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Seeing Clemett enter, Danika eyed him off as he shot her way. "DANIKA" "CLEMETT STOP" Danika flipped around and slid across the floor while grabbing her guns out. Shooting in clemetts direction, clement smirked "you missed" Danika stood behind Clemett with her guns pointed to his head "not this time" clemetts eyes widened 'how the fuck did she get behind him' Clemett dropped his gun "I'm not stupid. You carry four. You came in here shooting at me and expect me not to retaliate" "I was hoping you would. ITS BEEN FUCKING YEARS" Clemett tried to grab Danika only for her to trip him up. Flipping out of his fall, Danika kept her eyes on him. "YEARS. NO FUCKING CONTACT. YOU DIDNT DO THE FUCKING JOB" "ENOUGH. THAT WAS MY FAULT" "SHE SAID SHE'D DO IT" "I CUT THE PROTECTION" Clemett nodded and moved back "you can grab your shit" Clemett kept his eyes on Danika. "why stop?" "I never stopped fighting" "you cut contact" "yeah" "WHY?" "DONT COME IN HERE.." "I ASKED WHY" "I WANT TO LIVE MY FUCKING LIFE" "oh shit.. you weren't kidding" Clemett tackled Danika. Allowing him to have control, Danika rolled her eyes as he hit her in the mouth. "CLEMETT STOP IT. THIS IS ENOUGH" "YOU NEED TO GET HER OUT OF THERE" 'shes allowing him to do it' "you need to pull him back. She's allowing him to do it" Clemett overhearing Alexander he pulled back only for Danika to slam her foot to his mouth then lay a punch to his head knocking him out cold. "now I'm really hungry" "fucking hell.." "she can kill within a second. She let him do it" "but why?" "To release his anger".
"Jesus Danika" "ehh. That food ready yet?" "No" "ugh" Carlos chuckled "how about one of these" "YES" Carlos laughed as Danika grabbed the scotch.
"Fuck.." Clemett shook his head "you messed with the wrong woman" "yeah.." Clemett got up off of the ground and looked around. "Got your anger out now?" "Yep. I need a drink" the men grinned while worry ran through the girls. "is she okay?" "She's just fine". Clemett walked out and sat beside Danika "you allowed it" "you are as weak as piss" Clemett chuckled "yeah I know. That's why I use guns and hire people. You good?" "Yep. Got this" Danika held up her glass. "Can smell my food cooking too. They haven't even ordered" "FOOD" "and the realisation sunk in" Clemett chuckled. 'are they seriously laughing right now?'.
Sitting at the bar with her hood on, Georgia's eyes widened as a chick she doesn't know tapped danikas shoulder. "Still silent" Danika grinned as she turned. "Yes" "who is this?" "Who the hell are you?. One of those damn men controlling her" "you haven't lost your memory. Drinking?" "I am. Long time" "it has been. Your call" "six shots of scotch thanks" Carly put the cash up as Carlos grinned "I remember you. Chose to get in danikas face and join her for drinks" "I like her already" "single but not interested unless it wets my throat and tastes like scotch or vodka" "he's taken" "staking the Claim right there. Don't worry sweetheart, he's not my type" "I didn't mean it like that".
