Chapter 24: Nothing can stop me

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


After Freen and Becky exited the theater they made their way to one of the restaurant inside the mall to have their lunch. Few hours after, they were ready to head home. Freen lead Becky to her car, parked in the mall's lot.

Freen navigated through the city traffic with ease. Still unknown to Becky, a car with Freen's men followed them at a discreet distance, making sure everything was safe.

As they passed through a quiet neighborhood, Becky suddenly perked up. "Hey, Babe! Look at that park. There's an ice cream vendor! Can we stop and grab some?"

Freen glanced over and smiled at Becky's excitement. "Sure, why not? Ice cream sounds good."

She pulled over, and they both got out. The park was lively with kids playing and people enjoying the sunny afternoon. The ice cream vendor, an older man with a friendly smile, stood by his cart, serving a line of eager customers.

Becky made a beeline for the cart, her eyes lighting up at the array of flavors. Freen followed, amused by Becky's enthusiasm.

"Can I have a scoop of strawberry and one of mint chocolate chip, please." Becky said, reaching into her bag for money.

Freen placed a gentle hand on her arm. "I've got this, Baby. My treat."

Becky hesitated, then smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Babe. I'll get us something next time."

Freen nodded and handed the vendor the money for both their ice creams.

As she did, the vendor gave them a curious look.

"You two seem very close," he said, smiling warmly. "Are you sisters or best friends?"

Freen smiled back, shaking her head. "Actually, we're wives."

The vendor's eyes widened with pleasant surprise. "Ah, that's wonderful! It's always nice to see such love and companionship. How long have you been together?"

Becky smiled as she answered. "We've been married just a few months ago."

The vendor nodded appreciatively. "That's fantastic. It's always heartwarming to meet a couple so in love. Enjoy your ice creams, ladies."

"Thank you," Freen replied, while she scanned the options and settled on vanilla.

As she received her ice cream, she noticed a couple of familiar faces in the crowd—her men, blending in but keeping a watchful eye.

Becky found a bench under a large oak tree and sat down, happily licking her ice cream. Freen joined her, savoring the simple pleasure of the moment.

"This is perfect," Becky said between licks. "A movie, a great lunch, and now ice cream in the park. I feel so relaxed."

Freen nodded, her eyes briefly scanning the park before settling back on Becky. "Movie huh?" She said grinning, "But yeah, it's the little things that make a day special."

Becky smiled, leaning in closer. "And it's even better when I get to share it with you."

Freen chuckled softly. "Agreed. It's been a perfect day."

They enjoyed their ice cream in comfortable silence, the sun casting a warm glow over the park. Freen's men remained nearby, ensuring the peaceful scene stayed that way.

"Ready to head home?" Freen asked as she finished her ice cream and stood up, stretching.

"Yeah," Becky replied, smiling. "Thanks for stopping. This was fun."

"Everything for you, my love."

They walked back to the car, the shadows growing longer as the day turned to dusk. Freen opened the door for Becky before sliding into the driver's seat herself. As they drove away, the ice cream vendor began packing up his cart, the park slowly emptying.

With the city lights starting to twinkle, Freen and Becky continued their drive home, the spontaneous stop adding a sweet touch to their day.


A woman stood in her elegantly furnished study, the dim light from a single desk lamp casting shadows on the walls. She paced back and forth, her stiletto heels clicking softly on the hardwood floor. The phone rang in her hand, and she quickly answered it, a cold smile playing on her lips.

"Is everything set for tomorrow?" She asked, her voice low and controlled.

"Yes, ma'am," came the reply from the other end. "Everything is in place. We've taken every precaution to ensure nothing goes wrong."

The woman's eyes narrowed as she listened, her mind racing with the possibilities. "And you're absolutely certain there are no loose ends? I cannot afford any mistakes. This plan must be flawless."

"We've double-checked everything. The guards have been bribed, the security systems are rigged, and our inside man is ready to act on your command," the voice assured her.

"Good," she said, her tone icy. "I want no surprises. Make sure everyone knows what's at stake if they fail me."

"Understood, ma'am. We'll proceed exactly as planned."

The woman ended the call and placed the phone on the desk, her fingers drumming against the polished wood. She looked out the window at the city skyline, a sense of power and anticipation coursing through her veins. Everything was falling into place. All she needed now was to wait for the right moment to execute her plan.

Turning her attention back to the room, she retrieved a small envelope from her desk drawer. Inside was the piece of evidence that would ruin Freen, a secret so dark it would shock everyone at the event.

She had meticulously planned the revelation to coincide with the height of the evening's festivities. But her plan didn't end there. She had gone one step further.

Picking up the phone again, she dialed a different number. "Is everything ready for the second part of the plan?" she asked, her voice dripping with malice.

"Yes, ma'am," replied the voice on the other end. "The man is in place and knows exactly what to do."

"Good," she said, a cruel smile spreading across her face. "We need to ensure she won't be in the picture anymore."

"Understood. It will be done," the voice confirmed.

She ended the call and placed the phone back on the desk, her heart pounding with excitement. Everything was set in motion, and there was no turning back now. The annual ball would be an unforgettable night, not just for Freen and Becky, but for everyone involved.

"Perfect," she murmured to herself, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Nothing can stop me now."


to be continue.....

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