Chapter 5: I changed my mind

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


Becky looked shocked. "Are you judging me now? What else do you think I am?! That's a ridiculous question," she remarked, sounding a little offended.

Freen frowned - something seemed out of place for her. Someone like this woman infront of her seems like the one who wouldn't agree marrying a stranger. For whatever reason, she was made to think of a deep reason why Becky agreed to the Armstrong family and accepted to marry her.

If it was Nita who had Freen previously conducted an investigation for, resulted that says Nita was an arrogant, willful, vain, brainless woman who liked seducing wealthy men or even women for personal gain. She thinks of only one reason.... money.

But it's not..

The woman before her was surprisingly tolerant of her tiny lifestyle and financial situation. This makes Freen thinks deeply.

On the other side, Becky did her best to appear calm, but her uneasiness was obvious.

Freen thought the person she married and was currently looking at was lovely and gentle.

However, it was now irrelevant why she had married her. The only reason Freen chose to get married was because her mother had requested it on her deathbed.

It was a lighthearted request.

Freen took up the suit jacket to her shoulder and retreated, saying, "Forget about it. I've said everything I wanted to say. Do you want to add anything more?"

Becky felt relieved, "No."

Shaking her head, she cast a glance around. There was only one bedroom and a tiny sofa in the living room. 'Do I have to sleep on the same bed with her?' she thought.

Freen turned around and was about to go to the bathroom when she saw the concern in Becky's eyes. The house had been unoccupied for a long time---she only asked the servants to clean it every month.

Without much thought, Freen stripped her cuffs and said, "There's only one bed here. I'll sleep on the sofa tonight. You can sleep in the bedroom."

Even though Becky wanted Freen to sleep in the living room and was overjoyed that she volunteered before she asked, she pretended to be embarrassed, "Is that okay? It is our wedding night. Don't you think it is inappropriate for you to sleep on the sofa? Besides, you are big and tall. How can you sleep comfortably on the small sofa?"

"Yes, it is indeed uncomfortable. However, this place just has one bed. I may have to sleep here on the same bed as you if I want to sleep comfortably." Freen bent toward her, lowering her head. Her eyes darkened as their gazes locked. She whispered into her ear, "After taking a shower, I'll join you."

"You... You've misunderstood me. That's not what I meant!" Becky's eyes widened. A flush of red flared her cheeks as she braced herself. She tried to pull away, lowering her gaze. However, there was nowhere to run to. She was forced to retreat to the wooden table.

Seeing that she was about to hit the corner of the table, Freen reached out and held her tightly in her arms.

"What did you mean, then?" With a silly glint in her eyes, Freen cocked her head to the side and whispered.

Becky blinked at her, looking like a trapped animal.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She could feel Freen's warm breath blowing against her neck. The woman's body heat envelop her. She had the urge to run away.

"All I want is to sleep by myself. You also mentioned that we just needed to pretend to be a couple."

"Ohh, I changed my mind. Getting married feels like a wise decision. Ultimately, it appears that you wish to carry out the marriage." Freen withdrew her hand from Becky's waist and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Becky's ear.

"No, I'm not!" Becky hissed through her gritted teeth. She reddened, appearing like a kitten in a fit of rage.

"Well, it appears that way. You're asking me to share the bed with you," Freen remarked apathetically.

Becky shoved her aside, hurried into the bedroom, shut the door, and locked it.

Freen chuckled outside, seeing Becky's reaction.

Becky leaned against the door, gasping for air. Her heart was pounding more quickly than usual. It felt like she's experiencing a fever now.

As her heart began to calm down, she made up her mind that if Freen attempted to get close to her, she would strike her with the lamp on the bedside table.

After some time, Becky then sat cautiously on the bed, staring at the closed door.

Hours had already past, it was becoming late, and she was still awake. She couldn't fall asleep because of what happened.
But then Becky didn't realize she'd already fall into the dreamland....

These days, she seldom ever had good dreams. But in this dream, Phon received immediate medical treatment and made a full recovery. Together, they returned home, and everything appeared bright and positive.

However, her dream was cut short by the ringtone's loud noise. Becky sat up in bed, staring around in disbelief at her unfamiliar surroundings.

It was quite a while before she realized that she had been married. She was still unable to adjust to the changes.

As soon as she opened the bedroom door, her gaze fell on Freen curled up on the sofa with a cushion in her arms. Her huge frame couldn't fit into the tiny sofa. She had a gray blanket wrapped around her, and her legs were hanging out.

The sunlight cast a soft glow on her flawless features, making her look like a Greek Goddess.

Becky quickly shook her head realizing she's staring deeply at Freen's sleeping features.

She was glad to know that Freen didn't make a move on her last night.

So she relaxed her guard around her.


to be continue.....

Marrying a Bastard? [A FREENBECKY AU STORY] | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now