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Exiting the school building, Danika stopped as she spotted her father with mossy, oaks, Ewin and Mathew. "Danika. What's this i hear you have spoken?" "Did you?" Danika shrugged "well speak to me. Fuck those hoes here" "Rylan stated you spoke with this kid" "kid?" Carter chuckled "she hasn't said a word but doesn't need to. I know she hates the bitches in this school" "you are a liar" "do you hate them?" Danika nodded as Rylan sighed "perfect date for that guy who says he's family and you say he's not" xavion swallowed hard as Rylan turned his eyes 'fuck' "if I don't see you tomorrow I'm suspecting you have been hurt" "I would not hurt my daughter" carter looked at all of the men then walked off. 'he looks out for danika' "it shows he looks out for her.." "did my daughter speak or not?" Rylan sighed "I haven't heard but he stated about her being controlled" "an assumption. We don't run off assumptions. Danika. Let's go get your belongings" Rylan grinned while Mathew paid attention to danikas movements. "Let's go Danika. I know you need to get your photos and no doubt more hoods" "you stated she isn't wearing them anymore.." "I want her home" Danika walked down the street as xavion sighed 'okay she's walking' Danika entered the hardware store making the men curious. Going straight to the locks section, Danika looked at the locks. 'im changing that fucking lock and adding two more. Top and bottom. They want me in that fucking house, I'm making sure no asshole can enter' "Danika, you don't need to do this. We won't enter" Danika grabbed three locks upsetting xavion. "Your father just wants you home. He knows not to try to get you out of those hoods. The formal though.." Danika walked off. "She won't go" "you said she is going with Rylan" "try to force her and she will retaliate" "it's important.." "not your daughter" Danika paid for the locks and walked out. 'hes about to get a massive fucking shock' Danika walked to her opas place and opened the gates. "my fathers home" the men looked around as Danika locked the gates again. "Danika. This is your opas home.." Danika grabbed her keys out and opened the front door. "and that's why I could never find out about his home. He left it to Danika" "we can't get in" "no. It's all coded" "if she doesn't come out?" "I don't know".
'nothing is here anyway. I put it in a safety box. I don't trust those men at all' Danika grabbed two hoods and walked back out. Setting the security on both the house and gates, Danika walked off. "Danika, we can take you home" "she won't get in a car with all of us" "we haven't been fucking drinking" "DO YOU HAVE TO DEFY HIM ALL OF THE TIME?" Danika stopped "GET HIM OUT OF HERE. NOW" "move Rylan. That elbow to the fucking throat will be the least of your worries" Rylan sighed "you have no idea about her life and struggles. Go".
Standing out the front of her father's, Danika stared at it. 'its really not a home. It may be for all of those who live off of my father but it's not my home' "Danika?" 'i know she doesn't want to be here with everyone. What has she got?. Fucking hell. Three locks. Two are dead bolts. More hoods too. He won't win this' Danika entered the house and walked straight upstairs. Entering her room, Danika shut her door and placed the locks down.
"Well shes home now" "yeah but not happy. Especially with Rylan" "what the hell did he do?" "Spinning bullshit then proceeded to ask her if she has to defy xavion all of the time" Jason held in his laughter "that wouldn't have sat well" hearing a drill, xavions eyes widened "what the fuck is that?" "Danika bought deadlocks for her bedroom door" "fucking hell. The trust is just disappearing more" "we got her back. It's a start" "this carter kid?" "He stands up for her" "I did see that myself" "throws some attitude though" "so does she. They both hate the girls in that year too" "there's another there" "who?" "Shannon" "I haven't seen him" "according to Rylan he sits at their table" "I believe rylan is trying to get to know Danika but she's not allowing him too" Jason chuckled "something funny" "if I know one thing, she's not interested in marriage" "she's young. She better not be" "he means she has no interest in dating at all. If she doesn't let someone get close, she won't lose anyone else that was close to her" xavion sighed "well she seems close with those guys" "I don't think so. I think they just want her to have someone beside her. They can see she deals with those bitches shit and they speak up" "he could be right. Even that assistant principal tried to have a go at Danika and he went at her instead" "okay that's a good thing I guess. I'd rather he speak up then her fight. We know she will" "without missing a beat" "she isn't going to come back down, is she?" "She needs to eat" "she won't eat here unless she makes it" "then let's hope she does. The only way we can get in that room is to completely break the door and that won't sit well. I have her home. She may not associate but she's here" "and her birthday?" "I don't know. I don't know anything at the moment" "I suggest the hotel" "it's not safe there" "no other place will allow her to wear her hood" "he's right" xavion nodded.

Waking up, Danika got out of bed and had a long hot shower. 'back to school.. fucking hell. They want to start formal practise. I'm not doing that shit' finishing her shower, Danika got out, dry and dressed for school then grabbed her keys, phone, cards and bag. 'time to go' exited her room, Danika made sure to lock it and walked downstairs. Leaving the house without saying a word, Danika knew others were following but didnt care. Arriving at school, Danika shook her head as Shannon approached "what was that huh? Want me to tell those girls you want to be friends?" Danika looked at Shannon "whoa.." Danika shook her head no "yeah let's leave that. Why the hell do you hide yourself away?" "She likes to" Shannon looked at Rylan "she can answer" "she doesn't talk. You know that" Shannon smirked as Danika rolled her eyes. "Ready?" Danika shook her head no "nor I but guess what, we have to" Danika groaned and walked ahead as Shannon laughed 'what was that?' "YO WHISPERER. HOLD THE HELL UP" carter jumped the fence and jogged up to Danika, Shannon and Rylan. "Good to see ya in school uniform" "she's not" "she's back in the pants. Terrible fucking uniform. How was your night Shan?" "Ehh" "same. They have that fucking formal shit today" "I'm not going. Danika?" Danika shook her head no "her dad wants her too" "it's her decision" entering the school building, Danika stopped as an announcement sounded. "ALL YEAR TWELVES TO THE GYMNASIUM" Danika rolled her eyes and walked to the gymnasium. Taking a seat on the stand, carter joined her as her father, Ewin and Mathew entered. 'what the hell is happening?' "Good morning, year twelves. As you all know, your formal is fast approaching. For those who aren't attending please take a seat. You will be continuing your schooling. The rest of you, we will be practising" Shannon walked over to sit with carter and Danika. A few others joining them, Danika grabbed out her books and a pen. "Nerd" Danika shrugged. Rylan looked around then at xavion. 'i can't force her. She hasn't hesitated to do her school work. Those guys are with her but not talking. One on either side' 'now I have to find a fucking partner. Dad expects me to do this'.
While others practised, Danika sat silent and continued her work. Xavion walked her way and looked over her school work. 'neat hand writing. At least I know she is doing her work' "it's a shame your daughter isn't taking part, mister Hart. A change from those hoods" "what my daughter does, is none of your concern" "I thought that maybe you would want your daughter to participate. It's every girls dream" Carter chuckled "do you look cute in a pretty white dress in your dreams?" "She doesn't speak mister Stanhope" "really? Wow. Thank you for being so knowledgeable" Shannon laughed as he continued his work "she doesn't need to speak to tell us she dislikes many in this school" "your attitude.." "is it lunch time yet?" "Ten minutes" "I was.." "sweet. I'm hungry. The field Danika?" Danika shrugged "yes. Okay cool" Shannon laughed.

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