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"let's calm this down. We haven't seen you in four years. A lot has changed with you. I understand those men cut you but those tattoos?" "Laser didn't get rid of them so I did" her phone ringing, Danika answered via Bluetooth "hey" "Dani, guess what?" "Tell me gorgeous.." "IS THAT.." "SHUT UP. sorry.." "you are around those men?" "Came out for dinner. Dani just returned from her trip" "was it fun?" "It sure was. That was my last trip. I need to meet with my instructor tomorrow to receive my cap" "WHOA. SERIOUSLY?" Danika nodded at Otto "that's awesome. Can we be there?" Danika nodded again. "So tell me the news" "I GOT CAPTAIN" Danika grinned "I knew you could do it. Many look up to you. Your dad is here" "oh" "maybe you would like to speak with him without others interrupting" "umm.. I don't know what to say to him" "completely understandable.." "you have fucking.." "swear again" Rylan swallowed hard as Gunther warned him "it won't happen" "just a moment gorgeous. We will move away" "there is no need for that" Gunther stood up like danika and walked to the far side of the hotel. "I will be here, okay?" "Mommy, dad is with Dani" Teresa nodded "it's okay. They can't find us unless we want them too". Danika pulled her phone out and disconnected the Bluetooth "dad can hear you" "April.. I have missed you so much. You and your mom. Dani showed me photos, you are really big now" "I just got the school captain award. I like it here. So many friends. How have you been?" "Lonely. I know I chose to help your uncle look for Danika but I should've went with you. Men were protecting both of you" "they were stalking us" Gunther nodded "only to secure your safety" "we were.." "Dani" Danika looked at Jonas "Jonas, I am here speaking with my daughter. I don't need you interfering" Jonas walked away while Danika rolled her eyes "it's just us two again April".
"Danika, April would like you to be here for when she receives her award" Danika grinned "you know I won't miss it. Plus I like that beach" "ooo we had a beach party" Teresa Chuckled "it was massive and a lot of fun" "I'm thrilled to hear you have been having fun. I miss both of you" "but you didn't want to be with us" Gunther lowered his head "DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO FUCKING.." "I WARNED YOU NOT TO SWEAR. MY DAUGHTER CAN SAY WHAT SHE LIKES. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR OWN LIFE" "that's enough. You don't know when to shut up" "I thought.." "if he continues to push Danika, he will end up dead" xavion nodded "he needs a filter".
"I know its been four years but I don't want a divorce. I want my girls" "I can't be doing that life. We like it here. We have been very happy. April starts junior next year, I have been given a promotion to assistant principal. Our life is here" "DANI. TIGER HAS BABIES WITH MARNIE" Danika chuckled "and she has convinced me to keep one" "not yet mom. He's too young" "three more weeks but we see them everyday. Cheeky boy" Danika grinned "which one?" "Ooo he's so cute. Mainly white with orange markings on him. He's so fluffy. We had to put shell back" "he belongs in the sea. I know you want to rescue every animal but sometimes you need to set them free" "not tiger. I'm holding on to him as long as I can. I know he will die one day but he will always be here" "that's very sweet" "will you come to my ceremony?" "When is it?" "Next week" "I will be there. Want bells with that?" April laughed which was music to gunthers ears "no bells" "okay. Just bikinis then?" "We need to go to the beach. It's beautiful and lots of fun. Can we play volleyball?" "We sure can" "YES" Teresa, Danika and Gunther laughed.
"He's happy hearing from them" "he would be around them all the time if they didn't take off" "they took off to secure their safety. April was stressed and anxious about it. She knows what happened to Danika. It put fear in her. They won't come back" "they should. They are family" "no. They are gunthers family and danikas. Not yours. She will never be part of your life" "she's a hart.." "so what?" "Let's not get into that. Gunther doesn't want that for April. He wants his family. His daughter and wife. I support that" "that's up to Teresa and April".
Walking back to the table, Gunther stuck with Danika. Being with her has made him feel closer to home. He knows his heart is with his girls and wants to be with them'.
"Are they well?" Gunther nodded "I'm going with Danika. They are who means the most to me..." "We can bring them home" "NO" xavion slightly turned his eyes "you won't even be near them. I want my family. I'm staying with them. I have lost four years and I'm not losing anymore. They are more than happy there. Teresa is an assistant principal. My daughter is school captain. I don't care if I'm cleaning bins. I'm leaving and staying with them" xavion nodded "I support you and your decision. When?" "All I know is next week" everyone looked at Danika as she stood at the bar. 'shit. I didn't even realise she had walked off'.
"Have you been well?" "I have. Training in both ways" "and now a captain?" "Not until tomorrow" Carlos grinned "it's the life you have always wanted. I'm thrilled for you. Is it as good as you had hoped?" "It is. Can i get another scotch please" "you can. I figure you won't drink what's on the table" "no I won't be. I will go grab it" "alright" Danika walked to the table and grabbed the jug of scotch then walked to the bar. "I guess she's going to sit at the bar" "she's going to tip that out" "it's a waste" "she hasn't had her eyes on it" 'no one has touched it but my daughter won't trust us around her drinks. I have missed her so much just like Gunther has missed Teresa and April. My house is so empty. Full of men but not Danika. Even when she spent everyday in her room, I still had the comfort knowing she was there. She's actually done her captaincy course. I know it's what she has wanted but I wanted her part of us. I can't go back in time and erase my mistakes but I want to be part of her life'.
Danika thanked Carlos and moved back to the table. Taking a seat next to carter again, Danika sipped her drink as many were talking. 'i just want to eat. It's been a massive day and tomorrow I have my ceremony for my captaincy. I have wanted this for years' 'fuck she smells so damn good. What is that perfume?'.
"You have been seeing April and Teresa?" Danika looked at her father "yes" "how often?" "Once every few months" "Danika" Danika looked at Marshall. Marshall threw his phone to her only for Rylan to grab it. "Hello?" "I suggest you hand the phone to Danika" "no one is there" Rylan slid the phone across the table "idiot" Marshall held in his laughter. "Here" "I want your assistance" "when?" "Two weeks" "free" "you haven't asked for what" "same as last time" "yes" "okay" "bye" "bye" Danika ended the call and threw it to Marshall "what are you into?. Are you causing trouble?" Danika sat back as Carlos lowered her meal "thank you" "you are welcome" Danika started eating, while Rylan waited for an answer "I asked you a question" "I'm not answering it. I'm eating" carter laughed "typical of you to put food before anything else" "not anything else a.o. something's" "a.o?" "That's what she calls me. Isn't that right u.a.s" the men laughed while others sat back unsure what to do. "We have wanted you part of hart and now you are involved in shady shit" "is she?" "That person wouldn't speak to me" "you aren't who that person wanted to speak to" "she makes a good point. I don't want to speak to some either" Danika nodded then went straight back to eating. "could've waited" "no" Shannon laughed "but that looks so damn good" Danika hit carters hand to the table "okay, I will wait" "yep" everyone laughed.

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