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"she's back" Danika stopped "oh come on. I don't want to deal with them on my own. Oh you must scare a lot of people" Danika started to walk again "carter, trust me. She stays alone for a reason. No one wants to be near her. She's crazy. Are you crazy?" Danika rolled her eyes and shook her head no. "Nah that's not you. I'd say you don't want to put up with their bullshit. Did they piss you off?" Danika shook her head no. "They are annoying though" Danika nodded.
'hes doing all he can to speak with her. She's not speaking but she is nodding and shaking her head' "CARTER.. OH" "oh?" Van held in his laughter "she's insane. She broke my wrist" "you tried to attack her and then cry wolf?" Coralie walked away as a few laughed "that's what they do" carter nodded. "Yeah I'm aware. Had that shit at my old school" "Shannon" "carter. Where the hell did she go?" Shannon chuckled "you are talking about the girl who is never in uniform?" "Yeah. Her name is Danika" "never knew. She walked into the main building" "do you believe the bullshit they have spun?" "Nuh. I figured she just wants to be alone" "my exact thought. Many are scared of her" "scared of the unknown. I don't believe she has ever done anything to anyone". While the guys spoke, Danika entered her classroom and sat down in her usual seat ignoring everyone that's already present. 'ugh it's only Tuesday and I already don't want to be here. That bitch better be careful I could make her disappear. I'm not afraid of her or her crownies'. 'oh here we go' carter and rylan sat down followed by Shannon. "What the hell?" "She doesn't even speak" "and you speak way too much" "a lot more entertaining than that" "what's that?" "That" Coralie pointed at Danika "The table?" Shannon chuckled "her" "oh you mean Danika. The girl who doesn't get in my face and try make me be her friend?. Yeah she's good huh. I dealt with things like you at my last school. One ended with her head in the toilet for speaking so much shit" Coralie walked away as the guys laughed "yeah good".
'now im sitting with three guys?. Jesus. I know one works for my dad' "so.. you weren't here yesterday. Why not?" Danika shrugged "busy?" Danika nodded "hmm.. boyfriend?" Rylans eyes widened. Danika shook her head no. "Okay so no.." "no one would date that" "maybe if you kept your whore mouth shut, someone would date that" the guys laughed while coralie huffed "spa day?" Danika shook her head no. "can you at least write shit?" Danika grabbed a note pad out and wrote the word shit on paper then put it in front of carter making him laugh "oh how cute. Love notes" "your love note wouldn't be. Oh baby yes please.." carter rolled his eyes as many in the class laughed "SHUT UP" many continuing to laugh, Coralie grabbed her ruler and threw it at Danika. Danika Catching it mid air without looking, coralies eyes widened. Snapping the ruler Danika threw it back hitting her in the side of the head "nice fucking shot" 'fuck. She wasn't even looking' "what's happening in here?" "Coralie threw her ruler at Danika, Danika snapped it and threw it back. Now coralies crying" "SHUT UP. I RULE THIS SCHOOL.." many breaking out in laughter, coralie lowered her head "is that right Coralie. You rule this school?. Let's see what your principal has to say and what your parents have to say to you missing practice for the next two weeks for raising your voice and throwing that ruler at Danika. It's unacceptable." coralies eyes watered 'i hate that guy. He's ruining everything. He's making me look like a fool. He's hot but an asshole too'. Danika grabbed her book out with her own and placed them on the table. All three guys at the table following suit, misses cubitt internally grinned. 'i can't fault her on her work'.

'nerd' Danika held in her laughter as she read what carter wrote. The bell reverberating around the school, all four packed up their things and stood up. "Come to the field" "yeah alright" 'she wont' carter stood in front of Danika "you like grass right?" Danika shrugged "you want to join us right?" Danika sighed "I will take that as a yes" 'what the fuck?' "she didn't say yes" "come on" Danika rolled her eyes and walked with the guys. 'boss will be expecting her at the field'.

Arriving at home, Danika stopped as xavion spoke "where were you today?" Danika stayed silent as the front door opened "boss.. oh" Danika rolled her eyes and walked upstairs. "I WASNT FINISHED.." "boss, she was at the field. The new guy asked her to join" "so he's showing interest In my daughter?" "He doesn't even know her. Hasn't seen her.." "I haven't even seen her" "she doesn't need distractions" "boss, you have wanted her to speak.." "If this guy is showing interest, it could distract her" Danika walked back out of the house making xavion sigh. 'she heard every word. Of course she did. I know she's excelling but she's only young. She doesnt need guys around her. Why not females?'.
'where the hell did she go?' mossy and oaks looked around 'fuck. Boss will lose his mind'.
Danika entered the hotel and walked straight to the wooden bar. "A drink and a meal?" Danika nodded "very early. The kitchen doesn't open for another hour. A drink?" Danika nodded "what would you like?" 'fuck she won't answer' Danika looked around and pointed to the vodka then the lemonade "something different. Alright. Ten" Danika paid for her drink and waited. "Who are you?" "Carly, she doesn't speak" "oh. Right. Well as you heard, I'm Carly. I have seen you in here a few times. Live locally I'm guessing?" Danika shook her head no "oh. Why would you come to a place like this if you don't live local?" Danika swung her finger around "the atmosphere?" Danika nodded "it's terrible. A lot happens in this place" Danika shrugged making Carly Chuckle and Carlos grin. 'this is her type of place. It may not be much but she likes it. I have never heard her speak. Those men that come in know who she is. Maybe guards' "here ma'am" Danika nodded and grabbed it. Moving to the far corner, Danika sat down and so did Carly. "So. Not a talker. Alright. Like music?" Danika nodded "pop" Danika shook her head no "rock" Danika shrugged "I will take that as a sometimes. Heavy?" Danika nodded "good choice. I will be back" Danikas eyes widened. 'okay then. What is with people wanting to be in my company?. Do I have this sign saying I don't want to speak but I want company?' Danika shook her head and had a sip of her vodka. 'yeah this is good'. While Danika sat back, at home, mossy walked back in. "Where is my daughter?" "We don't know" vandal rolled his eyes "I will go get her" "we lost her as soon as we walked out" "the hotel" Jason nodded "let's go" "they can.." "boss.." "I said they can" worry ran through mossy and oaks. "Yes boss".
"Boss, she could fire" "she needs to get used to them around" "and if they don't return?" "Let's go".

Sitting back with her second vodka and Carly, Danika rolled her eyes as men joined the table. "Whoa. Back the fuck off. We aren't interested" Danika held in her laughter. Spotting mossy, Danika moved back "yeah I got ya quiet one. What the fuck is this?" "She knows who we are" "DANIKA" Danika sculled her vodka "that's your name huh?" Danika nodded "nice name".
"What the hell is this. I stated.." "xavion. It's water" 'thats not water' "move" Danika stayed seated. "Grab her.." as soon as mossy laid his hand on Danika, she lifted her feet and kicked the table into him before slamming her chair to his head. "DANIKA STOP" "fuck.." "Danika. Your dad wants you home" "on house arrest?" Danika nodded "that's fucked up. Leave home" Danika nodded worrying xavion. Danika walked off and tapped the bar. Grabbing the note pad, Danika then grabbed the pen. 'im sorry' Danika put four hundred up and walked out as Carlos shook his head 'she didn't have to pay' "fuck mossy.." "follow her" vandal rushed out and up to Danika. 'oh yeah, she's fuming'.

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