Vandal eyed Carly off. "Oh shit you are the chick that was with Danika at the back table" "that's right" "vandal" "one of the men who took her home" "under order. I never touched her" "I know. She'd kick your ass like she did that other guy" "I don't cross lines. He was my boss" "that would be me" Carly looked at xavion "yeah, you" "I have made some mistakes" Carly only nodded 'short as Danika' Danika and Carly walked off with the tray of shots and sat down. "Where ya been?" "Working. You?" "Same. Doing what?" "Captain on a cruise liner" "talk about living the life. Manager at armarcs" "still a good position. Been here much?" "Nuh. Had a fucking shit day and wanted a drink on the way. Cocksucking housemate pisses me off. Work together and live together" "sort it" "it's his house" "rent your own" "I like to live. I can't be doing that shit" "then buy. Got debt?" "No" "then fucking buy. Why the fuck are you sitting around waiting?" "I don't know where to go" "tomorrow" "what?" "TO..MOR..ROW" Carly sighed "I don't know how to do this. I don't have the backing" "welcome to club" Danika and Carly shot back their shots. "Whoa calm down there" "who the fuck are you?" "Shannon" "don't know you" Danika chuckled "best mates with carter" "so you are the quiet one?" "Ugh. Yeah I guess. Compared to him anyway" danika grabbed her phone out and researched homes. 'this one is going cheap. Not far from her work. Annually forty five thousand' "income" "that's a bit.." "eighty one" Danika nodded "this house. Three bed annually forty five. You are looking at fifty max without bills" "what?" Danika handed her phone to carly. "Right near your work. Less On fuel, more sleep. What is banked?" "Enough for this" "go tomorrow" carly hugged Danika as Danika never moved "tomorrow. You have pull" "no. I make it like you can" "right. I'm heading down there" "do that. Food and sleep first. I want to hear about it" "put your number in" Carly put her number in danikas phone. "A blessing and I don't use that lightly" Shannon grinned until Samara spoke up. "What the hell is this?" "What's it fucking looking like?" Danika looked at Samara. "He's not chatting anyone up and noone is chatting him up" "I don't know who the hell this is" "then back the fuck off" "excuse me?" Danika looked at Samara. Without saying a word, she made samara back up. "Fine. I will trust your word" "as you should. Why be with him if you don't trust him" "I trust him, not you" Carly stood up and Samara backed off knowing Danika will back Carly "it takes two to fucking tango" "fuck me. This is why I don't date" Shannon chuckled as Carly spoke "me too. Far out" Samaras chest raised as she inhaled a long deep breath 'its best I walk away'.
Samara walked out and looked at Georgia. "That girl is a fucking bitch" "you better not be speaking.." "Carly. I asked them what was happening and she full fronted me" "WHAT?" Carter stormed out only for Danika to stand up. "YOU BETTER BACK THE FUCK UP" "THIS BITCH FULL FRONTED SAMARA. YOU MAY NOT HAVE BEEN AROUND BUT THEY ARE DATING" "LETS GO CARTER" fear ran through carter. "SHE WANTS TO FUCKING COME OUT HERE QUESTIONING SHANNONS MOVEMENTS DUE TO HER OWN FUCKING INSECURITIES AND NOW YOU WANT TO PLAY THE FUCKING BIG MAN. BACK IT" "SHE SHOULDN'T.." "EXACTLY. SAMARA SHOULD ACCUSE. SAMARA SHOULDN'T THROW HER BULLSHIT. THIS IS WHY I DONT DEAL WITH FUCKING STUPID, PATHETIC RELATIONSHIPS LIKE YOU HAVE PUT YOURSELF IN. COME ON" Danika got right in carters face as many were filled with worry. "SHE BETTER MAN THE FUCK UP. CAUSING PATHETIC SCHOOL GIRL CRAP. GET OUT HERE SAMARA" "NO" Alexander pushed Danika back "you would kill her" "then she best learn her place" 'fucking hell. She backs Carly' "I will speak to her" "she better learn or I will deal with her myself. CRYSTAL?" Alexander nodded while Samaras eyes watered. 'i crossed the line' "better go tell the princess" Alexander moved back as he nodded and walked out. Danika looked at carter "pathetic" Danika walked back to the table as carter lowered his head 'shit. Her insecurities led to this. It wasn't Carly'.
"Pull the fuck back before you deal with Danika. Danika isn't afraid to die. I will back her one hundred percent. Going out there accusing your partner of shit doesnt work" Samara nodded.

Seperating herself, danikas phone rang.
"Hey" "hey, you sound tense?" "Unwanted company and high school shit" "come home" "I don't even know where home is" "here. You are calm and relaxed. Honestly it's been two days and I can't think of anything else" "you.." "I know you have your guard up. I get it. I'm not out to hurt you but I don't need you killing anyone either.." Danika looked at the fight between Carly and Samara. "Hold that" Danika stormed Samaras way as she dropped a punch to Carly. "DANIKA. STOP.." Danika picked Samara up with ease and threw her to the ground. "YOU BETTER LEARN YOUR FUCKING PLACE SLUT" "DANIKA". Danika looked at Craine with a fire in her eyes "GET SAMARA OUT OF HERE NOW. SHE CROSSED THE FUCKING LINE" "Carly?" "I will meet with you tomorrow" "yep. Nine a.m".

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