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"DANIKA. YOUR UNCLE IS HERE. OPEN THE DOOR" "MOVE BACK" mossy moved back "Danika. We have training. You are with me. Let's go" Danika opened her door and walked out. Locking it again, Danika then walked with Gunther. "The two she trusts the most?" Xavion looked around. Vandal and Jason stood up "you two?" "She hasn't gone at us" "she fucking threw you.." "she threw me because I was told to hold her" "WHAT?" "They have wanted her hoods gone" "is it your body?" "No.." "Gunther she hides herself away" "good. She's stunning. Her mother was the same. Let's go" "she doesn't work in a team. It could put all of us at risk" Gunther ignored Beck and walked out with Danika, Jason and Vandal. "Get in" Danika stopped. 'she doesn't like men driving' Gunther threw Danika his keys "she doesn't have a licence" "yes she does" "WHAT?" Gunther looked at xavion "how did you not know. I took her to get it, remember?" Xavion turned his eyes "drive, Danika" Danika got in and started the car. 'i forgot. She chooses to walk everywhere' Danika drove out to the warehouse as the men followed. 'she won't fucking do anything with a fucking team. He can try all he likes'.
Arriving at the warehouse, Danika, Gunther, vandal and Jason got out "good to see you can drive" "of course she can just hates men driving after what happened to her brother. Her own father's men. Although Damon chose to get in, xavion should've put a fucking stop to it" entering the warehouse, Danika ignored the men present. "Gunther" Gunther looked at all of the men as Simon had his eyes on Danika "remove your eyes from my niece" "I'm not admiring her. Last time she was here it didnt end well" "why?" "She didn't work in a team, refused to stop when told to do so" "why was she told to stop. What did she do wrong?" "she left her team mates open and herself" "let's go Danika" all four walked out the back. "Same course. It needs to be changed up. You trust these two?" Danika shrugged "would you help them if they were in trouble?" "She did" "when?" "Xavions house was a target. We were injured" "she rendered assistance?" "To us two" "right. You three. I want to see you get through the course" Danika walked ahead while Jason and Vandal stuck with her. 'shes a leader. Not a fucking follower. If they are weak, she leaves them behind. If they are weak, they can't protect her. It's that fucking simple. "TOGETHER. SHOW ME" xavion walked out with the other men. "This is a waste of fucking time.." "control your man" xavion glared at Simon. Gunther stuck with all three as they made their way up the course. 'they can stick with her. They have helped each other' all three hitting the last wall, Danika stopped and watched both men. 'what the fuck is she doing?' seeing Jason struggling due to his leg, Danika ran at full pace and scaled the wall pushing Jason up and over as Gunther grinned "what.." "so now she fucking helps" "CONTROL HIS FUCKING TONGUE BEFORE I CUT IT OUT" "ENOUGH" Gunther nodded in danikas direction as vandal and Jason Grinned. 'hes proud of her' all three moved to stand in front of Gunther. "You respect them. You chose to help. You are a born leader Danika. But you can't have men who lack in experience. If they are weak and can't stick with you until the end, they can't protect you" vandal and Jason grinned as they stood on either side of Danika. "Here. We work as a team. If one lacks, the other person helps" "if one lacks. HE NEEDS TO UP HIS FUCKING TRAINING" xavion sighed. "The problem here is she won't respect all. Who did you have her with?" Xavion turned his eyes. "Me" "me too. Look we know what happened.." "we all do" "that's fault of my brother.." "I DIDNT TELL HIM TO GET IN IT" "DO YOU SEE ALL THESE MEN AS YOUR FAMILY?" "Yes" "WOULD YOU ALLOW DANIKA TO DRINK DRIVE?" "no" "THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ALLOW THOSE MEN TO DRIVE. THEY DESERVED TO DIE. YOU SHOULD'VE STOPPED THEM AND YOU SHOULD'VE STOPPED MY NEPHEW" "I know that. I regret it everyday" "Danika and Damon stuck together. They were always with Chantelle. caring for her and helping her. They had a strong bond whereas you weren't around much. You cannot fucking blame her for showing hatred. it's the entire ordeal. Her mother and her brother with this life. So you don't like her in hoods covering herself all of the time and you don't like that she doesn't speak. She could be out there drunk, on drugs and having sex with random men" xavion nodded "don't force her to be someone she's not. Don't force her to work with people who she doesn't match with.." "she is only doing it because you are here" "is that right?" "Yes" Danika rolled her eyes. "Choose two others. She's got enough to go again" xavion looked at the men. 'rylan and oaks' "Rylan and oaks" Rylan grinned "easy" Jason held in his laughter. "You don't keep up, don't expect the help. Understand" "here.." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "yes" Danika rolled her eyes and walked to the course. By the time Danika had started, both men looked around "See.." "KEEP UP WITH HER. YOU DON'T HAVE A CHANCE TO FUCKING STAND AROUND IF YOU ARE UNDER FIRE" 'he makes a good point' both guys took off running while Danika made her way through the course. "They are dead already while she is ahead of her enemies" xavion nodded "CUT IT" "DANIKA NO MORE FIRE".
Danika stopped surprising many "cut it doesn't work. Her mind runs differently" vandal grinned "knew it" "we all Fucking.." Gunther pinned Simon to the wall. "I don't give a fuck whose ass you are up, I will kill you" "there is no need for that" Danika casually walked her uncle's way. When he threw a knife at her, Danika caught it and threw it straight back. Gunther grinned as he caught the knife. "Good. Always keep your guard up. She will perform If you pair her with who is suited. Any others?" Danika looked at her uncle with a blank face. Rylan trying to rip her hood back, Danika threw him at the warehouse doors. "DANIKA" "HE TOUCHED HER" Rylan lifted himself off of the ground as Danika pointed at Mathew and hartwin. "Go" all three jogged to the course and moved through it together. Xavions eyes widened. "I don't understand. She won't perform like this with others.." "because they don't match her. You bought her up to protect and kill. She isn't going to protect those who have crossed her and she will kill those who have. Away from this She still has a heart. I understand she's your daughter but you need to loosen the reins too" "I have already lost Chantelle and Damon.." "so you expect her to sit in her room and not have a life away from this?" "I just want her safe" "okay but can she protect herself. She's young and experienced hardly anything. That's not a life" xavion turned to look at Danika as she led with Mathew and hartwin. 'she looks great out there'.

"Danika. You and I" Danika stood still "no weapons. Throw them down" Danika dropped her knives and her guns as Gunther did. "Gunther, you could.." "this is between Danika and I.." "I STILL DONT WANT HER DISABLED" 'he doesn't have faith' Gunther and Danika going at each other without missing a beat, vandal, Mathew, hartwin, xavion and Jason watched closely. 'they fight well. There are no boundaries. He's pushing her and she is doing the same with him. She's been trained to kill but she's not using that' "GUNTHER" Gunther and Danika immediately pulled back. "Danika" Teresa rushed danikas way and embraced her. 'she doesn't hug back' Teresa pulled away and April jumped in danikas arms. "She has been speaking about you all day" Danika nodded "Danika doesn't speak mommy" "why not?" "She hasn't spoken a word since Damon passed away" "that's really hard on you darling. Is her training done?" "Yes" "come on. Let's go have a coffee and cake" Danika nodded. "Where?" "Not with all of your men. I want to have coffee and cake with Danika and you if you decide to join. We have finally moved back home and it's time I get to know the woman she is" xavion nodded "she's.." "what?" Simon stopped talking

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