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'i have dreaded this day. Last day of school. The men won't fucking let up. My uncle and merimba have stood by me and I know others don't agree with them on my case. Once I walk out those doors today, they expect me to celebrate being part of them. I should be able to choose how I want to celebrate' throwing her uniform on, of this time the full uniform Danika brushed her hair out and walked out, locking the door on the way out. "Danika.." "finally she's out of that hood" 'shes done it for a reason. Her mind works differently' "well show yourself" "today is the day Danika" "it will be good.." Danika walked off upsetting xavion. "You can't let her have her fucking life, can you" "she knows.." "you better shut the fuck up, kid" Rylan pressed his lips shut. 'fuck. My brother and merimba are backing her all the way'.
Danika ignored the men and walked to her school while some followed and some drove. 'what the fuck?' carter and Shannon laughed "nice outfit whisperer" Danika raised her head and looked at carter and Shannon. "Holy shit balls you are ugly" "would you fuck off" "want to start ya cocksucker" "this is enough. Back off Rylan" "did you not hear.." "yeah he did. He's not fucking deaf. Its way over your head frat boy" vandal and Jason held in their laughter.
Danika entered the hall and sat down in the back row. "Yep. Thanks" carter and Shannon jumped in the row and sat down beside Danika. "Ready?" Danika shook her head no. 'i didn't think she would be'.
"Welcome everyone. I'm sure all of you are keen to get out of here and celebrate. You deserve it. Before I can tell you to go. I have your scores and awards to hand out. All of those present have passed. Give yourselves a pat on the back. Parents and families of the students left here today, you should be very proud" many cheering, Danika sat with her arms crossed as her mind drifted. 'i don't want this. They are all happy but I won't be. I'm going to have to work with all of them. I don't want to follow in his footsteps. Opa told me to follow my dreams. This isnt my dream. It's a family business. I don't want to lead those men. I don't want to go to wars, sell drugs and weapons. I want to travel, explore and live my life. I'm stuck. I've been stuck since I was born. What happened to people rights?. What happened to freedom and independence'
'shes far from excited. Everyone else is but Danika hasn't moved. Her arms are crossed and even though she has no hood on, her hair covers her face while her head is down'
"Let's start on these awards" 'im leaving Danika until last. This girl has intrigued me. She hasn't worn the full uniform since she started here and now she doesn't need to she chooses to wear it. Something is very wrong here' "carter Stanhope" Danika clapped for him like many others. "Congratulations carter" "you will miss me won't you?" "No" carter chuckled "CONGRATS ALL" carter walked back down. "SHANNON SANDERSON" many clapping just like Danika, Shannon messed her hair up as he walked past "shit. You better go to the bathroom for three hours and fix that" Danika looked at carter as he grinned. Danika put her finger to her lips telling carter to be quiet. Carter laughed "congratulations Shannon" "thanks sir". Sitting around until last, Danika waited for her name to be called. "Danika Hart" when Danika stood up many were in shock. "That's her?" "Holy crap" "she's always hidden herself away. Why?" "She's gorgeous" xavions chest raised 'she could be more enthusiastic'
Danika walked up on stage and shook her principals hand as he held eye contact with her. Her principal handed over danikas scores and her award. "congratulations Danika" "thank you sir" many in shock, they stared at Danika with theirs mouths open. "As you are last. Would you like to take the opportunity to address this year's graduates" "I will".

Danika held down her emotions and approached microphone, shocking everyone. Inhaling a deep breath as she looked over all of the students, Danika then began to speak.
"Many years ago, a wise man once told me that actions speak louder than words and he's right. All of you are witnesses that prior to this I haven't spoken. It was a choice not to speak and I will most likely continue not to. Why? Because its my choice and I have every right to decide if I want to or not. He told me to speak up when it's important to me and this is one of those times" many cheering, Danika kept her face blank.
"its taken fourteen years for me to get this far. I repeated this year on purpose. For others you get to choose. for me, my path was set in stone without me having a choice" 'what the fuck is she doing?' 'express it danika'.
"Others may be happy but I dread walking out those doors. if I could repeat this year again, I would" xavions eyes watered as he swallowed the lump in his throat. "Even though I haven't been friends with many of you, I applaud you. It's taken a lot of hard work from all of you here today to get where you are. Well done. You should be proud of yourselves. Now you get to be who you want to be. Congratulations to all of you. You only have one life. Enjoy it and celebrate" 'shes dead inside'. Danika stepped back and looked at her principal "thank you for building everyone" the principal grinned "take care Danika" Danika nodded and walked off of the stage as many cheered.
Danika walked down the aisle keeping her eyes away from everyone as she felt empty inside.
Carter and Shannon stood up as Danika approached.
"Congratulations to all of you. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. You may walk out for the very last time and as Danika stated, enjoy your life and celebrate. You deserve it".
Many rushing out, Danika looked at carter and Shannon. "we need your number" Danika nodded "she will.." "I didn't fucking talk to you" Danika told both guys her number. "you can't come out can you?" "No" "that's fucked up" xavions eyes continued to water "celebrate for me?" "We will" Danika nodded and hugged both guys then walked out. "Danika. We are heading out to celebrate" Danika walked off and down the path as she kept her arms crossed. "she will walk home" "we have plans to get together as a family. She's just wasting time".
Taking her time Danika never raised her head. 'shes broken inside'.
Arriving at home, Danika knew everyone would be waiting but she has no care. Entering the house, Simon spoke "well hurry up. You two get to celebrate" Danika ignored Simon and walked up the stairs. "Danika we have.." Entering her room, Danika locked her door and entered her closet. 'this can be hung up. My last bit of freedom' Danika removed her school clothes and hung them up before grabbing her sweatpants, a loose shirt and her hood and put them on. "SHUT THE FUCK UP. GO FUCKING CELEBRATE LIKE YOU FUCKING WANT TO. ITS NOT FOR HER. FUCKING HELL" many of the men walked out upset while in her room, Danika moved to her bed and laid down staring at the roof. "Danika?" Not getting a response, Gunther lowered his head "I know you didn't want this raven. Many of us know. It's unfair on you" xavion wiped his eyes 'my daughter is a mess and she won't let anyone in. She's not going to celebrate. I don't know her scores and didn't get to view her award. I know she doesn't want this but she's the only one left to take over. I'm afraid if she does take over one day, she will end it all. I don't know what to do anymore. What she said, were my fathers words'.
Sitting at the warehouse, rylan looked around 'she was supposed to be here celebrating with me, with us. Instead Here we are while she's wherever she is' "thrilled to be finished school?" "Yes. Finally. Thirteen long years and now I can work full time" "you have always been keen to do this" 'shes not. She needs to change her mind'. While the men drank at the warehouse, Danika never moved. Feeling numb inside, eventually Danika closed her eyes.

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