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"thank you" Danika and Gunther exited the cab and grabbed their suitcases. "Is it far?" "A half mile walk. Around here there are no cars past this point" "very beautiful and secluded" "many wonderful people too. I really do hope I'm not making a mistake" "it will never happen again. I put my oath on my fathers grave" Danika nodded. Reaching Teresa and Aprils villa, Danika lowered her suitcase and knocked on the door. "MOM.. APRIL IS HERE" "ITS OPEN DANI" Danika grabbed the Handle of her suitcase and walked inside with Gunther. 'wow. I love this. It feels like home' "DANI" April jumped at Danika and hugged her tight. "Congratulations" "both of us are captains now" "yes" april looked at Gunther while tears travelled down his cheeks. When Teresa walked out, April hopped down. "Dad" "April.." Gunther embraced April and held her tight while Danika moved back. 'if he hurts these two he's a dead man. Right now she's allowing him to hold her' "let's have a juice. I'd offer a coffee but it's hot" "beautiful weather" "April and Gunther, a juice?" "That would be great. Have you been well?" "Very much so. It's home here. We took over the lease and are now buying this place" "it feels homely" "we have a bit to discuss, Gunther. Right now, a drink. How was your flight?" "It was fine. Our pilots will be staying for a few days" "then what?" "I will need to head back. Dani has been offered a job" worry ran through Teresa. "You are here early. What has happened?" "The day of my captaincy. Things turned sour" "I see. You aren't hurt?" "No. Alexander was though" Gunthers heart raced "they put the heat on the Hart's to get to you?" "Yes. One less I have to worry about" "you say that.. the interest in your company?" "Yes" "good. We all know you don't want that. Although I think if you find the right one, it could be bliss" "that's the thing isn't it" "I can have all of her love" Danika chuckled "you always have miss. So tomorrow hmm" "I'm very excited. I receive my own badge. The year sixes get to celebrate" "what are their plans?" "A pool party" "lucky you can swim then, little fish" "lots of practice. Can we go to the beach?" "Of course. Teresa?" "That's fine" 'it will give Gunther and Teresa a chance to talk' "how about we go get changed" "I'm ready" Danika chuckled"you knew I would say yes" "yes" "she has been getting on it" "wait.. no school?" "Not for the year six's. Here if your child doesn't go to school, you get the day off fully paid" "it sounds great".
Danika got changed into her bikinis and walked out with April. Teresa showed a cheeky grin "woman, you have it all" gunthers eyes widened. "Should've locked her up" "she does a good job at keeping the men away" Gunther nodded 'i knew she would be fit but wow.. men would die to have a woman with that figure'.
When Danika and April walked out, Gunther kept his eyes on Teresa. "You and April look really happy here" "we are. I thought Springvale was home but I fell in love" Gunther lowered his head "Danika mentioned it... I still love you Teresa. I always have" Teresa held in her laughter "with the island , Gunther" Gunther raised his head "you haven't.. she said it to realise what I had lost" "a very intelligent woman. These four years, April and I have been able to live in peace. We plan to keep it that way" "I want to stay" "I'm not living that life anymore Gunther. I want.." "I left it. Xavion needs to pull his men in line. He lost ten last week. I don't know the full story but I do know those men started the fire" "Danika wouldn't have hesitated. She hated Rylan. He tried to force himself upon her. I believe more is going on, Danika hasn't mentioned it. They can't come here" "I know that. I know if I cross Danika again, she's not going to stop" "she protects us like a family should. She may not say we are family but words she says to April tell me we are" "well you are. You are her aunty" "I know that. Danika chooses her family. I know she chose us. Especially april. She protects her and is always here if April calls for her. April knows when danika starts working she won't be able to call on her as much but she also knows April will be here when she can. My worry is not the men, it's her mindset" "has she shown that?" "No. A girl that hasn't had a chance to live, lost many close to her, been hurt a lot mentally and physically. She's not afraid to die. For years she has stated she wants to be with her family. That's what worries me" Gunther nodded.

'wow' Danika looked around. 'an outside setting by the beach. They really have made this special for the kids here today. All of the year sixes. April is up the front as expected' Danika stood at the back with her arms crossed across her front 'shes happy and that's all I want for her. She doesn't need a life like mine. She has her mom.. and I guess Gunther too. He better not stuff this up' 'my niece has a blank look on her face. It's worried me since Teresa mentioned it yesterday. I can't call xavion, that would be one of the worst ideas. I just hope she is okay. Who the fuck is that?' Danika looked at the guy that stood beside her then back to the front. Teresa held in her laughter as Danika rolled her eyes. "Typical of Danika" "do you know that guy?" "His name is Edison. A good kid" "he wants my niece's attention" "April's getting it".
"Welcome everyone, an amazing turn out for these kids. Your support is greatly appreciated. And what about this beautiful weather..".
"Are you here for your sister?" "Niece. She is receiving the captaincy award" "April hart?" "That's right. You?" "I am their teacher" "so if she fails, I blame you" Edison chuckled "not quite. Her levels are quite high already. I'm hoping I can help them move further" Danika nodded.
"This is your last year of junior. You should all be very proud of yourselves. Before we celebrate the year ahead, I ask that you put your hand to your heart" all the children doing as they were asked, Danika grinned 'i knew it would make Danika smile' "I promise to do my best" "I promise to do my best" "I promise to be kind and have fun" "I promise to be kind and have fun" "I promise... To leave my principal snacks" the kids erupting in laughter, the principal grinned "well?" "Ugh. Come on sir" everyone laughed "April, please stand up" "she's cheeky" Danika nodded "respectfully" "of course".
"April hart, you have been chosen as the school captain for this year. Standing beside Noah ward. Do you promise to work hard, stand by your peers and help them when needed?" "Yes" "Noah ward. Please stand up" Noah stood beside April. "Noah ward. Do you promise to work hard, stand by your peers and help them when needed?" "Yes" "please congratulate your new captain's" the kids all jumping up with excitement, Danika grinned as April looked around for her. Danika winked her way. "my cousin is a captain" "your cousin?" April pointed at Danika "what is your cousin's name?" "Danika. She's a big cruiseship captain" "IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE ANOTHER CAPTAIN HERE TODAY" everyone looked around as Danika shook her head with a grin. "April mentioned Danika" Gunthers eyes softened "PLEASE STEP FORWARD, DANIKA" Danika chuckled as she walked up to April and put her on her back. 'wow. She's a captain?. A captain of what though?' "A BIT OF INSPIRATION FOR ALL OF YOU. APRILS COUSIN DANIKA IS A CRUISESHIP CAPTAIN" "WOW. THATS SO COOL" April beamed a smile "I do hope all of you will succeed in what you want to do. Study, fun, dreams and hard work will get you there. Don't be giving your teachers too much trouble okay?" The kids laughed as Danika said it with cheek in her voice. "WE WONT" Danika grinned as April giggled and hugged her tight "LETS CELEBRATE EVERYONE". 'a cruiseship captain. That I didn't expect. A wonderful career though'.

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