my brother killed and he wants me to live their life. I never wanted to be part of that business' Danika sighed and closed her locker before entering the classroom she shared last year. Walking past five tables over the thin grey carpet, Danika sat down on the thick plastic chair in the back row like always. 'She never removes that hooded jumper. Well the hood from her head. The jumper always changes' her teacher misses cubitt sat down at her desk with her eyes on Danika. 'this girl is very intelligent but she doesn't socialise. Hardly speaks. Refuses to share her work up front. Seven months and she hasn't moved. She does do her work though. I have spoken with other teachers in regards to her schooling and her disregard for the rules in regards to her clothing, they have told me they gave up' misses cubitt turned her attention to the door as the students started to enter. "good morning all" "morning" hearing the same from all of the students, misses cubitt grinned when they all sat down.
Rylan entering the classroom, he looked around 'there' "you must be new, I'm misses cubitt" "yes. Rylan" "I have been expecting you. Please find a seat Rylan" rylan looked around again 'the back it is' Rylan walked down to the back and sat down on the same table as Danika. 'doesnt wear the right uniform, doesn't remove her hood. Hasn't even looked my way. By the looks of it, she doesn't socialise either. She doesn't know me but I was told what I was looking for. A girl that doesn't follow the uniform'.
"Before we get started. You all had an essay to do. It's due today. if you have it with you, please bring it to the desk" Danika rolled her eyes as she sat still. 'hes watching me. He's a new one. My guess is one of dads men's sons. He can go back and feed him shit'. Danika, school work. Danika, train. Danika, you know what's expected of you. He didn't care about Damon. Just carried on like it meant nothing. To me, he was my everything. I already lost mom and then my brother' pushing her thoughts aside, Danika reached down and unzipped her bag. 'i already know what we are doing. It's the same shit every week'. Daniel grabbed out her book and her blue pen then placed them on her table. "she hasn't even stated what we are doing yet". Rylan inhaled a deep breath as Danika started on her work.
"Alright everyone, it is Friday. First class, your math. Mathematical analysis" 'no shit' "please grab out your books and get started" Rylan looked at danikas book. 'she is already doing it. Interesting. I was told she failed last year. I need to make sure she passes. Boss wants her to work'. 'ugh, I did all of this last year'. flying through her work, Danika zoned everyone out while Rylan was paying more attention to how quickly Danika worked instead of his own work. The bell sounding, Danika packed up her book and pen then grabbed out her essay. Zipping her bag up, Danika stood up and put it on her back then pushed her chair in before walking back up to the front of the room. Reaching the desk, Danika lowered her essay and walked out. 'she did it' misses cubitt, picked up danikas essay. 'i wasn't sure if she would. We don't speak. I do but she never responds. She doesn't respond to anyone. From what I hear, many fear her'. Entering the cafeteria, Danika walked to the counter and looked at the food. 'same as always. Everything is always the same' "the same?" Danika nodded and put the money up. 'what the hell?. Boss didn't tell me she doesn't fucking speak. Even the ladies in the cafeteria, don't make her speak' Danika nodded at the lady as she picked up her salad roll then walked out of the cafeteria to the oval. 'at least out here, I have some peace' placing her bag Down on the grass Danika then sat down with her back against the tree. 'shes there again. Always there. No one approaches her. Boss is concerned. She doesn't even speak to him. She does everything that is asked of her but there is no life to her' antony stood on the edge of the school oval keeping his eyes on Danika. Spotting Rylan looking around for her, Antony inhaled a long deep breath as his phone rang. "Boss?" "Have you got eyes on my daughter?" "Yes. Same spot as always" "anyone with her?" "Never" xavion lowered his head "thanks" "it's fine" "bye" "bye" 'she hasn't spoken a word since Damon was killed. I know she blames me. I also know she failed her schooling on purpose. All of her studies throughout the year told me she was at the top of her class. They wouldn't allow her to resit her test. She's all I have left. I only want the best for her but I know I've lost her. I have had numerous calls from the school stating she won't follow code. I don't know what to do anymore'.
'what the hell is happening?' Rylan stayed out of sight but watched as four girls approached Danika. 'she has friends?' "oh look, the one everyone is scared of" Danika rolled her eyes "you really shouldn't be all alone.." "bad things can happen" Coralie going to hit Danika, Danika grabbed coralies wrist. snapping it, Danika had no care while coralie screamed out in pain. 'FUCK. THEY ARENT HER FRIENDS. WHAT DID SHE DO?' "HELP ME.." Danika rolled her eyes and went back to eating while coralies friends rushed her to the nurse. 'she broke her wrist. She didn't even move just grabbed her arm' Rylan looked at Antony as antony was on the phone. 'hes speaking with boss'.

Entering the classroom, Danika stopped seeing her principal. "Danika did you break coralies wrist?" Danika nodded "why?" Not getting an answer the principal tried again "did you initiate the fight?" Danika shook her head no "your father is on his way" Danika walked straight back out and up to the office. 'i don't even need to tell her. Danika, doesnt usually associate. I believe those girls approached her. I will look at the footage' while Danika waited in the corridor, principal ingliss looked at the cameras. 'they approached Danika. I can see Coralie going to hit her. Right'.
Xavion entered the school building and looked around. 'there is Danika and the principal. She can't be hurting others' "mister Hart, I apologise. Danika was not the instigator. Danika was approached by four girls. One of those girls tried to hit Danika and she stopped it" "I see. What happens with these girls?" "Well three of them didn't hurt Danika. The other will be suspended. Due to danikas retaliation, she will be too" "for retaliation?" "Those are our rules" xavion nodded "how long for?" "Two days. Danika will need to sign her name to show she knows of this" Danika stood up and followed the principal into his office. 'i just want my daughter back. I hate this' Danika read over the form and signed her name. "thanks mister ingliss. I will take Danika with me now" "yes sir" 'i didn't want to suspend her but I have no choice. She knows that too'.

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