Chapter 1: Let's break up.

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"We've been doing this many times. Why don't you end your relationship with Becky?" the woman demanded, her voice were seductive and breathless. She was half-naked, lying at the top of a man. Doing their thing.

"Don't mention her name while we're making out," the man said as he grabbed the woman's chest and moaned in pleasure. "Ahh shit..!!"

The woman felt dissatisfied because she did not get the response she wanted. "N-no way! She doesn't have....anything! Even our dog has a higher status in our family than she does. What makes her so special?"

The man remained silent. He tightened his grasp on the woman's waist and thrust harder, causing her to scream and moan his name.

"Aahhh...fuck!! Hmmm..ahhhh!!"

Becky Armstrong stood in front of the door, listening to everything that was going on. Her tired eyes became frosty as she realised what was happening inside her boyfriends room.

She had just gotten out from the hospital and decided to go to her boyfriend's condo to spend some time with him. But this is what she was hearing as she arrived.

Phon, who had raised Becky since she was a kid, was diagnosed three months ago with kidney failure, also called End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The woman required an immediate dialysis. That's why Becky had to go back and forth to the hospital. Becky also had to collect some cash to cover the medical charges.

To make matters worse, her younger half-sister began seeing her boyfriend. Becky's life seemed to be falling apart.

"Did you hear what I said? You must tell me your decision tonight. Either she or I will do." Nita Armstrong pounded on Nop Kanpiang's chest, desperate to hear his response.

Becky slammed the door open, glaring at the two. "I'll save you all that trouble. He is merely a man. If you want, you can have him all to yourself." She firmly said.

Despite her nonchalant smile, Becky's heart broke as she saw the man she loves cheat on her with her sister.

Nop was Becky's college classmate. He have the looks, he's also a man from a wealthy family. He'd been desperately chasing Becky for years.

He proclaimed his love to her once more just before their graduation. It happened on their college's playground. There were a lot of people nearby, and practically all of the students had seen the romantic scene. Becky eventually accepted to be his girlfriend as the crowd cheered.

She felt broken by the sting of betrayal. Becky clenched her hands tightly, her nails biting into her flesh as she stared at the two persons in front of her.

Nop immediately pushed Nita away, startled by the sudden appearance of Becky to his condo. He fixed his pants and quickly jumped out of bed. Nita was almost on the verge of falling.

Becky's statements infuriated Nita. She had worked hard to seduce a wealthy and handsome man like Nop.

Nita was enraged because Becky had won his heart without doing anything.

Becky was, after all, simply a nobody.

"What are you saying? You seems to have dumped Nop now. Huh! It was Nop who dumped you, bitch!" Nita yelled drawing the quilt closer to her body. Then she turned to Nop and questioned, "Nop, Didn't you tell me about this? Tell Becky now!"

Deep inside Nop, he knows he had slept with Nita purely out of impulse. He'd been lured by the woman, and he had lost control of himself.

He got down on his knees and grasped Becky's wrist. "Please forgive me, B." he plead, "I had no idea what I was thinking."

Becky looked at him with hatred, despite the tears in her eyes. Nobody could change her mind once she'd decided what she wanted.

She released her grip on Nop's hand. "You don't know?" She said through her gritted teeth. "I didn't born yesterday to be that stupid Nop. I heard everything! And yes!I'm not interested in anything polluted by Nita. You two are an ideal match. Let's not see each other again. Let's break up."

Nita was surprised. Nop was on the edge of breaking down, but Nita seeing Becky's face was devoid of sadness. Anger coursed through her veins as she failed to attain her goals.

Nita had been competing with her since they were kids, and she was enjoying snatching anything Becky owned. Becky's toys were frequently stolen by her. 

Now that they had grown up, she snatched her boyfriend as well. Becky had become accustomed to it.

She was mainly worried about her mother's medical bills at this moment.

Becky didn't waste her time to speak with them again. She walks her way out of Nop's condo leaving the two in despair.


to be continue.....

A/N: That's just a warm-up guys 😁 I only included this scene for the sake of your references to the first paragraph of the synopsis. That's all. Thankyouuuuu!! ❤️

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