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'danika.. where is she?' Otto rushed back downstairs not finding Danika in her room. "Danikas missing" everyone looked at Otto "she hasn't come down" "well she's not up there. I just went to see her" Craine sighed "let's go outside" "she can't be training yet" "it's danika. We all know what she wants. She's going to push for it" 'its only been a month' Otto walked outside followed by the others. Finding Danika on the ninja course, Otto walked closer with Alexander and Craine. 'shes pushing through. Not as fast as she was but shes pushing. I know she wants this' "HARDER DANIKA" "Otto" "shh.." "she was injured.." "she needs to know we support her" "that's not.. ugh. You always have a strange way of training with her" "but he's right, we need to support her. If she wasn't ready, she wouldn't attempt it. Good to see carter and Shannon out there too" "they show potential" "very much so". With her Bluetooth in her ear, danika answered the call. "Hi?" "Hey Danika. How are you sweetheart?" "Well thanks. Training myself up with carter and Shannon. It's been four weeks. Have you been okay?" "We moved back to Springvale" "I'm shocked" "only April and I" Danika stopped "sorry?" "He didn't want to come. April is very angry" "APRIL PICK IT UP" "SHUT UP" Otto jogged danikas way "sorry. Only way to tell them. Why didn't he go?" "He said xavion needs him. It's hard you know. I thought he loved us two" "it's a mans world" Teresa dropped her head "I know. He calls but I don't think I want that anymore" "then it's you that needs to make that decision. I know it's hard.." 'shes on the phone. It must be Teresa. She wouldn't stop for anyone else' "but you have you two to think of. Does he know your address?" "No but I worry every day that he will try to take April. I have been working at the school.." "living in fear will only stop you from living a happy life. I've heard laucala is nice" Teresa's eyes softened "it's a place for families ya know. The perfect holiday destination and surprisingly not that expensive to live. April would enjoy the sand" Teresa looked at April as she was hitting her toys. "April. I'm on the phone to Danika.." "DANI. SHES OKAY" April rushed Teresa's way. "I will put it on loud Danika" "that's fine". Teresa put the phone on loud so Danika could speak with both. "Shadow" Otto's eyes softened "mommy is very worried about you. I know you are angry sweetheart" "he doesn't love us" Danika dropped her head "maybe. Maybe not but mommy loves you dearly and wants you to be happy. I want you to tell me how you are feeling" Otto put his hand on danikas lower back and moved her from the course. "I'm angry. I'm hurt. I'm sad. I'm worried. What if he takes me away from mommy. What if they hurt me like they did you. I want to see you" "Danika mentioned a place that maybe we can move to so we are safe" "REALLY?" "I did. Your mommy knows of the place" "mommy what's it like?" "Surrounded by beaches. It's.." "BEACHES. OH LOTS OF SEA CREATURES" Teresa grinned "you would need to make new friends" "but we would be safe mommy. Dani, can you come?" "I can, to visit" "YAY" Danika slightly turned her eyes "you have eyes on you Teresa..." "WHAT?" "I have kept a visual. To be there if I need to. A deep blue SUV. It's there" Teresa looked through her curtains. "They change over. When I said put the cameras in, it was for a reason. He does know where you are. The location on your phone" "shit.." "oh mommy that's a bad word" "sorry hunny. Then how?" "That's easy. I can get you out and on a private plane. If you take the public, they can trace you by ticket" "but your money?" "Opa would want it to help you and April" 'shes going to pull off a move' "we can help" Danika looked at Otto as she continued to speak. "I will research a place for you. I can get you out through April's school. They sit at the front. We can go from the back" "I'm packing as we speak. The essentials?" "That's right. It will all be set. This is what you want?" "More than. A month and he doesn't.. tiger.." "he can go on the plane" "are you sure?" "Positive. I will contact you soon Teresa" "you are a god send. Thank you" "bye" "bye".
Danika walked inside with Otto by her side. "A private plan and an escape plan?" "Yes. Gunther chose hart over his family" "WHAT?" Danika nodded as she jogged up to her room. "I need a plane.." "Ernst" "with a Cat?" "It's fine" "house that's furnished. And check out the rear of the school. It's all they have got. I can meet them at their destination. Teresa is done with everything and on edge. She needs to get out and fast" "then find it. I will go speak with Ernst" Danika nodded.
While Danika researched, Otto rushed back downstairs. "Ernst. Is your plane free this week?" "Yes. The situation?" "Teresa and April need to get out. They have a tail. Danika is researching a destination as we speak. There is a cat.." "in a cage" "I doubt they would allow it to run around. Danika is going to get them out at the back of the school. It's the only break they have got. The men stay out the front" "it's Danika I need to speak with. I'm more than happy to have them shipped out. Why not public" "tracking by passport" "right. Makes a lot of sense".
'found one' Danika immediately grabbed her phone and dialled the number. "Hello?" "Hi ma'am, my name is Dani. My mother and sister want to move to your location. Is the residence still available?" "It is. Are you local?" "No. It's a fly in. They also have a cat. It's says animals are permitted" "if it's trained" "it is" "that's fine. When would your mother and sister like to move in?" "You are happy to lease it?" "Of course" "can I call you back in twenty minutes. I need to have a discussion with mom. She is overly busy" "that's fine. Thank you Dani" "thank you. Bye" "bye".
"Danika" Danika looked at Ernst. "Otto came to speak with you. The Destination is Fiji. Laucala" "accessible. A nice destination. What lead to this?" "Teresa is overly worried. Men are tracking her.." "show me" Danika opened her footage and showed Ernst. "They need to get out now" "tomorrow is our best shot. Meet them at the back of April's school as they always sit out the front. From there to the airport and fly out" "accommodation?" "Set. I need to call Teresa. She was packing but I'm hoping she has enough time" "then call her. The at needs to be caged. I don't want cat shit in my plane" Danika nodded 'i meant it as a joke but her mind is on helping Teresa and April'.
"Danika?" "Is tomorrow.." "yes please. Now I know.." "I understand. Tiger needs to be in a cage" "we have one. Completely understandable" "nine fifteen at the back of the school" "our belongings?" "Far car park. They can't face that. I have looked at the car park" "I will. Thank you Danika. It means more than you know" "I will be seeing you at nine fifteen. Be safe and keep April close" "always in sight" "Im thrilled to hear that. Happy packing" "out location?" "I will write it for you" "thank you. Bye" "bye".
'she is calling another person' "Dan, how did you go?" "Two days. My mothers name is Teresa and my sister is April. Their cat is tiger. Can you please send me the details. Rent, location, time. All those sorts of things?" "On this number?" "Yes please" "thank you. I hope you have a good day" "you too Dani, bye" "bye". Danika sat back while Ernst tried to study her without success. "Thank you Ernst. It secures Teresa's and April's safety" "you have a lot more going on in that mind of yours than their safety" "why would he... Nevermind" "speak" "I already know the answer" "the question?" "Why would he leave his wife and daughter behind for a life of crime" "your answer?" "To bring me down with my father" "they want you to take over" "I'm not doing that" "we know that".

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