Chapter 21💋: I want this. I want you.

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


Becky quietly slipped into the living room, she smiled as she saw Freen curled up on the couch, a blanket draped over her legs, engrossed in her book.

"I'm heading to work. Catch you later." Becky said softly as she kiss Freen's cheek.

Freen looked up, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Good morning, Bec. You're going early?"

"Yeah, I've got a lot of work today." Becky replied.

Freen nodded, closing her book and setting it aside. "Do you want some breakfast before you go?" she asked concern.

Becky shook her head, taking a sip of the coffee from Freen's cup. "No, thanks. I'll grab something on the way." She walked over to Freen, leaning down to path her shoulder gently. "Wish me luck?"

"Okay. Have fun at work. Good luck," Freen said chuckling.

With one last look at her wife, Becky straightened up, grabbing her bag. "Bye!"

"Take care....honey" Freen replied, watching as Becky headed to the door. 

As it closed behind her, Freen took a deep breath. She settled back into her spot, picking up her book again. Just as she began to immerse herself in the story, her phone buzzed on the coffee table.

Freen's expression shifted to one of mild annoyance as she saw the caller ID. She glanced at the door, ensuring Becky was gone, before answering.

"Yes," she greeted curtly, keeping her voice low.

"Ms Sarocha," Seng's voice was rough, tinged with a hint of nervousness. "I did what you asked. It's done. Can we call it even now?"

A flicker of satisfaction crossed Freen's face, but her tone remained steady. "Good. Any complications?"

"No, it went smoothly. Just like you said it would."

Freen leaned back, a cold edge creeping into her eyes. "You better hope so, Seng. You remember what's at stake if anything goes wrong."

Seng hesitated, and Freen could hear him swallow hard on the other end. "I remember. You don't need to remind me."

"Good," Freen replied, her voice icy. "Now, keep your head down."

"Understood," Seng said quickly.

But little did he know, after this day, he'll never see the morning sun again.

Freen ended the call, her expression hardening for a moment before she placed the phone back on the table. She took a deep breath, smoothing her features back into their usual calm.

She picked up her coffee, taking a long sip as she stared out the window, the early morning light casting a serene glow over the city. To anyone watching, she would seem like a woman simply enjoying a quiet morning at home. But beneath that calm exterior, Freen's mind was already several steps ahead, meticulously planning her next move.


The day was set high, but the room was dimly lit, the sun's lights casting a soft glow through the small glass window. The atmosphere was thick with tension. Freen sat confidently at the head of the large table, fingers steepled, a smirk playing on her lips. Nam sat beside her, silent and imposing. Across the table, Saint and Opp exchanged nervous glances.

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