Chapter 25: I have to find Becky

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


The night of the company's annual ball had come, and the luxurious hotel's grand hall was a dazzling display of wealth and sophistication. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, bathing the room in a warm, golden light. Tables covered in elegant linens were decorated with beautiful floral arrangements, while a gentle melody played in the background as guests mingled, their laughter and chatter filling the space.

Freen and Becky arrived together, hand in hand, drawing attention and curious glances from those around them. Everyone who doesn't know that Freen was already married was wondering who's the women with her and why she's attending this event.

Freen looked dashing in a classic black tailored suit, while Becky wore a stunning blush pink dress that complemented her eyes. They exchanged excited smiles before making their way deeper into the crowd, greeting Becky's colleagues and exchanging pleasantries.

"Everything looks amazing," Becky whispered to Freen, squeezing her hand.

"They did a great job organizing this." Freen replied, smiling warmly.

They moved further into the ballroom, where they were soon joined by other prominent guests. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement, as everyone knew this event was not only a celebration but also an opportunity for important business discussions and networking.

As Freen and Becky mingled, they encountered Faye along with Yoko.

As they moved through the room, Freen spotted a familiar face. "Isn't that Faye?" she whispered to Becky as if she didn't know who really Faye is, nodding towards a woman standing by one of the elegantly decorated tables.

Becky squinted slightly, then broke into a smile. "Yes, it is! Let's go say hi."

They approached Faye, who was deep in conversation with another woman. As they drew closer, Becky's eyes widened in surprise. The woman with Faye was Yoko, the friendly barista from the coffee shop few buildings away from the company.

"Hey, it's so good to see you," Faye said warmly, hugging them. "I'm so glad you could make it!" Faye grinned, secretly throwing Freen a knowing glance. She then turned to Yoko, who was standing close beside her. "This is my partner, Yoko."

Yoko smiled, extending her hand. "Nice to meet you both."

Becky shook Yoko's hand, still looking slightly stunned. "Yoko, I didn't expect to see you here. I always see you behind the counter at the coffee shop."

Yoko laughed softly, her eyes twinkling. "Yes, that's my day job. But I'm here with Faye tonight. We love coming to these events together."

"It really is a small world," Freen agreed, sharing a knowing glance with Faye. "We're glad to see you both here." she said as she turned to look at Becky.

Nearby, a woman in a dark corner of the hall, hiding her identity, watched everyone with a cold, calculating gaze. She sipped her champagne, her mind already racing with the plan she had set in motion. She knew that tonight would change everything.

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