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"I was told you were here. I haven't seen you. Why?" "Others like to interfere in my personal life" "she is part of our family. We care.." "her family died. This young girl?" "My cousin, April. She's seven" "leading to Gunther and teresa" "yes sir" Ernst looked at Teresa "I can see the resemblance. Ernst. Alexanders father" "a good man you have raised. It's good to meet you" "you know my son?" "He rendered assistance to April when she was touched" "TOUCHED?" "it wasn't meant to hurt April" "SO WHAT WAS IT MEANT TO DO? THE RESULTS?" "dad. He was charged for assault on a minor. He left some nasty bruises on April. Which no doubt are still visible" "yes I have bruises. Dani, can I move?" Danika immediately moved "I apologise sweety. I won't allow others to hurt you" April stood up. "Hi Ernst, I'm April. Danikas cousin" April put her hand out while Ernst internally grinned and shook her hand "a very big girl you are" "would you like to see them?" "I would. Teresa?" "It's fine as long as she is happy to do so" April removed her top leaving her singlet on. "Not small bruises either. You must've been very sore" "her sleep has been interrupted these past two nights" Danika immediately knelt down. "Do you have a hot water bottle?" "She does. A good idea, Danika" "sleep with it up on your chest and shoulders but make sure its not choking you" "I will" Danika hugged April while Ernst looked at Alexander. Alexander showed a slight nod in Ernst direction. "Miss April and danika. Your starters" "we have only just ordered.." "then that is your own problem. Please eat you two. Thank you Carlos" "anything for the women" Danika waited for April to sit down then joined her. "These look yummy. Thank you" "good manners. You are very welcome. You too Danika" Danika raised her thumb. Carter and Shannon laughed "you two" "I'm carter. Her best annoying friend" "Shannon, the not annoying one" Ernst looked at Alex "the two that have been training with you men?" "WHAT?" "that's correct. They show potential. Loyal, honest, have goals and surprisingly are fit" "HEY" Alexander, Craine, walter, Paul, hurns, Otto, Brion, fritz and johann laughed "what was your raised voice for?" "They are just average people" "like your son" "my son has trained for years" "these two may not have but they are already brilliant. To have them with us is a pleasure. Just like you eagle" Danika nodded "with you? She is a hart. She is to take over" "if she chooses to" "it's her path" "you don't know how her mind works" "she needs to come to terms with her future. We are trying to help her" Danika sat back as she finished her starter meal. "Help her do what exactly?" "Find the person she should be?" "By hurting my daughter, throwing knives at her and laying your hands on her. If she chooses to become your boss, she will kill you and have all right to do it" the men filled with worry "you are correct Teresa" "it's really not sounding bad anymore" "NO" the men know why Danika spoke up and that's to put fear in her father's men. "Eagle. You fly like one and are very protected. The decision is yours and we will back you every step of the way" xavions eyes watered. 'everything we have built, she could ruin within a second. I have so badly wanted her part of us like everyone else but what Teresa said is correct'.

'where the fuck am I?' Danika pressed her bracelet over and over again as she had a cover over her head. "Shit. Boss we didn't remove her bracelet.." "it means shes awake" Danika dropped her knife and cut the rope letting her wrists free. "Drinking really is a bad idea" xavion removed her face cover with a grin. "It's good to have.." Within a second Danika moved and slammed the chair over his head and put a knife to his throat. "STAND DOWN DANIKA. WE WILL SHOOT YOU" 'fuck you' throwing her knife at Simons throat Danika then grabbed the second while dropping the chair. "SIMON" xavions eyes watered "DANIKA STOP WE JUST WANT YOU PART OF US. OKAY SO WE GRABBED YOU.." Danika flipped over the floor and stopped near the doors. Holding her knife up Danika sent a warning to all of the men that if they near her, they are dead. bleeding on the floor, danikas adrenaline kept her moving. Little did Danika realise, she's bleeding very heavily. Her heart beating fast and blood pumping, bleeding was the last thing on danikas mind. Rylan walked forward only for Nolan to grab him and pull him back. 'this is far from good' removing her hood, xavion stepped back as Rylan grinned "she's coming around" "when she removes her hood it's never good unless it's for one she sees as her superior" "like us.." "no... Like us" xavion and his men moved back "eagle.. WHO TOUCHED OUR EAGLE" All of the men moved back while vandals heart ached "they did it to try disable her. They cut her arms and legs. She doesn't deserve this. Rylan tried to have his way with her too but I intervened" "help him, kill them and help her" "SHE WILL LIVE. ITS A SMALL BLOOD LOSS TO SLOW HER DOWN.." Walter shot Nolan in the head without a care "DAD. NO. YOU FUCKING MONGRELS" "GET OVER IT RIGHT?" rylans eyes watered "DANIKA HAS TO GET OVER HER MOTHERS MURDER AND HER BROTHER'S DEATH RIGHT?" Rylan lowered his head while letting his tears fall. "You did a good service vandal" Otto helped vandal out of the warehouse while Alexander looked at danika. "They have scarred you for their own greed. A woman of beauty. They are trying to tear you down" Danika looked at her arms and legs. Her hood and sweatpants soaked with blood, Danika looked at Alexander. "Let's get you safe and helped Danika" Danika dropped her head as well as her knife while xavion kept his head down 'my daughter gave up. She dropped her weapon' "DANIKA. YOU ARE FAMILY" "can I.." Danika showed a slight nod "I DO LOVE YOU. IM SORRY.." Alexander picked Danika up and carried her past the men "Danika.." xavion let his tears fall "that's my daughter.." "destroy them.." "NO. I DIDN'T WANT THIS".
Alexander lowered Danika into the back of Otto's car. "Get her to the hospital Otto. Don't let anyone get close. I will be right behind" Otto nodded. 'she doesn't deserve this. Her shit will be gone from xavions too' "Danika?" "What?" "We are taking you to the hospital. They have cut into your beautiful skin. This bleeding needs to be controlled. Any prints found on you will be taken" Danika kept her head down. 'they cut my arms and legs. They have scarred me for life. I want them all dead. All of those involved. I want Rylan dead too. I will kill him myself if they don't'.
Arriving at the hospital, Danika went to move only to find she couldn't. "It's okay. We won't allow anyone to touch you. Doctors are an exception" Otto picked Danika up and carried her inside. "Sir.. EMERGENCY" Alexander rushed in with carter and Shannon knowing they care for her. 'this blood trail. NO' "straight in here sir. What happened?" "She was cut on her legs and arms. This is a private matter. No one else is to enter" "yes sir".
"Ma'am we can put.." "NO" "that's fine. I just don't want to cause you more pain" carter and Shannon slightly lowered their heads not wanting to see what xavions men had done'.

"Grab her belongings" "what fucking belongings?" The men looked around "clothes, laptop and phone. She must keep everything else somewhere else" "or she has nothing" "just grab it" while hurns, Walter and Paul grabbed danikas belongings, Craine, Brion, fritz and johann stayed at the warehouse watching every man closely. "You made a massive mistake touching our eagle. She's going to fly with out all of you. It's her decision to retaliate and I really hope she does" the rolled door opening, no one moved. "Men.." merimba looked at Craine "what is happening here?" "THEY KILLED.." "THEY CUT DANIKA AND TIED HER. THAT MONGREL TRIED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER. THIS WONT HAPPEN AGAIN. IF SHE FIRES, WE BACK HER. IF PRINTS ARE FOUND ON HER, CHARGES WILL BE LAID.." "their biggest worry is Danika retaliating" merimbas chest raised "is Danika okay?" "No".

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