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"RYLAN. HURRY UP" "I'm ready. Waiting on Danika to get changed" "who said shes getting changed?" Rylan looked at Danika as she was in all white but sweatpants and a hood. "she can't wear that" "why not?" "It's a formal" "she's not part of the formal. Let's go" Danika walked out with Gunther. "you drive" Gunther handed Danika his keys. "Id rather that then you walking" Danika nodded and got in. "Danika is driving?" "She has a license. She can drive".
Arriving at the school, Danika jumped out and walked over to carter and Shannon as they stood by the fence in black sweatpants and hoods. "what the fuck?" Carter looked at Rylan "nice suit" "none of you dressed up. This is a formal. It's important" "what's important about a dance?. Does it go towards your grades?". "DANI" April ran to Danika and jumped in her arms. "Oh. Hi. I'm April" "I'm carter. It's good to meet you April. How old are you?" "Six" "a big girl huh?" April beamed a smile "I am. You?" "Shannon. Who is your daddy?" April pointer at Gunther "that must mean you are Dani's cousin" "yes. I do the talking for her" the guys grinned "we could listen to you all day. Ready to watch us on stage?" April's eyes lit up "are you getting on stage Dani?" Danika nodded "no dress?" Danika shook her head no "it would not suit you. I like what you wear" "comfortable. You have some on too" "I want to be like Dani" the guys grinned "a very good person to look up to. Ready?" "YES" "then let's go in" 'ugh they fucking treat her well but speak to me like shit. They have since Shannon joined us and yet it's carter that opens his mouth' everyone entering the formal, Danika eyed off Trisha as she huffed "control yourself or leave Trisha" "I am the assistant principal here.." "then act that way. Not like a child".
Danika, carter, Shannon, Toria, Rilee, Sean, Dario, Jaxson, Marley and Rowan stood along the back wall while everyone else sat down. "Why are we here?" "We were asked to put on a show" "seriously?" Danika, carter and Shannon nodded "has to be more interesting than this" "let's see shall we".
"Welcome students and families. Tonight we are here to celebrate this year's schooling with our end of year formal. Students who have wanted to participate will perform three dances for you to watch with their chosen partners. Nibblies and drinks will be placed on each table. If you need to use the bathrooms, there are some to the left. We ask that you show your support for all involved. After these three dances, I have asked three students to perform for all of you for end of night entertainment. Prior to this, awards will be handed out. Please stay seated. Students, please move to your positions on the floor" 'i have to watch this shit?. Ugh' standing by the wall for all three dancers, Danika kept her eyes on the dances while others had their eyes on her. 'she looks bored' 'none of them are interested' "you three better bring something better than this" carter chuckled "it has to be a lot more entertaining" everyone cheering for the students, Rylan looked around 'ugh. I don't even know if she watched. I should've been doing this with her' "he's crushing" "on me. Yeah I know" Shannon laughed.
"Well done Rylan. You did well out there" "thanks dad".
"Now everyone is seated. Please remain patient. Those who participated, you were being watched. This first award goes to amber lelliod. Amber please come to the stage" everyone clapping, amber politely smiled. "Congratulations amber" "thank you sir".
"The second single award. Rylan Clark" everyone clapping, Rylan internally Grinned as the men cheered. "Thank you sir" "congratulations".
"The last award and this is for team effort. Daniel Marshall and Taylah Edson" watching Daniel and Taylah get their awards everyone grinned while Danika internally grinned 'well deserved'.
"To finish our night. I ask carter, Shannon and Danika to come to the stage" all three confidently walked up on stage. Carter handed the usb to the DJ and waited. 'no introduction? I'm curious to see what's going to happen' Danika and Shannon put a table and chairs on the stage. While Danika sat down and kicked back, the guys internally grinned when the quiet one by the who started playing the men kept their eyes on all three. Carter strolled over and sat down. Shannon following suit, Danika crossed her arms. Carter immediately moved and sat on the table getting right in danikas face. "He better not fucking kiss her" "shut up and pay attention". Many laughing as carter kept annoying the hell out of Danika, vandal grinned 'this is how they met' shannon pulled carter off of the table and grabbed danikas hand. Danika immediately stood up and stepped back. Both guys pretending to plead for her to go to the formal, Danika put her left foot on her right knee and her hands under her chin making many laugh. 'this is hilarious' Danika pretended to sigh and walked around both guys. Shannon grabbed her hand and spun her around like the others did in the formal. While Carter stomped his foot making everyone laugh. Carter put his finger to his cheek pretending to be thinking. The music changing to wild one from Suzie Quatro, carter timed it perfect and ripped Danika to his front. Danika held in her laughter as carter started moving and making her do the same. 'what the hell is happening here. When I said put on a performance, I never expected this. They are dancing to rock and roll while Shannon is just staring at them' 'nearly time' shannon grabbing danikas hand, Carter held her other. Danika looking between the both, many weren't sure what to expect. Danika removed her hands and put them to her head while turning her head in a circle telling people these guys drive her crazy. Many breaking out in laughter, Danika stepped forward and turned to face both guys. Putting her hands on her hips, Danika looked between both and raised her hand. The music changing to slow like they had in the formal, Danika danced with both before the music changed and she flipped back. Both guys bouncing with her, vandal chuckled "that's their way of saying a formal is boring and the way they like to party is harder" many getting up dancing, the principal grinned 'i knew they would pull something off but that was brilliant'. "This is not how I expected this formal to end" "it's a high note. Everyone is happy and messing around on the dancefloor" "not joining them Rylan?" "No" 'boring as fuck'.

The event ending, Danika playfully bowed to the guys as they did her making many laugh. "SEE YA ON MONDAY WHISPERER" Danika waved and walked off. "danika, we can drive you" Danika looked at her father "she can drive" Gunther threw his keys to Danika and Danika got in.
Arriving back at the house, everyone walked inside. "DANI. THAT WAS SO COOL" Danika put her hands out and April jumped into her arms. Gunther grinned "she really looks up to you" "you did well in there. We understood all of it and you are right. Nights like this aren't you" "it was a formal" "yours was cool" Danika grinned from under her hood at April. Her hood being ripped back, April yelled out "DO NOT TOUCH HER" April put danikas hood back on "your daughter will end up like her" "strong, a stand out, a leader, caring.." "caring? She only cared about herself..." "Just because she didn't want to dress up, does not mean she doesn't care. It's just not her" "it's an important event" "I liked your play" Danika hugged April telling april that she cares. Danika put her on the ground and knelt down then poked April's heart and temple. "What the hell. You could just speak" "I will believe in me like you do" Danika nodded. "I don't want to be a princess. I want to be me" Gunther grinned "she's brainwashed her" "my daughter respects danika. I like that" Danika stood back up and wiped her bottom lip. April jumped up and down and ran into the kitchen with Danika in tow. "we need to have that chat with her" "what fucking chat?" Xavion sighed "it's inevitable that she will need to change" many of the men grinned while others showed anger "this is my daughter" "and here comes the angry Danika again" "we won't allow that" "touch Danika and I will hang you by your balls" "Gunther.." 'fuck'.

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