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Arriving at the cafe with Gunther, Teresa and April, Danika walked in with all three knowing others were coming. "Do you come here a lot?" Danika shook her head no. "She does come here but not as often as she used to and when she does others follow.. like now" Teresa sighed "I said.." "I know hun. Let's order" ordering their drinks and food, all four walked to a table and sat down. "You are known here. That's good. They know what you are like. Show me yourself" Danika removed her hood. Gunther and Teresa's eyes softened. The men entering, Danika put her hood back on making Teresa curious.
"Danika, April, Teresa and Gunther" "we stated we wanted coffee with Danika" "I wanted to join. My daughter doesnt get out much" "is that right?" Danika shook her head no "so you go out?" Danika nodded "and then what?" "It's either the hotel which isn't safe.." "with Carlos?" "Yes" "dad's partners son. How isn't he trusted?" "I didn't know" "you don't remember his men?" "Not really no" Gunther nodded. Xavion, Jason, vandal and Mathew sat down as the waitress brought the drinks over and placed them down. "Ahh.." vandal looked at April "who are you?" "I'm vandal. You are April?" "Yes" April hid behind Danika as Teresa grinned "Danika will not allow anyone to hurt you April" "I know" "I wouldn't hurt an innocent child" "I'm not, I lied to my teacher. He's mean" Danika looked at April as Teresa spoke "he's not mean. He's doing his job" "he hit his big ruler on my table. He told me not to talk. I wanted to ask if I could use the bathroom. He made me wet myself" Danika clenched her hands. 'shit' "April, who is your teacher?" "Mister Ashworth" "is that so?" "We have spoken with him. She had all opportunity to go at first break" Danika looked at Gunther indifferent pushing him backwards. 'my niece doesn't agree'.

'tyson Ashworth. You won't fuck with my cousin ever again' searching up his name, Danika found his residence. 'good bye'.
Without a care Danika stormed downstairs and out of the house. "WE NEED TO STOP HER NOW. I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE SHE IS GOING" "WHAT?" "APRIL TOLD HER ABOUT THAT FUCKING TEACHER.." "MOVE. NOW" 'if there is one thing I know about my daughter, she won't stand for men Disrespecting kids'.
Danika kicked down Tyson's front door and stormed in. "WHO ARE YOU?" "YOU WANT TO BELITTLE MY NIECE AND MAKE HER WET HERSELF IN-CLASS..".
Danika picked up the first chair and slammed it to the ground "ITS A KID. SHE NEEDS.." "WHAT SHE NEEDS IS FUCKING GUIDANCE YOU EGOTISTICAL CUNT. LET THIS BE A FUCKING WARNING TO YOU. YOU FUCK WITH HER AGAIN, I WILL SLICE YOUR THROAT. DO YOU HEAR ME" Danika put her knife to his throat scaring him "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW" "I won't do it again. She won't be treated that way" xavion ripped Danika back "I'm sorry sir. She's very protective of kids" "it was my mistake. I don't want any trouble" Danika stared Tyson down 'i just wanted to teach her that she needs to go through the first or second break. Most kids learn but this woman here has taken it one step too far and has no interest in listening to what I have to say' "GET HER OUT OF HERE" vandal went to grab Danika but stopped "he wants you to leave" "TAKE HER" "IF I TOUCH HER, I WILL BE ON THE END OF IT. IM NOT DOING THAT" Danika picked up a chair and threw it through the window before storming out. Xavion grabbed his phone out and called gunther. "Xavion" "my daughter just fucking broke into your daughter's teachers home.." Gunther internally grinned "is he alive?" "IS HE ALIVE? SHE NEEDS HELP" "I WILL BE THERE" Gunther ended the call. "Hun, I will be back. Danika paid a visit to April's teachers home" Teresa chuckled "I had a feeling that she would. It would've been a warning".
