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'i don't want to do this' Danika got dressed in her sweatpants and hood before putting her trainers on. 'time to go I suppose. This is not a life for any person of my age' Danika walked out while xavion waited at the bottom of the stairs. 'shes coming' "good morning Danika. Let's go to the warehouse. You have a few hours of training ahead of you" Danika waited for xavion to move then walked out with him. "I know this is how Damon died but we aren't going to allow it to happen to you too. We have lost your mom and brother. We have upped the security" 'it was his own fucking men that killed my brother. It had nothing to fucking do with others or weapons. I don't need a fucking weapon. I can kill within a second. I have been trained to do so. Two of those men still work for my father and I want them dead. I want to slice them from their Achilles tendon up to their throats. I want to hear them scream out in pain, watch them suffer..' 'my daughters hands are clenched. I know what goes through her mind. It's the same every time she comes to the warehouse. The men who were in the car with her brother are there. I know she wants them dead. They weren't driving but to her that doesn't matter. All of the men were drinking that night and he got in the car with them. She refuses to go with anyone. Even when I couldn't be there, she walked eight miles home. They tried to convince her but she wouldn't budge. They know not to touch her. If they do, she wont hesitate to kill and if she doesn't kill, I will'. "It will all be okay Danika. They want to look out for you" Danika rolled her eyes as she exited the car. 'i don't want this fucking life. I know I can't say no though' entering the warehouse with her father, Danika kept her eyes away from everyone. "All of you know how today works. Vandal, mossy and oaks you can train with Danika" 'fuck. This is not good' "boss.." "I have made my decision" 'shes a fucking powerhouse. And he wants me to train with her' "Vandal. One on one. Do not allow them to do it" vandal nodded 'hes not wanting to lose his workers and she won't hesitate. The men know that. She doesn't need to speak to show how much she wants them dead. My worry is when she does that course. She's not going to help them and boss is going to lose his mind'. Exiting through the back doors, Danika looked at the course. 'it never fucking changes' "you will assist your team" Danika turned her head "Danika they.." Danika walked off making xavion swallow with difficulty. 'shes not going to help them and if she needs help, she won't allow them to help' "boss, I respect you but this would have to be the worst decision you have made. You know she won't work as a team. She's either going to push them to breaking point or herself" "they don't want to hurt her" "no. But she wants them dead" xavion slightly lowered his head "let's see how it goes". Without a care, Danika started running and climbed the first wall with ease. 'fuck. She has already started..' xavion inhaled a deep breath. 'same shit each week. Course, combat, weapons. If he thinks I'm helping them he can go to hell' army crawling under the net, Danika rolled her eyes as it fell. Cutting the rope, Danika climbed out and kept moving. Running through tyres and over the thin ropes, Danika lifted her self up and spun around kicking the bags out of the way and slid underneath to the pit. 'shes ripping through the course. It's good she can do this but those guys are far behind. That last wall she needs them. The dangers while waiting, could have her killed and this is why the men need to stick with her'. "Cut it. She has left her team behind" "she won't help them" "that's not the point" looking at the last wall, Danika heard Simon call a stop but Danika only rolled her eyes. Running at full pace, Danika scaled the wall with ease and flipped over the other side. "I CALLED STOP" Danika looked in Simon's direction and Simon immediately stopped talking. "YOU LEFT YOUR TEAM MATES BEHIND" Danika looked at her nails. Van and Jason held in their laughter "IT COULD HAVE YOU KILLED AND THEM. YOU WILL DO IT AGAIN. WITH THEM" Danika stormed Simons way. "Boss.." "DANIKA STOP" "DANIKA". Xavion knew if he didn't step in she would go straight for Simon and grabbed Danika by her throat before he slammed her to the ground only for Danika to trip him up making him land on his bottom "DANIKA. BOSS" 'FUCK' Danika flipped up to her feet and walked off. "Danika. Listen.." xavion sighed "cut her for the day" Simon nodded "I will take you home".
'i will fucking walk' Danika walked straight out while van turned his eyes "he knew it was a bad idea and still did it" "yeah. She scaled that wall without an issue. That's fifteen feet high. He even slammed her to the ground by her throat" "he's only pushing her deeper. She's already in a dark place" xavion inhaled a deep breath 'i can hear them. I know they care about her' "she's fast but holds so much anger. I don't think she will ever lose it" "I don't think so either. It would be nice but she's lost a lot and I believe doesn't want this life. There are only a few girls here. But they don't live up to her" "you aren't wrong".
Jogging all of the way home, Danika entered the house and slammed the door. 'shit. She's here. Boss didn't warn us that she would be home early. Something must've happened' Danika entered the kitchen and made herself two salad wraps then walked up to her room. Entering her room, Danika slammed her door and locked it. "do you think boss knows?" "He'd know. She was there. Something happened" "Jesus. They know they can't do anything. Shes not afraid of dying" xavion entered the house, Krul and Andre looked his way 'oh he's concerned' "boss. Danika has made herself food and gone to her room" "well.. thats a start" "need assistance?" "No. I stated I would bring her home. She made it her choice to walk back. If she goes out, I'd like to know" "of course".
'i am going out. I'm going to get more music. Block these people out. I don't know what's worse. School or being here. I wasn't helping those men. If they can't do the course without help, that's not my fucking problem. I won't be saving their asses. Did he really think I would play fucking happy families with them. That's not going to happen. Especially not those two' Danika exited her room and walked downstairs. 'shes going somewhere. She knew the boss just left. She's not stupid' Danika walked straight out of the house and both men stood up. "Time to go" "I will call the boss" Andre nodded.
Danika walked down into the main strip and into her favourite music store. 'hmm new music is out' Danika picked up a few albums and read over the artists. 'yep. Yep. Yep. Eww no' Danika put the last album down and looked around. 'hmm that guy is on again. I want these. I'm going to load them on my computer and put them on my mp four' taking the three albums to the counter, Danika lowered them and grabbed out her card. "on the shelves today. We have a new lot coming out next week" Danika nodded as the door opened. "Danika.." xavion stopped talking as the guy looked his way "your dad?" Danika nodded "right. These are yours. No doubt I will see you next week" Danika nodded and grabbed the bag. Showing a nod to say thank you, the guy grinned as Danika walked off. 'doesn't speak to them either. It's a worry. What has she got?' Danika grabbed out one of the albums as she continued to walk. 'heavy, thrash and a mix. Sweet' 'music. She has an interest. I never hear it'

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