Chapter 3: Don't you have manners?

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


[Freen's P.O.V]

"Chankimha, get up. It's time to go."

When I heard the policeman's voice calling me, I didn't instantly rise up from my resting position in this comfy prison bed.

"Hurry the fuck up Freen! I said move it!" However, upon hearing that his voice was starting to get annoyed, I lazyly stood up.

I heaved a sigh, "Argh.. Geez officer, what's with the rush?"

"Most people wanna get out of here faster. And you don't??" He asked amused.

I threw him an irritated glance. He opened the cell, so I got up and, as he watched me, set my watch and shirt, my face flashed a beaming grin.

"Don't drive recklessly again. Next time it won't be just three days." He said.

Yes, I've been imprison because I drive faster than his ass did. Tsk! That's my normal driving speed, so I just shrugged his words off.

"I can't make any promises, officer." I answered him and immediately took the admission paper that I had to sign. This isn't the first time. I just hope he kept properly all the papers I signed.

After signing, I immediately handed the paper to him and without a word I turned around to leave. He probably just shook his head at me.

After exiting the precinct building, I saw my trusted buddy, Nam, standing outside. I know she has been awaiting for my out here since this morning.

"Nam, everything going according to plan?" I asked before entering the car.

"Yes. You being in jail is the perfect alibi. Your father doesn't suspect a thing." She said.

Just so I don't forget, "What about the Armstrong family? Any issues there?" I inquired. I need to know if there are problems going on with that family.

"No. The Armstrong have agreed to marry their daughter to you."

"Huh, interesting," I said thinking. "They kept their end of the bargain." I added with a smirk.

[Third person P.O.V]

Becky and her friend Irin arrived to a small church in the suburbs, both dressed simply in white slip dresses.

Becky suggested for them to just rent a wedding gown because she did not want to pay more for it. If she buys, it will only add to her expenses.

In a flower shop, she purchased some white baby's breath and asked the vendor for an extra white silk ribbon so she could braid her hair. Becky appeared innocent and pure.

It was time for the wedding, but the woman she was meant to marry had not yet arrived. The wedding place was nearly empty; only a few guests had arrived.

"Don't worry, honey. She is probably stuck in traffic. Let's wait a little longer," Richard reassured Becky, causing her breathing to falter.

She had heard something about the woman she was going to marry. Her name was Freen Chankimha. The woman didn't have a good career and was an idler who spent most of her time hanging around with street punks.

Becky's stomach churned with fear just thinking about marrying someone like her, but she had no option.

"Why haven't Freen Chankimha and her family arrived yet?" Lauren frowned and looked around at the small crowd in the chapel. She was clothed in a lovely, silky purple outfit.

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