Danika walked home with anger in her system. Entering the house, Danika was grabbed and thrown to the ground. Going hit for hit with mossy, Danika stopped as Gunther entered and fired a shot at mossy. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CARE FOR YOUR DAUGHTER? DO I NEED TO TAKE HER TO MY HOME. I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF SHE WENT TO HIS HOME. IT WAS A FUCKING WARNING NOT TO FUCK WITH APRIL. THESE MEN DONT TOUCH HER OR I COME FOR THEM" xavion sighed "my daughter also needs to learn..." "IF YOU CARED MORE ABOUT WHAT SHE FUCKING WANTS THEN THIS FUCKING SHIT, YOU WOULD REALISE SHE DOESNT NEED TO FUCKING LEARN. SHE HAS BEEN AROUND THIS SHIT SINCE SHE WAS BORN". Danika jumped up as her head bled "clean yourself up Danika.." Danika slammed her foot to mossys stomach and walked off "HE CAN CLEAN THIS BLOOD. THE BLOOD HE CAUSED. ARE YOU GOING TO BACK HER OR NOT?" xavion sat down "I want to back her but her care for others.." "HER CARE FOR OTHERS?. SHE BACKED JASON, MATHEW, HARTWIN AND VANDAL. SHE BACKS ME, TERESA AND APRIL. ITS HOW SHE IS FUCKING TREATED. WITH YOU ITS BECAUSE YOU WERE NEVER THERE AND NOW YOU HAVE MEN IN YOUR HOME. YOU EITHER WANT HER AROUND OR NOT" "HE WANTS.." Gunther shot at Rylan "NO.." Rylan grabbed his arm "fuck.." "you don't Speak up to me boy. I don't care who your father is. I will have Danika kill you and I know she's capable. You need to think of what's more important xavion" "she is.." "THEN FUCKING SHOW IT" the front door slamming open, all of xavions men stood up. "Merimba" "I don't receive an SOS call for no reason" Danika walked back down the stairs. "Danika?" Danika looked at merimba and ran his way. Jumping in his arms, Danika held him tight while others stared at her in shock "my beautiful raven. My, you have grown" Danika broke down on merimbas shoulder "come on now. I know it's been hard. You are a strong woman" Danika rubbed merimbas back as Gunther grinned "now this is our raven" merimba carried Danika away from everyone and sat her down. "Its been hard for you Danika. I know. You called for a reason" 'she called merimba. How did he know. She hasn't spoken a word' "she needs help.." "SHE NEEDS PEACE IN HER FUCKING LIFE. FUCK OFF" vandals eyes softened as he walked their way. "She doesn't need help. She needs people who care" "you are?" "Vandal" "one that respects our raven" "you call her that because of her black hair?" "That too but confident and intelligent" "that sounds like Danika. Others put her down due to her holding herself away" "that's because she has been hurt. Raven, we are here for you" Danika pulled away as she closed herself off "don't do that. Closing yourself away, only builds up more aggression" "she's always.." Danika slammed her fist to oaks throat making him fall. "One that has pissed her off" vandal nodded "he was in the car with Damon" "that will do it. Damon got in to feel superior within the boys" vandal nodded as Danika kept her head down. "This needs to be addressed" "then get rid of those she doesn't want here" "they are here for protection" "from what?" "She had a threat" "had?" "She brought the police in. Has. Some technology we don't know about" "her grandfather's?" "He didn't pass it down to me" "no but he did her" "I don't understand. Gunther and I were always with him but he left her everything" "because he trusts that she will do right with his estate. Why haven't you moved there?" "I don't want her to leave" "she doesnt want men she doesnt trust around and if you order them to touch her, that's not okay" "she is defiant" "defiant or loyal to what she believes in?" "My daughter hasn't communicated and has hidden herself away" "good. Men shouldn't be in her life unless she wants them there. From what I hear, she only trusts a certain few" "if she got past.." "GOT PAST?. I KNOW HOW YOU RUN. YOU NEED TO MAKE A DECISION. YOU EITHER WANT HER HERE OR YOU DONT. YOU CANT FORCE YOUR MEN ON HER" "it's her life.." "she won't want this at all if you continue this way xavion".

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